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Posts posted by Q-baby!

  1. 45 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    This is the difference between liberals and the rest of the human race: they have no problem picking apart baby pieces for cash if it helps them make money and stay in power.


    It's just that simple. And we all know this is true by the way all of them are cheering on this NYS law. Literally cheering it. Literally lighting up a building to celebrate the murder of children.


    But hey...some conservatives get abortions, so the right should simply be quiet. <_<


  2. 6 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


    Prove me wrong. 


    Does Planned Parenthood receive US taxpayer money?


    Does that money not allow them to perform abortions?


    Do they not also charge to perform abortions?


    Do they not also fund Dem campaigns?


    Did Kamala Harris not collude with Planned Parenthood to raid the house of David Daleiden? Did that not lead to PP buying her election to the Senate?


    C'mon. Prove me wrong. Support your argument. If I'm really just on a crusade, even a freaking Canadian could prove me wrong.


    We'll wait.

    Links? Make sure you prove how the abortion money goes straight into dems campaigns and prove the undoubtedly part as well. 


    How many millions are we talking about? How about 2018 for example? Surely we must be talking NRA type money for you to be this outraged? 


    Oh yeah and ***** you from Canada. 



    48 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    @Gugnyclass will begin in a few hours. Read up so you can account for your belief this is a good thing and understand this is part of the American genocide of the lower class and minorities.


    Hey, less Mericans is a good thing! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    Yes. We all pay for them to provide the abortions. And then they charge on top of that. That money goes straight to the Dem politician campaigns. They all but paid for Kamala Harris to get elected. They own her after she raided the house pf the guy who had undercover video of their body selling scheme.

    Wow, that didn’t take long for you to go off on your evil dems crusade!! 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    Well, reread my post.  I added flavor.


    And you're an idiot to not understand that Trump can't open the government without a budget. Nothing has been given to him.  Can you sit down, shut up and stop blabbering.


    And obama did far worse with his health Care bull#### that doesn't even relate to this.  So, again, go away.

    Get back to work you mindless farmhand. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


    Here's the thing that's hanging you up: CNN was never 'liberal media.' CNN was always the more middle of the road news. It was always live when when sh!t hit the fan and you needed answers in real time, because they were airing 24/7 and you didn't want to wait for Dan Rather to get out of make up.


    That's not CNN now. Nor CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.


    Fox tilts heavily right from an opinion standpoint, but when it comes to reporting news, no one anywhere competes with Bret Baier. Not one person. While an opinion person, you could argue Greta Van Susteren was very, very even. You could even argue their other anchor, Shep Smith is more leftist when you start tabulating his little side comments he needs to drop in.


    In the end, none of it is watchable just for an hour of Bret, so anymore I just skim for headlines to keep abreast and use Twitter to mock liberals because the most vocal liberals here -- Tibs, baskin, McDumbass, peace out, exhiled,etc -- make the left look absolutely stupid as hell, much like The Dude makes the right look stupid as hell.


    Thanks for continuing to mention me....and I’m the dumb one! ?

  6. 11 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    It certainly goes towards the honesty of his account.




    BRUCE BAWER: The Disgraceful Covington Catholic Pile-On.


     “I spent much of my weekend following this story, because the savage assaults on the boys on Twitter and elsewhere struck me as supremely emblematic of the ugliness at the heart of our holier-than-thou, white-hating, male-hating, and Trump-hating establishment culture. Even if the boys had behaved in an unseemly manner, the spectacle of all these politicians, journalists, and celebrities piling on to them with such intense shows of moral indignation was far more unseemly.


    Especially reprehensible was the way in which so many of the boys’ critics reacted when the real truth came out. Many of them quietly removed their tweets. Others choked out extremely lame apologies.”


    Read the whole thing.


    ? Holy ***** shitballs that is funny coming from a Trumper!! 

  7. 5 hours ago, LABillzFan said:




    Seriously. How does a Canadian manage to screw up bacon?


    Oh, wait. Let me guess. Step one...hire a cross dresser as your PM. Step two...try to explain that the reason Canada sucks at hockey has nothing to do with the fact that even Canadians know they need to go to the US to have a chance at winning.


    Or something like that.



    You seem fixated on Canada. ***** off, we are full! Well, we don’t want Merican garbage. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

    So now you leftist nutbags are tracking down the colleges that these kids were going to attend, and yelling and yelling and yelling to get the colleges to get these kids kicked out of a college they haven't even started attending yet?


    You putrid fu**Cks. Every single one of you. I hope we track you down, tie your obnoxious ass up, and throw you over the border to Canada tl spend the rest of your lives. Maybe spending your life with other condescending, judgmental, moronic asswipes may wake you up, but I doubt it.





    We don’t want your trash! 

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