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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. That's all that is needed to describe you. Well, could add nutbar!
  2. What about from that brand new wall?
  3. Links? Make sure you prove how the abortion money goes straight into dems campaigns and prove the undoubtedly part as well. How many millions are we talking about? How about 2018 for example? Surely we must be talking NRA type money for you to be this outraged? Oh yeah and ***** you from Canada. Hey, less Mericans is a good thing!
  4. Wow, that didn’t take long for you to go off on your evil dems crusade!!
  5. Get your own stupid line. That belongs to Tammy. Moron!
  6. And yet all of those same crimes continued throughout the rest of Merica!
  7. Get back to work you mindless farmhand.
  8. People usually step to the side for ladies.
  9. What if it was a minor calling for gun control? It would be ok then right?
  10. Thanks for continuing to mention me....and I’m the dumb one! ?
  11. ? Holy ***** shitballs that is funny coming from a Trumper!!
  12. I would like to punch them both in the face.
  13. I hope d-bag gets in for another 4 years. By the end of it, you clowns will be killing each other at an unprecedented rate! Entertaining for sure!
  14. You seem fixated on Canada. ***** off, we are full! Well, we don’t want Merican garbage.
  15. What if he’s not! ???. You guys are nutbars! Of course, it’s all part of the plan! Whatever!
  16. We don’t want your trash!
  17. No thanks! I would bet KGB is available. I know eh! ***** losers!
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