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Swill Merchant

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Everything posted by Swill Merchant

  1. You seem like the kind of guy who doesn't make a prediction, then says "I told you so."
  2. That's a rather conclusory argument.
  3. What's the argument against the wall, again?
  4. It's very complicated, but at its most fundamental level, the problem with health care costs is the intermediary between buyer and seller. The immutable laws of supply and demand naturally reign in runaway costs in a free market. When the consumer does not have a personal stake in the price of services it negates those effects.
  5. Why do libs always use the gerrymandering excuse? Are Republicans the only ones able to do it, or are Democrats too devoted to the democratic process to do such a thing?
  6. I don't think you give a damn about criminal activity or corruption. You seem like a sad, nasty, mean-spirited, hateful little man who greatly overestimates his ability to assess the truth, and greatly underestimates his own bias. You seem highly motivated to hurt people you disagree with politically, and your bloodlust seems more truculent than reasoned as you are conspicuously selective in your application of your standards. There is a mountain of evidence of pernicious corruption, and in some cases incontrovertible proof of felonious conduct by prominent democrats, but you could not appear to care less about that. Yet you cling to tenuous evidence of any wrong-doing by the President and those close to him as though the survival of the republic hung in the balance. So much so that you appear to have him tried, convicted, and ready for the gallows despite a dearth of evidence to support your case. I challenge you to read the following and defend your position. Please explain how and why anyone should conclude that you're not advocating America's descent into a banana Republic for the sake of punishing those who oppose your chosen political party. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/12/mueller-probe-fisa-warrants-fbi-informants/
  7. America looking to Europe as a model to follow is like Amazon looking to Sears as a model to follow.
  8. If that's true there will be an avalanche of indictments coming down on Democrats.
  9. I'm so old I remember having Christmas parties at school.
  10. That may well play a role. More broadly, I think it comes down to exposure. It is very easy to live in a liberal bubble without being substantially exposed to conservative ideas, and/or being exposed primarily to liberal caricatures of them. It is very difficult to live in a conservative bubble because liberal viewpoints are disseminated so pervasively throughout media, academia, & pop culture. Even if you were to insulate yourself in an echo chamber you would still be exposed to liberal ideology growing up unless you're home-schooled with no TV, or Amish.
  11. This cuts to the heart of the matter. The article should be read in it's entirety, but the quoted portion explains a lot. https://quillette.com/2018/03/10/psychology-progressive-hostility/
  12. To those who aren't hardcore left wingers, the term "dog whistle" sounds a lot like that deranged fellow's Qchan talk does to you.
  13. The Democrat will win for one simple reason.
  14. You're awfully proud of yourself for what amounts to building a straw man and tearing it down. Your position relies on the false premise that christians tend to hold the position that the president must be the second coming of Jesus. Because the premise is false, everything that follows is self-indulgent rhetorical ma$turbation. Which can be fun, but it's not a game.
  15. Does anyone have any examples of christians trying to legislatively impose their will on others? And don't say abortion. Plenty of atheists are against killing babies too.
  16. Special Counsel Mueller is building a report, not a case. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/12/robert-mueller-plan-trump-russia-investigation-report-not-case/
  17. That's different. Kaepernick risked everything because he believed in something. Bush was just a rich white guy. Trying to compare the two is racist.
  18. I wasn't crazy about him when he was here. After the shine of those first few games with INTs wore off, he proved to be a liability. He constantly over-pursued the play, and was easily blocked. He was a key reason our run D sucked so hard.
  19. I thought it was more of an ascent game.
  20. I was picturing something more like this.
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