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Swill Merchant

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  1. That would be a mistake both politically and ethically.
  2. I do think NR has some very talented writers on its staff, I agree with your depiction of the publication as a whole.
  3. Are you suggesting that if we cannot make a dispositive determination that it iss not true then it must be true?
  4. Interesting that you take for granted that she's telling the truth.
  5. I believe the Democrat's victory lap will prove to be premature.
  6. In this case it appears there is less to it.
  7. The apology wrang hollow. Many seem to think their only sin was jumping the gun. They seem blind to the notion that their malicious attacks on teenagers who were already being systematically destroyed throughout msm for the alleged crime of non-violent harassment were not appropriate even if the story had been true.
  8. I'm pretty sure the story is BS. That was my gut feeling so I looked at her Twitter feed. She never names the gym, the pic looks suspect (she now claims she took it before the incident), and her feed is full of feminist posts. Sounds like a wannabe activist trying to get attention.
  9. My question exactly. Rather than speak in vague platitudes, I would appreciate Mr. Biden explaining specifically what I am responsible for and why. Otherwise I am forced to conclude that he is espousing empty rhetoric aimed at promoting racial division for nefarious purposes.
  10. Your inability to acknowledge your error is telling. When one has the courage to admit his mistakes he earns some level of respect, as he is communicating a willingness to apply self criticism and a commitment to the truth. He who is unwilling to do so, in the face of overwhelming evidence of his error, shows only that he lacks both character & credibility. That this involves the nationwide demonization & doxxing of an innocent teenager makes yours all the more contemptible.
  11. The left is immoral and inhumane. They have no regard for the truth and wilfully destroy the innocent to advance their propaganda. https://www.dailywire.com/news/42418/walsh-4-lessons-we-can-learn-despicable-smear-matt-walsh
  12. The "make-up" call in OT was a legitimate call. Plus, there is no make-up call when the right call would have ended the game.
  13. The officials quite literally stole the game from the Saints. There should be an asterisk next to this game in the record books.
  14. As someone who approached this game with indifference, I m now pullingly strongly for the Saints. The alternative is the losing team dvancing to the Superbowl due to an egregious missed call by the officiating crew.
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