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Everything posted by Nextmanup

  1. I'm guessing it's going to be a LOT more below capacity than I would have originally guessed. I thought maybe 3,000 empty seats due to weather/events. Now, it might be 10,000 or more.
  2. Any and all rough stuff, fighting, fisticuffs, and straight up brawling is not only preferred, it is encouraged! Just don't get anyone important thrown out of the game; that would be my sole directive to the team. Otherwise, do not take a back step and show these punks who's their boss.
  3. As I understand it the deal is $20 per hour, bring your own shovel, free food provided as well as a place to warm up with heat if/when you need it. No tickets.
  4. Abbott Rd. closing at 11:30am to traffic so that the stadium snow removal work can continue.... About half of all available lot parking is filled with snow, according to this WGRZ update from this morning. Still lots of snow to be removed as of this AM. Gonna be tough to get there and park!
  5. Tua didn't have a good game in KC, but he is WAY better than most fans at this board think he is. Is the good enough to take you all the way? That is debatable, but he could be a hell of a lot worse.
  6. It's funny. People talk about this as though major sports leagues around the world, in major countries, have not had legitimate fixing schemes. Hell, right here in the good old USA, in 1919, 8 out of the 9 White Sox starters threw the World Series for cash. This isn't some sort of conspiracy theory. Just a few years ago Serie A in Italy was shaken to its core with MAJOR gambling fixing of games, involving the referees. It's happened a bunch of times in soccer around the world. As gambling becomes a bigger and bigger part of pro sports (now it will get to the point where it's ALL about gambling), you can count on some type of fixing scheme coming our way. Imagine being the referee in an NFL playoff game. Think how much incredible power you have to sway a close game simply calling, or not calling, offensive holding penalties at the right time. You can totally modify the outcome of the game. Ditto for defensive pass interference. You don't need 85 people to be on board with the scheme; you need 1 or 2, if they are the right people.
  7. D-day wasn't really one of the most impactful events in history, although Americans have been led to believe that. The Wehrmacht was broken and dying by June of 1944, and the complete loss of Heeresgruppemitte during Operation Bragration, just a few days after the Normandy landings, in Belarus, was FAR more impactful. Anyway, "D-day" does not necessarily mean "allied invasion of France" or "huge important event" so much as a military designation for the date on which an event is scheduled to take place.
  8. It's kind of funny. It's like some fans think the NFL is doing things based on what makes sense, or what is kind, or reasonable, or fair. The answer to any question about why the NFL did something is always going to be the same from now until Doomsday.....MONEY. Money=ratings=viewership=etc. Why in the world do you think we still have 3 pre-season football games, more teams in the playoffs, and 17 games? That's right. Money.
  9. Just looking at the playoff schedule as we know it so far... Who out there really scares you this playoff year? This is the weakest (at least on paper) group of teams I can recall in many years playing in the playoffs. NO ONE "scares me" other than San Francisco. I want no part of that team, but we wouldn't have to deal with them until the big dance anyway. Everyone else in both conferences doesn't rise to close to their level. Lots of teams could beat us, sure, but they don't scare me and they are beatable opponents. The door is wide open!
  10. What don't you like about that? It's true. It's true of a lot of other NFL cities in America in January too, though.
  11. You could easily implement a system where you have the "oven" on the sideline keeping the balls warm. And a few kids operating the system. After EVERY play, the ball works its way off the field and into the rotation, going into the oven. And after EVERY play, a new, warm ball works its way onto the field to be spotted and used in the next play. This is not as complicated as it might sound. The NFL still does a LOT of stuff stupidly. They are stuck in the past with a lot of this type of thing. And as we all know, you gotta keep your balls warm, especially in cold weather.
  12. Having just made the rounds at Channels 2, 4, 7 (online), it sounds like the storm band formed further to the north than expected! It's going to slowly move south throughout the day. But right now, no reason not to be playing football in OP at 1pm today. People from the north would have trouble getting to the stadium, but it really wouldn't be bad in OP. Ironically, the delay will shift game time much more into the time zone when the storm hits SOUTH in OP. Sounds like the weather folks didn't nail this one.
  13. People really love to beat up on Miami around here. In the '70s, '80s', and '90s, I would have been all over that. I used to hate that team like you can't imagine. But that's all over now for me, for whatever reason, and this current team is fun to watch. Miami needs to continue to build; they aren't there yet; the D was terrible last year, though it improved as the season went along. They just don't have it all together yet, and Tua will always be limited in terms of top end talent.
  14. Listen to the man speak. He's an idiot. A real "football guy". His record speaks for itself; not sure how exactly he's accomplished it...but then again...it's really NOT that good if you study what he's done. Always pretty solid but nothing close to championship level is not really what I'm after; we already have that with McDimwit.
  15. I take pride in the fact that I haven't given the NFL a nickel of my money in probably 20 years.
  16. The expert ref said as much, or they should have called TO. They did neither! More crack officiating from the NFl. And this is a playoff game. These are supposed to be the good ones LOl
  17. There are a million guys just like him out there. The thing is, they usually don't coach football teams.
  18. He's terrible. Absolutely terrible. Adds zero to the telecast. 16-7 at half is an accomplishment from Miami. They are hanging around, at least for now.
  19. So hard to run wide on NFL D. Too much speed out there. I love it.
  20. It's a big improvement for Miami...get some momentum going. Keeps score to a FG...I'm kind of surprised they did it.
  21. Huge play from HILL THERE.
  22. Except when they do, like to the BENGALS
  23. I have a strong feeling this game will be over at the half, if not sooner. Miami needs to get a spark from something.
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