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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. Yes, muscular. It could be the way his shirt fits but he looks pretty big, at least bigger than I thought
  2. I mostly agree that it’s fine, as it’s a fairly rare play, but it’s far from great. I get both arguments
  3. If another offensive player recovers it, they bring it back to the spot of the fumble. It’s worth discussing a rule change, I’m sure it’s been considered
  4. Heard Dion sanders say that you can only wear outfits like that if you’re winning. I tend to prefer the mike Tyson towel with a hole cut in it approach
  5. It always seems like it’s style over substance for Cam.
  6. It’s interesting because he can say “well there isn’t a rule against it” as a defense, and that is true. The reason their aren’t rules for every specific situation is because most people function under the assumption that compeitors are going to act in a sportsman like manor. The bb’s of the world force the rules to be written because they MUST win, first and foremost and at any cost. This is not really what sports are meant to be, but at the professional level it could be argued that it is. It’s interesting to say the least.
  7. At the time I was okay with that, they had timeouts and their defense was playing great. With that field goal, even if the Browns scored a td, the Broncos were still in the game. I usually agree with your argument, but was okay with the field goal in this case.
  8. Did they say the Broncos haven’t had back to back losing seasons since the 70’s? Crazy if true
  9. This broadcast is amateur hour, the game is also heading that direction
  10. That fire alarm (not sure what it’s called) is obnoxious. Been running constantly the entire second half. I can’t imagine what it’s like at the stadium.
  11. I guess I’m missing the message-board-inside-joke with these comments. Seems like boomer humor, but hard to tell without knowing what the actual joke is.
  12. Oh, my bad. I read that it did and assumed it was true. Fair enough, we mostly agree. I’m sort of splitting hairs with my argument anyways. I just don’t see it being a big deal.
  13. This is the sort of reaction I’m seeing in this thread that I don’t agree with. The penalty fit the “crime”. I don’t see how this action was beyond the pale and deserves special attention. Was it uneccesary? Sure was it vicious? Not in the context of football. I have no idea what this means.
  14. Lol, “smoked” ?. I’d argue that, using simple physics, a person moving in one direction getting hit on the side is likely to fall over. That doesn’t mean the hit was especially vicious, or that the guy was “smoked”
  15. I get why people think this is “dirty”, I just don’t have a huge problem with it. If he gave him a concussion by hitting him in the ear hole with his helmet I’d say dirty. This seems more like a fun little shot, nbd. It’s football, you are looking for contact, having an angle is advantageous. As far as the “injury” goes, being cold and getting knocked over had more to do with it than the play being particularly dirty did.
  16. A quarterback’s accuracy can be talked about two ways, and they are often conflated. The two ways are · Ability to place the ball exactly where they want it · Ability to understand exactly where the ball should be placed There is no easy way to measure the quarterback’s ability to do both. This is such a nuanced and complicated subject; a text book could be written about it.
  17. Yeah, that playing-center-field type play can be tricky because you rarely practice it. Hard to get a good read on the ball, and if it’s wonky like that...I think he was concerned it was going to go over his head which made him hesitate, then panic when adjusting. still should’ve caught it.
  18. I think the ball was affected by the force of him moving left before he stopped and threw right, but I don’t know for sure. I will say after watching it a few times from a few angles that it was a SLIGHTLY harder catch than I originally thought, but still should’ve been caught.
  19. I can’t imagine fighting in a stadium, the anxiety from watching videos like this is bad enough
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