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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. Maybe the eagles defense will stop only rushing 4 on third and long
  2. Yes, plenty of bad football this weekend. Bring on the playoffs
  3. Could be, hard to know when the elite schools (Bama/Clemson) field such talent. It’s probably some combination of both, Brian seems to do well (for the most part) with what he has.
  4. Hmmm I’m saying I’m a notre Dame fan. I temper my expectations of Brian Kelly because notre dame isn’t a “win the most football games at all cost” school Ohio state is definitely better suited for these games
  5. As a notre Dame fan, you learn to temper expectations. They’re never going to win the championship because they have rigorous academic standards. They can never field a team as talented as Alabama or Clemson. If coaching is equal they lose by 30. The talent difference has that big of an impact in college.
  6. Looks like they need to nuke the stadium from orbit after the game
  7. Unless forward progress is stopped.... the complaint is about how subjective the existing forward progress rule is. I’m not sure how it’s written, but you can see clear discrepancies on how it’s called. it’s a completely valid point of debate
  8. The dismissive nature of some posters on this board is puzzling. The subjective nature of “forward progress” calls is a legit concern. A good example of this is the Robert woods fumble against the Giants a few years ago. Woods was stopped and held in place for multiple seconds before the Giants were able to strip the ball from him. I was so irritated that they didn’t blow it dead, I spent the rest of the season pointing out every time a play was blown dead sooner than the Woods play. My chick loved that season ?.
  9. I think his style of play doesn’t age well. When you rely of shiftiness as a running back you need to realize it has a relatively short shelf life, as it’s the first attribute to go with age. He has usefulness, but will never be an every-down-back again. This is mostly because: his ability, his price tag, the role of running back in the nfl.
  10. Answers the question, would you rather have a good defense and a good offense or a great defense and an okay offense.
  11. Second one helps, but....could’ve been 4 in the half ?
  12. Going for it on 4th and goal doesn’t help, especially when they don’t convert ?
  13. I’m starting to believe some of the conspiracy stuff with officiating.
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