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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. Little trivia, although jules says he’s referencing the Bible, it’s a made up quote.
  2. This thread is making this more complicated than it needs to be. The op is betting $200 to win $270. The $200 dollar bet is the size of the wager. The $200 Bet doesn’t require money physically changing hands, it can be done through a credit system. If he loses, he then owes $220 (bet plus standard 10% vig*). If he wins, he is owed $270. *The vig is a “tax” charged to the loser of a wager. This is a fee the book chargers that acts as their source of revenue. You see, when you place a bet with a book you aren’t actually betting against the book but other gamblers. The book acts as the intermediator Ideally, a book will take equal action on a game, meaning equal dollar amount wagered on both teams. By doing this they guarantee themselves the revenue generated by the vig. If the money wagered on one team is more than the other, the book is essentially betting on the team with less money behind it because if the other team wins, the book has to cover the winning bets out of their own pocket. see? It’s simple ?
  3. Ditto. After the Atlanta/pats Super Bowl I decided not to watch another Super Bowl with the Patriots. Not healthy for me.
  4. Appreciation got overtaken by exhaustion about 5 years ago. It’s incredibly boring at this point
  5. curious why you think metabolism would go down with weight going up?
  6. i agree in principle with what you're saying, but 2 points by "eating less" to lose weight a distinction should be drawn between calories and volume. the average person eats between 3-5 pounds of food daily, you can still eat that much food and reduce calories. the best way to do that is to up your vegetable intake. the importance of this distinction is because of the satiation created by stretch receptors in the stomach. in other words, your stomach needs volume to trigger a feeling of satisfaction in the brain. exercise isn't great for weight loss. it is healthy, but if your goal is to lose weight, diet is a better solution. the reason for this is that exercise burns your energy stores which triggers hunger. you will typically eat more calories than you burned. so, yes, burning calories creates a deficit (which is good for losing weight) but you eat more because of the triggered hunger, net more calories. the human body is efficient when it comes to burning calories through movement. i think a 200 pound person burns one oreo cookies worth of energy going up 26 flights of stairs.
  7. again, beans, rice, corn, carrots, lentils, cabbage, potatoes, oats, barley, etc. are some of the cheapest and best foods. there is a better point you could make; there is a correlation between poverty and obesity in this country.....i.e our country is so awesome our poor people are fat
  8. Even simpler, refined sugar and salt. Eat no added salt or sugar for 2 weeks and try a piece of corn...life changing. the saddest part is people don’t even know the true taste of a ripe piece of fruit. We’ve ruined our sense of taste by adding salt, sugar, and fat to everything. All for the dopamine hit...
  9. I think people use the term disease as a shorthand/umbrella term in the case of addiction. They recognize that it’s not exactly the same as cancer.
  10. Lots of great research on the subject, I recently started reading Food and Addiction it’s facinating
  11. It’s a semantics argument over the definition of disease. I could argue it either way.
  12. Food is addictive, obesity is usually a sign of food addiction. Don’t think you’re addicted? Try not eating for a day and describe how you feel.
  13. It’s not a black or white issue, all food options exist on a spectrum. Refined products are typically worse than unrefined. Of the refined fats, olive oil is one of the “better” options, but still not great. Nuts and seeds would be best fat opinion. Only need about 1-4 oz a day and if you’re over-weight you don’t NEED any fat
  14. Rice, beans, fruits, vegetables, as long as you’re not calorie deficient you won’t be nutrient deficient. Chicken legs are .50$ a pound my only argument here is that you CAN eat healthy on a budget. It’s never been easier or cheaper. People refuse to eat fruits and vegetables, and have all sorts of excuses ?‍♂️
  15. This is probably an oversimplification, beans and rice are some of the cheapest foods.... Average person eats between 3-5 pounds of food a day, you can get fruit and veggies for 1-3$ a pound. A person can eat healthy for as little as 5$ a day. Agreed ?, I agree man, no one wants that, but it is arguably a public issue.
  16. Without getting too crazy about the subject, I agree with the sentiment of what I believe you’re saying, but the reality is that there is a societal component involved with obesity. Healthcare, because of the pool system used by insurance companies, and education being a public service are examples of this. The responsibility becomes a subject of debate.
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