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Everything posted by Shortchaz

  1. I caution anyone propping hill up as some sort of civil rights victim. He’s not a victim nor has he ever been. He is the epitome of privilege. he wants special treatment.
  2. Here are some seemingly contradictory things: 1) I don’t love cops in general; their personality types and mine don’t jive. 2) They are necessary and are given power to do their job. 3) Cops interact with crazy people all day long. 4) I would NEVER want their job. 5) If I’m being pulled over or detained, however upset I am, I don’t have a fight/argument with them in the street. I humble myself and try to make the situation as small as possible. I give them room to cut me slack but also feel they won the moment or made their point. Some people have zero compassion for what cops do and only see the harsh manner they typically have. Again, they deal with crazy people, all day long. If you can’t humble yourself in that moment your emotions are in charge. The cop has to use that information when assessing a situation.
  3. It’s almost laughable how vastly different opinions are in these situations. I’m not sure this jail house lawyer version of “how it is” is helpful at all.
  4. Both teams seem pretty dangerous
  5. I’ve made the argument in the past that if a quarterback slides into a defender in an attempt to exploit the rule then they should be flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. I realize that will never happen but it’s my position.
  6. I stopped watching the game (live, always keep an eye on the score) after the bills went down 17-3
  7. Helps to be highly thought of when considering overratedness
  8. Someone handed him f.u. money (200+ million dollars) and he never has to do anything ever again.
  9. The television broadcast isn’t official. 100% of the time the viewer is confused in cases like this.
  10. 🙄
  11. We couldn’t be that lucky
  12. Going to be a long year. Again.
  13. lol. This stuff is really hard to watch year after year.
  14. That’s a $600 bespoke tank top
  15. Home dogs week one
  16. Hmmmm, did he try saying “do you know who I am?”.
  17. I don’t know about you but I’m ready to be underwhelmed!!!!
  18. You can guarantee they have a few special plays designed for Coleman today. I won’t be shocked if Allen overthrows him.
  19. I mean, statistically speaking it’s probably more likely McDermott is fired than he wins a superbowl
  20. He’s not a top t.e. Because of his athleticism at this point. He’s like a quality vet 6 man in basketball. He gets his numbers and contributes in a meaningful way. The chiefs are going to keep winning for years to come.
  21. Reminds me of when I thought Brady was done 8 years before he retired. The chiefs are going to keep winning for years to come.
  22. I thought using the word shoehorn would make the joke obvious
  23. Must shoehorn the ball to Coleman to offset the worthy talk.
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