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Everything posted by BuffalointheUK

  1. His skills leave the team and go to Tampa.....
  2. Agree. Disc herniations in the back and neck can be life altering. I had a similar injury in my lower back disc rupture/herniation and I was a very competitive athlete and training to turn pro (not bragging but for context). My issue was the mental side of it. The injury itself was extremely painful and I had nerve issues all down my leg and couldn't feel my leg from the knee down. While the doctors told me it would fully heal and I could resume where I left off, they also said that if I re-injured the same disc it could have extremely serious consequences to the nerves in my back and lower half. It hasn't been extremely bad and I am in the military, so I am fully functional....but I have never been able to play that sport ever again. I've tried and I miss it like I cannot explain, but every time I try I just think about what could happen and how that would impact my life and my family. Some folks, while physically able, have a hard time coming back from these types of injuries. Hope MH fully heals and doesn’t face some of the mental hurdles that come with returning from this type of thing.
  3. I think he meant same process not same condition
  4. I appreciate all the help. But I could find all of these. The one I remember I think was done by someone locally and it was all over twitter (and was almost certain l saw it here). But I can't find it for the life of me.
  5. You're right. I should take the time to up my post count by posting worthless comments like this. Let me tell you what I did do before I worthlessly wasted your time asking for a bit of help. I went back through 35 pages on this forum (til about mid January and checked to see if I could find it), I checked with common sports personalities twitters (Sal, WGR, Jeremy W, Howard S...) to see if I could find it on their timeline, I watched about a dozen or so YouTube videos of the play before I asked here. Again, sorry I wasted your time. Completely unrelated but I couldn't help think of this quote I recently saw "Criticism is easier than creativity. Sarcasm is easier than sincerity. Negativity is easier than a new ideal. Complaining is easier coming up with a solution. When a person wants to be part of the conversation but has nothing to add, they always attack instead of assist." Everyone else. THANKS FOR THE HELP. Go Bills
  6. I hate to ask for help with a simple thing but I have been trying to find a video of the TJ pick 6 from the Ravens game that was more a hype video than just a replay. I remember it was on here after the game but I have looked and I cannot find it. It had a mash up of tbe different broadcast calls throughout the play and was really well done. Cam anyone help?
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