You're right. I should take the time to up my post count by posting worthless comments like this.
Let me tell you what I did do before I worthlessly wasted your time asking for a bit of help. I went back through 35 pages on this forum (til about mid January and checked to see if I could find it), I checked with common sports personalities twitters (Sal, WGR, Jeremy W, Howard S...) to see if I could find it on their timeline, I watched about a dozen or so YouTube videos of the play before I asked here.
Again, sorry I wasted your time.
Completely unrelated but I couldn't help think of this quote I recently saw
"Criticism is easier than creativity. Sarcasm is easier than sincerity. Negativity is easier than a new ideal. Complaining is easier coming up with a solution. When a person wants to be part of the conversation but has nothing to add, they always attack instead of assist."
Everyone else. THANKS FOR THE HELP. Go Bills