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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Everything posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. With the quality and quantity of talent in the 2024 draft, I doubt that Beane would trade draft picks for a 30 year old receiver. Adams is a very good player but the cost is probably too high.
  2. Jet sweeps into the short side of the field really don't give the runner a chance to take advantage of their speed. They need to stop doing it. Hardy should be running crossing patterns and deeper routes to occupy safeties. He still looks fast but he is not being used in ways to display that speed effectively.
  3. I've been to several games in Jacksonville and there are usually many empty seats. About a third of the people that are there are not Jacksonville fans regardless of who they are playing. Bills, Chiefs, Steelers, Cheatriots, and Packers fans travel in large numbers. Miami also gets large numbers of visiting team fans.
  4. I agree. Much of it has to do with really bad QB play. Many people believe there are seven high draft pick QB's coming out in the 2024 draft. Some of these really bad teams will be able to get a decent prospect without totally tanking this season. Some of the older guys with diminishing skills may be scrambling to find a backup role in the league next year. Another significant factor for the bad games is the approach teams take for their defensive roster. They go all in on offense and go bare bones on defense. It's best to be more balanced. It is hard to control time of possession and field position with a bad defense. It is also more difficult to be playing from behind. Finally, there are some really, really bad coaches in the league. Heading the list for me are Chargers, Bears, Raiders, and Cardinals. Watching these teams play is painful at times.
  5. McD will be able to keep four high quality pass rushers fresh into the fourth quarter of games. That will be a real nightmare for opposing o-lines. Few defenses have that luxury.
  6. You couldn't be more correct. I think their original plan was to have Hines for those plays.
  7. What the Bills o-line did to an excellent front four was amazing. There will be a few naysayers that want to point to a small number of bad plays but they are missing the real story. I was most surprised by the effectiveness of the power run blocking. They blew some really good players off the ball on multiple plays. Right now there isn't a team in the AFC that has a d-line as good as Washington. Knowing that, I believe we are seeing the formula that the Bills will be using to play aggressive defense, move the ball with a balanced offense, and dominate the time of possession.
  8. I've heard over the years that the Ravens have very physical practices. Maybe the extra hitting is taking a toll.
  9. Ball was thrown into triple coverage. What did Adams expect was going to happen? It was a bang bang play when three guys collide. Adams should be more concerned about why his coaching staff put him in that situation with the game out of hand.
  10. This guy (Nick Wright) is one of the very worst commentators on TV. His takes on football are so far off the mark that they are laughable. I assume that he throws stuff out their to generate controversy and viewership. He seems to be a New York homer and he can't bring himself to give an honest take on Buffalo. Josh being AFC offensive player of the week must be killing him after the things he said following week one. Go Bills!
  11. I thought he got in trouble when he didn't move his feet and tried to reach for his block. This is a common problem for inexperienced tackles.
  12. What I find most amusing in all of this, relates to the ridiculous power rankings that various sports media outlets publish. Bengals were consistently in the top two or three. Granted, Burrow is injured but they have a number of other issues on their team. Their secondary is not good. They just made Lamar Jackson look like Dan Marino. The o-line continues to play poorly and Burrow continues to take hits. They have a lot of talented receivers but an average roster overall. This does not make them a consistent championship contender.
  13. Good game plan and smart execution. I also liked the physical play by the o-line.
  14. I was at the game and remember Bruce being out in the cold pregame in a tee shirt. Several Raiders fans were sitting in our section and were not dressed for the weather. They were all gone before half time. It is one of my best Bills memories.
  15. Overall, I thought the D played well. Bernard took some bad angles on a couple of runs but was better than I expected. I did notice that on many plays, there was an obvious effort to avoid giving the tight end and slot receivers a clean release. This is a significant improvement from previous seasons.
  16. It is interesting that the national media is more positive on Miami than many people in Florida. Some people believe that Tua won't survive the poor level of play that they expect from their o-line. Many also think that Ramsey's best days are behind him and his current injury leaves them with a very exploitable secondary. They also point out the desperate way that the Dolphins seem to be involved to get guys like Cook and Taylor. It's a pretty popular opinion that they going all in for a one year run before the wheels fall off. I have to admit that it looks that way to me too. I'm also starting to hear the remorse for taking Tue over Herbert in the draft. I'm really glad it happened that way.
  17. Sounds a lot like a description of Brock Purdy. A little small, not ideal arm strength, limited mobility but good football IQ (smart). A bunch of guys have had decent careers by being smart enough to know where to go with the ball. Fitzmagic fit this description for more than a decade. I guess we'll see whether he can make the best use of what he has to become a good backup. Lucky for him that Kyle Allen has set a very low bar. If he doesn't develop, he'll be gone and we'll be talking about the next QB3.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. I also believe that Poyer or Hyde could handle this.
  19. This should tell us all we need to know about the real state of the Bengals' roster. Cody might have been a nice guy but he was a waste of a roster spot in Buffalo. Anyone who doubts that should go back and watch some of his games. People with a superficial knowledge about the Bengals make these over the top pronouncements about their roster. They have a good roster but not a great one. They had to let some good players walk because of future cap commitments. They lack good depth at many positions. If they encounter injuries like Buffalo had last season, they will not be able handle it as well. If things hang together for them, they can have another very good season.
  20. Just saw where Ques is being released and Basham traded to Giants. This makes room for one of the young guys in the o-line room. Some people in this forum had this pegged a few weeks ago.
  21. Before we all go off the cliff, do we know that this game could be nothing more than a planned rotation of opportunity to play with the one's on defense. Until we either have some sort of pronouncement or see who starts in the season opener, none of us knows for sure how this is going to sort out.
  22. If the Cowboys had it to do all over again, I don't think they would give him that contract. I don't think they will cut him but they should be able to find a QB needy team to cut a deal and make the money manageable. I think Jerry realizes that he is older than dirt and these next couple of seasons may be his last best chances to make a SB run. If Dak shows that he can't be the guy, Jerry will do what needs to be done (even if it seems crazy). Time is his scarce resource, money isn't.
  23. I think Dak has this season to produce. If he doesn't, he will probably be somewhere else for the 2024 season. Taking a chance on Lance makes some sense. They will have a year to coach him and see him work in practice. If they think his ceiling is higher than an aging Dak, then it will be goodbye Dak. There is also very little chance that the Cowboys have a record bad enough to draft one of the top guys. If Lance does not develop, then it only cost them a 4th round pick. Clearly worth the gamble for them.
  24. SI does not have the quality of writers that they once had. They are desperate to generate a following and crazy takes like this seems to be their approach to accomplish that. Consider the source and look at it for what it is, merely click bait.
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