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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Everything posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. It's always good to hear other opinions. Sometimes fans forget they are wearing blinders when it comes to their Bills. I know I'm guilty of that at times.
  2. I think you are absolutely correct. He will be the 2019 version of Groy as the primary backup for center and guard. The details of the contract will tell us a lot.
  3. Bears paid too much and have created a cap scenario that will force them to release some talent. Mack is a great player but missed some playing time with an injury and the Bears defense was still awesome without him. It begs the question, did they really need to spend the money to get him? Sports reporters jumped all over the trade because it was a great story and it may prove to be if they can win a championship. I have my doubts The Bills have so many holes to fill, that it would be difficult to allocate the money and the draft picks to obtain him. I guess the Darius contract has made me cynical.
  4. Pegula's aren't going to start a revolving door in the front office. They watched that movie in Cleveland and saw the result. They know the roster coming out of 2017 was a train wreck. They had to have agreed to dump the high paid underachievers and eat a bunch of dead money. They have cleared the cap space, drafted some really good young players, accumulated a significant number of draft picks, and established a good defense. Bill Polian was recently complementary of the job of the Bills coaching staff and front office in 2018. I trust Polian's opinion. If they were to dump McD and Beane at the end of 2019, they would spiral into the next version of the Browns. Good coaches, free agent players, and good front office people would avoid the Bills like the plague.
  5. Never! The guy puts himself before the team. I've seen enough from him to know he would be bad for the locker room.
  6. Mike Stratton turned the lights out on the Chargers with that hit. It was a great day for Bills fans. I agree with you on these two games.
  7. This guy can play. He had problems but seems to have turned it around for the last couple of years. Sometimes it takes a young guy a while to figure it out. Some never do. He does what the Bills had hoped that Benjamin would do. He runs better than Benjamin (I know that ain't sayin' much). The ability to separate is necessary either through speed, quickness, or running great patterns. He should be an excellent complement to Foster, Jones, et al.. We'll see what he does in camp and preseason. The Bills have virtually nothing invested and nothing to lose.
  8. He's no better than what we already had. I think the Bills will look elsewhere.
  9. One of the biggest problems that I saw with the Rams was their insistence on running their stretch cut back play up the middle. It broke for one 16 yard run. The rest of the time it was shutdown. Anderson had some decent runs on straight dives and counters but they wouldn't stick to it. No doubt Goff was terrible but McVay's play calling was worse. He was naive to believe that he could just rely on his normal regular season schemes. BB was prepared for all of it and shut it down. I have not seen anything from Goff that makes me believe that he will ever be a dominating QB in the league. I think he is a very similar player to Sam Bradford and we all know how that has worked out. Better them than us.........GO BILLS!
  10. You're exactly right. I'm sure Foles and his agent have made it clear what his desires are. The Eagles have known that this day was coming and should have prioritized their options and strategy. If they plan to keep him and pay him, they will have other contracts to rework and some expensive veterans to release. If they plan to let him go, they will work to get the most compensation in return ( with a compensory pick as the last resort ). Good GM's do long term planning and I'm sure the Eagles have.
  11. Titans have J. Smith on thier roster and they seem to like him. I don't think TE will be a high priority for them. Don't forget Washington. Jordan Reed is hurt all the time and his backup is the veteran Vernon Davis. Seahawks don't really have anyone either.
  12. It's hard to get caught up in all of the detail of potential draft moves until we see what teams do with the release of players and acquisitions in free agency. There always seems to be a team or two with GMs on the hot seat that need to pull a miracle out of the draft. Those are the teams that we should count on to reach for a player or pay too much to move up. Elway in Denver may be one of those guys this year. Washington and Jacksonville are probably in desperation mode as well. With all the drama in Pittsburgh and missing the playoffs, they may feel the need to jump at a missing roster piece before Big Ben's window closes. It's going to be fun to watch it all unfold.
  13. I agree with Logic on this. This is a logical approach in the development of both McD and the coaching staff of the team. Dorsey is a smart guy who played as well as he did because of his intelligence and not an over abundance of physical talent. He has been seen as having the potential to be an OC in the league.
  14. Carolina maybe shopping to deal with life without Cam. With his second right shoulder surgery, there is no guarantee that he will be ready to go or be effective when he is able to play. Denver won't stand pat with Keenum. Bengals may be looking to add competition for Dalton also. The Cheatriots will probably draft someone this year to grow into their number two and replace Brady down the road.
  15. I like the way you think. It would only be better if the QB they draft turns out to be a bust!
  16. The guy had some bad plays that have been highlighted. He also had some dominating performances that led him to be named to first team All SEC. He played on a bad team last season. I'm not sold on him at this point. The combine will tell us a lot about how he stacks up against other tackles in the draft. 9th pick might be a little high for any of these tackles. I don't see any Joe Thomas types in this draft. I do think there are multiple guys that will be an upgrade over Mills.
  17. me either......Beane just worked to get away from the Darius contract. He won't repeat the mistake and reduce his ability to improve multiple positions.
  18. Pathetic.....just like the rest of their organization
  19. You are right on about 2019 and Beane's approach. Whaley and Ryan had destroyed the roster and the cap. Beane knew it would take at least a couple of years to recover.
  20. I think you are right on point. McCoy danced in holes that were closing fast due to the terrible line play. The routes that he was asked to run were not downfield and didn't use his speed advantage over the linebackers that were covering him. When you look at the way that the Cheatriots use James White, it is completely different from the use of McCoy. White runs a lot of wheel routes, option routes underneath, and an occasional deep route up the seam against zones. White is a huge part of their offence. I believe McCoy is a faster and more illusive back than White. McCoy has been a good receiver throughout his career. He isn't going to be the guy to pound it between the tackles 20 times a game but he can still be a big part of an effective backfield. 2019 should be the year that McCoy is sharing reps with his replacement.
  21. Not bad......and certainly not as ridiculous as most that are already out there
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