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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Everything posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. Except that you don't know the previous vehicle owner's teenage son was pulling high RPM hole shots with that used vehicle every Saturday night. You buy a high priced used player and you are buying the wear and tear incurred and the shorter end of the career life cycle. I'm not enthusiastic about either Glenn or Turner.
  2. Washington has a pretty decent front 7 on defense. They may look at Young as a luxury that they can live without. As great as Young is, trading out of pick #2, could give them the draft capital to plug significant holes in the roster (CB, OT, WR ). I could honestly see them going either way on this. Having not seen Haskins play much, I may not have the most accurate opinion of him. I believe Tua will be a better NFL QB but I don't know if he will be that much better than Haskins to justify making another QB pick in the first round. At the end of the day, I don't really care how Washington fares in all of this. My hope is that it really messes with Miami and leads them to make a horrendously bad deal to overpay to move up. If all of this proves to be smoke on draft day, Detroit will probably play the same game during their 15 minutes on the clock. Isn't it nice not to have the Bills caught up in all of this QB draft drama. We just need Allen to keep getting better.
  3. If the Cheatriots want Jordan Love, they will need to move up to get ahead of Indianapolis. I doubt that they will do that. Eason may not even make it to pick 23 but should fall far enough for them to make a reasonable move to get him. I'm not sold on the idea that Bellicheat wants Brady back. He may be ready to go to an established veteran game manager, groom a young guy, rely on a strong running game, and play good defense for a couple of years. The guy that I'm watching is Alex Smith. If he is recovered from his leg injury, Washington will probably release him. He is just the kind of player that Bellicheat likes. He's experienced, smart, and doesn't turn the ball over. Bridgewater and Dalton are also decent options IMHO. I think you are absolutely correct about Winston and Rivers. I would also throw Newton on that pile.
  4. If this draft wasn't really deep with first and second round talent, you might have a point. The facts are that this is a deep draft with significant talent in the position groups where the Bills have a need. It is highly probable that the Bills will be able to get contributors in all of the first three rounds. IMHO the only thing that would drive them to move up is if they are enamored with a particular individual that has dropped into a place where a move is possible. Giving up next year's number one seems out of character for Beane. It smacks of the Whaley/Watkins disaster. I believe that packaging their third round pick with some later picks to move back into the second round is much more likely and less costly. Realistically, we shouldn't be shocked if Beane moves back to gain a pick for either this year or 2021. He isn't a sit back and let the draft come to him kind of GM.
  5. Good analysis! It is always difficult to project availability of specific players much beyond the top ten picks. IMHO the main factor that will help push some talented players down to availability at 22 will be a run on QB's. There is likely to be 4 QB's and maybe even 5 taken before pick 22. I'm hoping that a team over reaches for that fifth guy. In addition, you can always count on one team to go completely off the rails and make a terrible reach selection. Maybe the JESTS will make that contribution this year. If that happens, there should be good value for Beane to make a pick that will improve the team. It may not be a CB or DE but in another position of need. In the absence of good value, a trade down could be the correct move.
  6. Everything I've read about the guy has been pretty positive. He'll definitely go pretty early in the draft. One scout called him a faster version of Manny Sanders coming out of college. I hope that is a more accurate comparison than the superficial one made by members of the media to John Ross. Ross has pretty much been a bust due to injuries at this point. The Bills could do much worse than drafting this guy.
  7. I don't know...maybe like an AFC Championship home game in Orchard Park in late January. We had a couple of those once upon a time.
  8. Surely you JEST......sorry I couldn't help myself. You're right on point as always. $$$$$$$$ let me repeat $$$$$$$$
  9. I was at the game and you are correct. The Oilers also played a very poor prevent defense. The Bills also started playing a very aggressive man coverage defense to take away the short passing game. The Bills defense came out in the second half and played a very physical game. They dominated the line of scrimmage. I also remember Talley being very animated encouraging guys on the sideline and whipping up the crowd. It was a great game to see in person.
  10. You may very well be correct. If one of the consensus top three DE's are there at 22, I believe Beane will grab him. Thereafter, on day two, I believe he will be hunting receivers and CB's. The moves that the Bills make in free agency may cause me to change my expectations. I also expect Beane to make at least one trade to move up on day two. Given the information that has been put out from a number of sources that there are at least 16 WR's in the draft that will grade out as day one or two picks, Beane has options. There also isn't uniform consensus on the top five WR's in the draft. I trust that the scouting departments for NFL teams have a better handle on this than any sports writer.
  11. I see your point. I think most people would say that they want a very good free agent that isn't over-priced and over-hyped ( Cooper ) to improve the team in 2020. They would also say the they want to draft a really good wide receiver with a pick that provides good value for the longer term (not over-drafting a guy ). In summary, most want a free agent that can play immediately and a draftee that will become the #1 guy sooner rather than later. The problem as I see it is that too may people latch on to the hype and those are the only players that they want the Bills to get. Fortunately, Beane and company won't be impressed by the hype and will improve the team without a journey back into cap hell.
  12. Someone should tell Joe B. to put down the tequila and step away from the bar.
  13. I couldn't agree with you more. I expect Beane to try to address DE and WR in the first two rounds. I think the order will depend on who he was able to sign in free agency. The wild card in all of this may be a talented guy slipping to them in another position of need. Regardless of who is selected, the "woe is me" crowd will appear to trash the selections. I find the rants entertaining.
  14. You're exactly right. There is too much money at stake for the players and career time for them is a limited resource. The 17th game and extra playoff games boost league revenue and therefore the salary cap. The NFLPA may try to push an increase in roster size to increase the number of dues paying members (their revenue).
  15. Good post. Rosen's best outcome is that some team misses out on the QB game of musical chairs and he becomes the consolation prize for a desperate team. He might also get a chance if a team loses a QB in preseason. As unlikely as any of this may be, such is the life of Josh Rosen. Personally, I wasn't high on him coming out of college and I'm not shocked by any of this.
  16. At the end of the day, the feeling of the fans is irrelevant. For owners, players, tv execs, and agents; it is all about increasing the revenue. We fans are a resilient breed. The wounds scab over and heal. We will continue our pilgrimage to the stadium, pay to park, drink ten dollar beers, complain about the officiating, whine about losing, and get ready to do it again the following week. Some will like the changes and some will hate them but very few will give up following their team because of them. That is the reality that the owners are banking on.........just sayin'
  17. Your memory is accurate. I remember people talking about him as a sub 4.4 forty version of Marshall Faulk. The hype train was definitely rolling for CJ. The Bills definitely did not need a running back at the time. His selection was a poor choice by a bad management group.
  18. You make a great point and I think you are exactly correct. Detroit needs serious help on defense. They don't have a lot of picks to spend to move up. What better way to have the effect of moving up to get your guy without actually moving up? All they have to do is convince Steven Ross and his band of football idiots that they are serious about making this move. Then Miami needs to make Washington a crazy offer that they can't refuse. The result for the Bills would be positive. Burning up some extra draft picks to get a guy that would probably be there for Miami anyway. Tua appears to be an injury machine and it doesn't bother me if he ends up in Miami.
  19. Based on your response, I suppose you are expecting a TE to be drafted in the first couple of rounds or obtained in a high profile trade. I don't see any difference makers being available in free agency. I guess we'll see if you are correct. I doubt it but we'll have to wait and see.
  20. With the needs at WR, O-line, pass rusher, D-line, and CB; the need for TE falls down in the priority. That was the point of my previous post. After spending a third and seventh round pick last year on two guys that have shown pretty good potential, Beane won't be giving up on them to spend big bucks or more high round draft picks on more guys. He may replace Smith, Kroft, and Croom with better second tier veterans. This is what the whole Olsen thing is about.
  21. At this point in the off season, there is a lot of speculation and misinformation being tossed around. I don't believe that TE is a pressing need. When a guy like Olsen becomes available, it just makes good sense to kick the tires and see if you can make an incremental improvement in the roster. If they sign Olsen, one of the other guys will become expendable. In any event, this isn't going to be a big deal that alters the potential of the team to any great degree.
  22. Unfortunately for him, that's not how owners look at it. Some would also argue that Dallas was carried by Zeke (pun intended) and Dak just managed the game. I think he was more than that but certainly not an elite player. I always enjoy seeing turmoil in big D.
  23. Dalton is likely to end up on a roster where a team is looking for average qb play or as a bridge to get a new draft choice ready to play. Don't forget about Hill either. He'll get a chance to compete for a starting job somewhere.
  24. Overall, Joe B.'s assessment seems fair. I put some of the blitz problem issue squarely on Daboll. He persisted in going empty backfield against teams that blitz with regularity. This put Allen in some bad spots on third down, unnecessarily. Better use of screens, draws, and receivers running hot read routes will curtail the use of the blitz against them. Daboll needs to improve on this as much as Allen; maybe even more.
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