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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Everything posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. Everybody needs to chill. There is too much money involved to put an end to the season. The players, TV networks, and owners want it to happen and it will. There may be a few players that are afraid to participate and they will sit out. For well conditioned athletes that don't have some serious preexisting health condition, many experts believe that there is very little risk involved. Listening to players who have already had the virus, they all seemed to liken it to a moderate cold. Every time I read an article about players from various teams that are working out together, it solidifies my opinion that the players want to play and they will play. Players know they have a career clock and it is running toward zero. They don't want to lose a year of that career time and more importantly the earnings that go along with it. Nobody needs to convince me that the owners want to play and make money. That is a given. For those of us that are afraid of getting seriously ill, we should continue to self quarantine, avoid risky behavior, practice good hygiene. social distance, and use masks as appropriate. People need to manage their actions for themselves.
  2. I'm really wanting "bad things" but I'm expecting 7 to 9. In a rotation, that would be pretty good.
  3. Just another day in the Meadowlands and the JESTS being the JESTS. You could throw in a couple of dumpster fires also. Good players get frustrated there and want to bail out. The problem has been the ownership and front office for a long time. Buffalo had some of the same problems in the past and it didn't really change significantly until the owner changed.
  4. I don't know, I guess you Stoned me on this one.....lol
  5. I agree. Don't be surprised if Philly comes shopping at "Beanemart" to get some guard depth. They just lost their starting right guard for the season to a torn tendon. lol
  6. Your right about that. What a sad thing to have happened to a young guy that had so much potential. Sometimes players don't consider the potential threat to their careers posed by their off field activities.
  7. Not really, go back and watch the games. You obviously don't get the point of my comments. Talent was heavily stacked in his favor and he won't have that in the NFL. It's a lot easier to throw from a clean pocket to a wide open elite receiver against second tier coverage skills. Many of his opponents in the SEC were not good coverage teams, a couple were very good. He just needs to prove that he can do it when the talent is even on both sides and like you said avoid injury. Until he does that, many people will remain skeptical and Simms is one of those.
  8. You're correct about hitting wide open receivers. It wasn't a knock on him. The point was that he very seldom had to hit a tight throw against great coverage with a pass rush in his face. Most recently he struggled to do that against a great LSU secondary. He'll have to prove that he can do it on a regular basis to win games in the league. Until both of these guys show something in real games, who's to say how much better one is over the other. It's just speculation. Tua also needs to prove that he isn't an injury machine.
  9. Simms was in the league and around some pretty good QB's for a decent amount of time (including his Dad). What he is saying may have more to do with Tua than it does with Stidham. When I watched a bunch of Alabama games, Tua was mainly delivering the ball to some wide open elite receivers that had just beat the pants off some over matched DB. He also had an elite o-line in front of him. His new reality in Miami is considerably different. Until he shows that he can perform in an NFL game, I remain just as skeptical of him as I do with Stidham. The whole thing with the injury history probably factors significantly into Simms' assessment as well. Personally, I hope they both turn out to be failures. Go Bills!
  10. If any of you have ever been to an NFL game in London, you will know that casual UK NFL fans will wear any jersey that they happen to own without having a second thought. This guy could be one of those fans and just thinks that he is showing his support for Lynch. People wear a lot of crazy things to games. This doesn't even rank in the top 100 of strange attire that I've seen at a game.
  11. Getting a forward surge from the interior linemen has a lot to do with creating the gaps for the QB to use on a successful sneak. Brady has been very successful on sneaks and he has never been a strong athletic QB. He was the beneficiary of great o-line play. In Allen's case, he has been successful on poorly blocked sneaks due to his athletic ability and has made well blocked sneaks look easy. Exposing your QB to free shots to the head, is not a long term strategy for success. I'm hoping that the backs improve the inside running game to the point where Daboll has more reliable options.
  12. Thanks for the advice. Watching a game on the road with other Bills fans is always a good time.
  13. I've booked flights and a room. My friends and I plan to watch the game in a sports betting parlor. We plan to be there five days to do sufficient pregame partying with any other Bills fans we encounter. Blowing off some post virus steam.
  14. Great observation....some were probably doing double duty as masks.....just sayin'
  15. We should all not forget that the overall receiving talent on the team was below average at best. Diggs and some improvement by the TE position should change that. Allen will probably make some improvement but whether it is enough to move the team significantly forward will be the real metric to watch.
  16. You're exactly correct. Beane has shown the ability to be right more often than not. King has been better than the average sportswriter over the years but that doesn't make his opinions more valid than Beane's judgement. King creates these rankings as click bait and to remain relevant. I accept them for what they are and move on.
  17. Most of these guys have exactly zero trade value unless a team gets hit by injuries and is desperate. Beane has shown that he will be prepared and will move quickly if the opportunity is available. There is a big shortage of decent o-linemen around the league and I expect at least one of them to get a chance elsewhere. Wide receivers and running backs are widely available and I don't expect any team to make a trade when comparable players are currently free agents.
  18. I've been to a bunch of the same games as you. I always have a good time tipping a few with Bills fans pregame in the parking lot. Bills fans really know how to tailgate.
  19. It would also be interesting to see how many of us have been to a Bills road game. Probably a surprisingly large percent.
  20. This is a fairly innovative idea. Appears to be an attempt to revive revenue and keep the fans involved. I believe the benefit will be limited. Attendance at Miami home games is usually heavily dependent on visiting teams fans. It's not just a phenomenon when the Bills play there. I've seen other teams play there (free tickets...lol). I wouldn't expect road team fans to make the trip to watch the game in a drive in movie style setting. If teams can doing these kinds of things profitably and entertain their fans, it will help the league get through these difficult times. I hope that by September, none of these things will be necessary.
  21. I'm not sold on the Cowgirls at five. Their secondary will need to play much better for them to have a good season. The O-line isn't the dominating force that it used to be. Losing their center will negatively impact the group's performance. I'm not even sure that they are better than Philly in what is a weak division. People shouldn't disregard the Steelers. They have a good defense and are getting their QB back from injury. Love him or hate him, Big Ben is the grease that makes that offense roll. New England is probably on the list because of their past performance and people don't know what to expect. They lost more than Brady and I expect them to struggle more on defense than they have in the past.
  22. Davis was limited by poor QB play and a very run heavy offense. He has skills to be productive in the league. I agree with you that he will go somewhere and excel. If he becomes a free agent, he won't last on the market very long. Some people compared him to Antonio Brown coming out of college. I'm sure more than one GM has him on their radar. As for the other guys, you are spot on for all of them.
  23. Having lived in a number of different NFL markets, I came to realize how lucky we Bills fans have been. As others have noted above, Van Miller was great and a hard act to follow. Some of these other markets have pathetic PBP guys and even worse color commentators. Murph does a credible job.
  24. Neither am I. This incident and the hit on Aaron Williams by Jarvis Landry should both have ended with some serious retaliation. Teams think they can deliver cheap shots and get away with it. It has been a long time since the Bills had a no nonsense bad a__ that would take on an idiot like Gronk. For those that have played a contact sport in college or above, you know that intimidation can be a big part of a successful team. The Bills have not had the reputation for being guys that won't take any crap for a long time. What do you think the Steelers or Ravens would have done to good old Gronk? Someone would have stomped his manhood into the turf. It's too bad that the Bills didn't have a guy with the disposition of Ray Lewis to deal with Gronk on that day. For me, threads like this one are a complete waste. I'm not enamored by Brady, Gronk, or any of the Cheatriots. I would enjoy a thread someday that deals with them getting what they have had coming to them for a long time.
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