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Florida Bills Fanatic

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Everything posted by Florida Bills Fanatic

  1. Actually, it would have taken inept shortsightedness by the FO. Even though Wagner had a good season, he has just about run out the string. Why is he being released from a bad roster? The answer to that may tell us all we need to know. At this stage of his career, he isn't the guy that takes away the intermediate pass routes in the center of the field. This is an important function in the scheme run by the Bills' defense. Edmunds is the guy that lets the Bills do many of the things that they do in pass coverage. The Edmunds haters would do well to watch a bunch of all 22 video of the Bills defense before making some of these pronouncements.
  2. Excellent analysis! Given the unpredictable nature of NFL personnel moves, we may actually see elements from both of your options. I'm probably more optimistic than most of the people posting comments on this site. I do think that the play of several Bills ( White, Dawkins, Brown, Poyer, Oliver, Phillips, Davis, etc. ) were effected by past and current injuries. Contrary to the thoughts of some, I believe Beane will make the right moves to keep the team moving forward. I have also seen the cap growth projections for 2024 and 2025. These will factor into Beane's actions during this off season.
  3. I think there is a real chance that the Bears move on from Fields. He could end up in Atlanta, Carolina or New Orleans. Bears use their number one overall pick to select a QB or trade down a few spots and still take a QB plus collect a few more picks. If Chicago plays this correctly, they can reload at QB and collect a few more early round picks to rebuild their pathetic roster.
  4. He will be a lower cost special team guy to replace some higher paid special teams guys. This is common around the league and the Bills have had the luxury of spending on special teams but really can no longer afford to do that as much. Most teams with high cost core players have to have special teams players that can actually provide usable roster depth at a position. Taiwan and some others will become expendable because of their cost and they really don't provide usable depth at a position. The savings may seem insignificant but when you are up against the cap limit with a good roster, even the small savings are important.
  5. Sounds like a guy in the middle of a contract negotiation. We've seen this with others around the league. When a player says he going to stay, his agent loses a bunch of leverage. I trust that Beane will make the correct decision but not retain him at an unreasonable cost. If he can fit into the overall CAP strategy for the team, Beane will sign him.
  6. Although I like him, a one year deal at the veteran minimum doesn't scream a valued starter to me. He'll probably be a bench player with limited playing time. If he is anything more than that, the Giants will be in big trouble with the position again.
  7. Winning a game doesn't mean that you aren't a loser. Ju Ju would do well to recognize that.
  8. I worked with Charlie for several years after he left football. He was a great guy and fun to be around. Charlie was good at his job and the people that reported to him in his department really liked him. I remember him as a player but luckily got to know him as a person. It's a sad day when we lose wonderful people like Charlie.
  9. I remember a concern that Higgins could be susceptible to hamstring and calf injuries (due to his physical stature). I didn't buy it at the time but he has missed games with leg injuries.
  10. I think Shakir will win the job but he could get pressed into use on the outside if Diggs or Davis miss any games. I also believe that both Cook and Hines have the ability to play out of the slot, if needed. Their flexibility can be used to create match up problems for defenses. I don't think the Bills used them effectively last season. I don't think McKenzie, Crowder or Beasley are the answers either. We may also see a steady parade of UDFA receivers during training camp as they look for a guy they can develop. Let's not forget that improving the o-line and run game will also improve the passing game. Play action passing gives a big edge to receivers.
  11. Very good work putting together this mock draft. I'm skeptical that Torrence lasts to pick 34 but it isn't beyond reason.
  12. I think you are exactly correct. I also believe his contract demands are part of a strategy to get out of Cincinnati. As long as he is there, he will be viewed as their #2 and his stats and recognition will be suppressed. Players want recognition and the pay and endorsements that come along with that. I'm not sure that there will be many teams willing to give up a bunch of picks to get him but it only takes one to make it happen. Some potential trade partners may be concerned about his recent injury history. He has missed a few games in the last two seasons. Paired with the right QB and WR group, Higgins can be a game changer.
  13. Actually, Brady isn't off the books in TB. I just saw that they will be carrying $23M in dead money with some procedural moves possible to reduce it to $11M this year. They kicked the can down the road and it is now time to pay up.
  14. I have a friend that works for an NFL team (not the Bills) and he told me that this is a very good hire. He is known to be very good in the development of young players and to teach them to play in a disciplined system. With the strong likelihood of the Bills having a secondary with at least two first or second year starters, this makes perfect sense. Like most casual fans, I'm not qualified to pass judgement on the capability of an assistant coach. That's why I reached out to someone who is in a position to know. I hope this helps to ease the stress for the people that are out there with their "hair on fire" over this hiring.
  15. The real issue is that QB's take up a disproportionate percentage of a team's cap. This causes much of a team's roster to be paid significantly less. I'm surprised that there isn't more friction within the NFLPA about wage disparity. If there were limits on the cap percentage that could be paid to any position, players throughout the roster would benefit. In a traditional unionized environment, improved compensation equity is a basic principle. I don't believe the owners care one way or the other because they have to pay the same amount in salaries regardless of who receives the money.
  16. Many of the guys on this list will never be free agents because they will either sign new contracts with their current team or be tagged. Given the Bills' cap situation, the high end guys will be out of reach. As in previous years, there will be some surprising cap casualties that no one expected to be available. Any time Beane can improve a roster spot on the cheap, the team gets better.
  17. Just the JESTS being the JESTS. I can't believe their ongoing incompetence. They hire a good head coach and then they surround him with bad performers.
  18. I won't be surprised to see Bills go DE, o-line, and safety somewhere in the first four rounds. I also expect them to pick a WR but not one of the well known guys from a big name school (maybe in the 4th or 5th rounds). I understand that everyone wants the next Justin Jefferson but I don't think Beane values WR with that kind of selection unless some crazy talented guy drops to pick 27. A late round pick or UDFA could be a big running back to complement Cook and put some punch in the running game. Beane's retention of the team's free agents and signings of new free agents will give us a pretty good road map for the draft (as it has in the past).
  19. At times the pass blocking has been suspect. Left guard has been the worst. JA likes to hold the ball and puts the o-line in the position of needing to sustain blocks. Sometimes when they look bad, it isn't on them. I have also been critical of the pass protection work by the running backs. I expect Beane to draft at least one interior o-linemen this year (hopefully before day 3).
  20. Many of us discounted the impact of the ankle injury that Davis sustained in the middle of the season. He clearly wasn't running well and was not getting separation on his routes. He played through the injury because even an injured Gabe Davis was better than the next available alternative. For the last 4 games, he has looked much better and is once again earning targets in the passing game. I expect that he will continue to make contributions the rest of the season.
  21. What we have seen from Beane is that he takes a strategic approach to the addition of free agents. He goes after filling remaining roster holes during the draft. He must forecast which positions with the right level of talent will be available when the Bills draft in the early rounds. Therefore, where the draft talent isn't going to be available, he targets those positions in free agency. It seems like a simple and logical approach but other teams struggle to match up free agency and their draft strategy. Many of us try to start at the wrong end of the process by trying to predict the early round draft picks first. Until we know how free agency plays out, it is impossible to know or accurately guess what positions will be early draft picks. Teams that are inherently good have a disciplined approach. Teams that are up and down, are not systematic and disciplined. They get enamored with specific players regardless of need and ignore the best players available in positions that will improve their team. I trust Beane to work his process for the best possible outcome.
  22. I've been to several Bills games in Miami. I find their fans to be a bunch of trash talking punks that know very little about the game. There is usually a pretty even split between Bills fans and Miami fans in the stadium. If it wasn't for large numbers of visiting team fans in their stadium, the fins would be playing in a half empty stadium for every home game. Miami is not really a good sports town. By the end of the third quarter, significant numbers of Miami fans are usually gone. They aren't quite as bad as the JEST'S fans in the Meadowlands but they are a close second.
  23. I think it was more about trying to hang onto a job than to help a former team.
  24. I think Arizona will trade back and load up on picks as well. They'll pick up a better veteran backup QB, wait for Murray to recover from surgery, and fix some serious roster holes with drafted rookies. They'll probably be picking in the top 10 again in the 2024 draft.
  25. The answer to your question is NO. The problem with his game is his availability. The view of his time in Miami was that he sat out games with minor injuries that most other players would play through. Talented but not committed.
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