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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. And Winston, Mariota and Mayfield are?
  2. And it's not just those two. How is Baker Mayfield rated that much higher then Allen. It takes a special type of number crunching to come up with that metric. Maybe the analytics guys are giving Winston bonus points for throwing 5 INT's in one game while Allen only threw 3. And in the case of Winston he threw his against a much weaker defense then Allen did. And maybe Mariota got bonus points for losing to Buffalo and scoring only 1 TD in the process?
  3. What a couple of tools. Seriously, you can hear the bias dripping off their tongues. Did they even watch the game? "Allen is completing passes but he's still not accurate Bills fans"? What the hell does that even mean? Are these two morons saying that in all those short pass completions the receivers were having to make circus catches? They seem concerned that Allen isn't making "Big Plays" but who on that offense are the "Big Play" guys? Maybe Foster & Singleterry who were both out. And did these two numbskulls even realize that the Bills were without THREE startling offensive lineman? I know I should just ignore these guys but it's hard to ignore STUPID when it's in your face.
  4. Remember they were saying the same thing abut the Bills until the Minnesota game!
  5. I don't think Fitz is just blowing smoke up our butts here. Belichick said a similar thing and I suspect that there is a growing sense among players & coaches that something is being lost in these Taj Mahal football palaces that resemble super malls more then stadiums. New Era field is one of only a few NFL stadiums on any given Sunday that has that college football vibe going on.
  6. I've just heard that they were banged up and not very good when healthy except for the center who is solid. I saw the tweet from the Miami beat writer today (it's on the pre-game thread) quoting Flores as sounding pessimistic that their center will be able to go Sunday.
  7. IMO starting Fitz does in fact increase, however slightly, the chance that Miami springs an upset or keeps the game close. With Rosen there was ZERO chance of a close game let alone an upset but Fitz has shown that he can catch fire. It will be important for the Bills to bring their A game and let Fitz know in the 1st quarter he's in for a long day. Now that I've gotten my worry wart side out of the way this might also be a move forced on Flores by the likelihood that Miami will be without their starting center Sunday. As banged up and ineffective as the Dolphins O-line is the loss of the center might make it almost impossible for them to move the ball. Throwing Rosen to the wolves might be something that Miami isn't ready to do yet.
  8. Yep I remember it to. It seemed to always get blown up. Remember in the playoff game at Rich Stadium against Jacksonville that we lost? Kelly tried a shovel pass and it was INTERCEPTED! The difference today is that they're doing it off a jet sweep to a lesser known player. Back in the day it was a static two yard forward pitch to Thomas who the other team was keying on!
  9. As key weapons are lost and defensive coordinators adjust to how the loss of those players impact a QB like Mahomes the more he starts to look mortal. This is a normal condition of the NFL. Mahomes is a great QB and will bounce back. But you're right over the last couple of games Mahomes has made some throws that would have gotten Allen clobbered by certain posters.
  10. This is so true and is the reason Zay is in Oakland. Almost every NFL game I watch I hear the announcers talk about how a receiver had to "become a defensive back on that play". This is a MINIMUM requirement for an NFL WR.
  11. What a difference in perceptions a couple of weeks make in the NFL! Wait, I think I just saw Winston throw another Interception! And the stewardess is taking it to house!
  12. As an organization if you really are tanking you have to start Rosen the rest of the season. You need to know if a guy drafted #10 just last year can be the franchise QB for your team. If he can it changes what you will do at next years draft. The best case scenario for Miami is that Rosen catches fire, plays well and the Dolphins win a couple of games and are picking say #3. At this point they don't have to take a QB and could potentially trade out of #3 for a lot of picks. Worst case scenario is Rosen sucks you get the #1 pick and you can trade him for a 7th round draft pick. There is NO value to winning games with Fitz. You lose draft position and Fitz is not the answer to your QB needs. I think the reason they benched Rosen today was to keep him alive to play again. Not to mention that you don't want him to get booed off the home field. Not good for a young QB's confidence. I'm thinking that question has already been convincingly answered!
  13. I think this point is underappreciated by some Bill's fans. You can make a strong argument that last year Allen was put into a position every bit as bad as Rosen was. Everything from not taking a lot of 1st team snaps during training camp & preseason; a terrible O-line; the worst reeving core (WR's & TE's) in the NFL and a weak stable of RB's. That Allen has made the progress he has is a main reason to be optimistic.
  14. Very quietly the Pats have used up most of the quarter and the Giants wind advantage.
  15. Pats are playing Jones very differently then Allen. With Allen they blitzed on almost half the plays. Tonight they're sitting back and mostly rushing 3 or 5 guys.
  16. Nugent is trying to give Belichick a heart attack!
  17. It's like the KC/Indy game where the Colts were missing their entire defensive backfield which should have translated to a KC blow out. NE might lose this game.
  18. The hate for NE is strong on this thread young Padawan.
  19. Wow. This should be a wake up call to the Bills with Miami coming up. These guys are pros and when they're double digit underdogs pride comes into play.
  20. Nice throw and catch but I suspect that was an even better play design.
  21. If he's throwing 20+ picks for the next few years that's a problem. But at this point in his developmental and given the type of QB he is it's not a big deal.
  22. Actually Allen was taking deep shots and getting picked. Both throws by Jones seemed worse IMO. As an aside, shouldn't someone arrest NE for child abuse here? Jones could have had 2 more INT's! Bottom line though is that this game provides no special insight into whether Jones is the guy for the Giants. This is what the Pats do to young QB's.
  23. Damn, hate the guy but Belichick sure knows how to coach. Brady is clearly fading so he rebuilds the D & ST's and they start scoring points.
  24. Wow, Jones lucky Gilmore didn't pick him. That was a flat out dropped INT! Of course a Belichick D chewing up a rookie QB is no surprise.
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