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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. Really? Here's the stats so far: Allen 20+ yard completions = 47 40+ yard completions = 8 Murray 20+ yard completions = 42 40+ yard completions = 7
  2. I think this comment stretches credibility just a bit. Given the violent nature of football and the demographic (young health adults) the players make up, covid is probably the least dangerous thing they face in the pursuit of their careers.
  3. To be fair a much better way to think of this is the flu vaccine. If everybody gets the flu shot the severity of the flu season will be diminished as will hospitalizations and deaths but a lot of people will still get the flu and some will get very sick and even die. With the arrival of the Omicron variant of covid it's hard not to see the virus as having become endemic in the human population. We have reached the point with available vaccines and treatments to start treating covid infections like the flu.
  4. Yes but in reality they are still missing games. My understanding is that both Washington & the Browns starting and backup QB's were fully vaccinated yet still missed their games. And I'm not saying it wouldn't have been better if Beasley & Davis were both vaccinated. It would have been as the CHANCE they could come back sooner is real. But the crisis facing the NFL is not caused by the unvaccianted. Plenty of the vaccinated are missing games and it's only going to get worse if the NFL doesn't change the rules.
  5. The rules are human creations and when circumstances change it's stupid not to change the rules to reflect it. The covid world today is vastly different then the one we were in at the start of the season. That alone means the rules need to change. And the NFL agrees with this as they have changed the rules. The only problem is that they have been to cautious in changing their rules.
  6. If a player was going out to the clubs every night I would get the anger aimed at them for catching the covid. But it seems petty & spiteful and a bit crazy to hate on unvaccinated players for catching the covid. In case folks haven't noticed a lot of vaccinated players are catching the covid and missing at least one game. Some of these posts have to much of a Salem Witch burning reaction for my taste. I think the anger would be more fairly aimed at an NFL that isn't being flexible enough or aware enough of the rapidly changing situation in the world of covid.
  7. The same way that fully vaccinated players like Dawkins, Felliciano and Klein can.
  8. With the latest variants vaccination no longer prevents covid spread. What vaccination does do is reduce symptom intensity, hospital visits and deaths. So unless the very few unvaccinated players in the NFL are getting sick & being hospitalized I don't see what their vaccine decision has to do with not playing. The fact is that the NFL should be changing it's rules on the fly. They need to adopt practical rules that will allow those that CAN play to play regardless of their covid status. They should treat this like the flu where if you're really sick you don't play but if the symptoms are mild you can play. I just don't see the logic in blaming unvaccinated players for the current #### storm when over 97% of the players are vaccinated. In the face of the new covid variants it's the rules the NFL has adopted that are the problem here NOT the unvaccinated players.
  9. We'll never know as they've probably switched up the test kits and are testing for gingivitis.
  10. Also I believe that if he was a close contact to an infected person that would also trigger a test?
  11. This is the only way. Base it on symptoms and then only on severe symptoms actually keeping players off the field not whether they have covid or not. If they don't do this then in the next few weeks and through the playoffs and Super Bowl we'll have the spectacle of the NFL claiming to decide a championship with an Aaron Rogers QBing against a Joe Blow from the Practice Squad. Now that's competitive balance!
  12. Why would you blame the unvaccianted players? They are NOT driving the covid spread in the NFL. In fact with 97% of the league vaccinated the unvaccinated players contribution to this is like a pea on an elephants back. Heck Dawkins IS vaccinated and missed games because of the covid. Even with the new rules the NFL adopted vaccinated players are still catching covid and not clearing up quickly.
  13. Can you imagine what your typical NFL announcers would be saying if Allen threw an INT in the end zone; missed a wide open receiver for a TD and then threw an almost INT directly into the chest of a LB? My goodness the FOX studio analysts would be all over this. It really is strange how they react to the performance of different QB's.
  14. I'm not sure we have the talent distribution on the Offense to give Allen those kind of easy throws.
  15. I disagree. If you remember that first pass that sailed high and if not for a spectacular catch may have been picked off BB was not going to let Jones beat them. Can you imagine how effective play action should have been in the 2nd half? That they didn't try it tells me BB was terrified at what might happen had Jones been asked to throw the football. And as far as 14 being enough points, two trips into the red zone in the 4th quarter including a 1st & goal at the 7 argue that the Pats were lucky that 14 points was enough to win the game.
  16. The good news is that Brown should see a big improvement from last week to this week. He'll have a game under his belt blocking a very good pass rusher, game film of his work that can be critiqued and learned from and a whole week of practice. We might be surprised at how well he plays this game.
  17. Every time Bills fans visit me from Buffalo one of the first places they want to go is Jungle Jim's.
  18. Mt Adams is fantastic and OTR is jumping and with the addition of the brand new 25,000 seat soccer stadium in that neighborhood there are even more options. Unfortunately I am not.
  19. I've lived in Cincinnati fora long time and I have no idea what Joe is talking about. The nightlife is fine considering the size of the city. Sure, it's not NY, LA or Chicago but it matches up well with similarly sized city's. Heck, the downtown casino is pretty nice and there are a lot of music venues. Now to be fair I'm a bit old to properly comment on the type of entertainment options appealing to the twenty something demographic. But I can't imagine it isn't on par with most NFL cities.
  20. There is evidence from previous bouts with respiratory virus that natural immunity may be very long lasting (decades in same cases) in this class of infections. So far I've seen data showing it holding up pretty well a year after covid infection. The long lasting part of natural immunity likely involves the "education" of the T cell memory immune system. As for the reason we have booster shots, it is entirely about extending the protective effect of the initial vaccine regimen of two shots. We now know that the protection offered by 2 shots wanes relatively quickly requiring the booster shots.
  21. My point was that as he was infected with covid he was somewhere between the first shot and the second shot. So his immune system was experiencing the mRNA effect at the same time it was dealing with a true covid infection. I don't think we know enough about that situation to rule out potential problems. And I can only go on my very bad experience with vaccination after having previously been infected with covid. I was told by my doctor that this reaction, extreme chills and the shakes, was a direct reaction between vaccination (first shot) and my previous infection status.
  22. I'm with you. It would be real interesting to know whether he has had any symptoms. I mean the guy is fully vaccinated AND he has natural immunity from having had covid previously. My only question and I hope I don't get put in timeout for raising this, was Dawkins hospitalization a result of a covid infection or a weird reaction between covid and the vaccine? According to reports he was within a couple of days of having fully completed his vaccine regimen. This means that he got his first shot and then a month later he got his 2nd shot and then was infected about 10 days after the 2nd shot. Do people really believe that those last couple of days were that critical? You don't think that two weeks after the 2nd shot doesn't contain a little wiggle room? When I was vaccinated I had a terrible reaction to my first shot. Six months previously I had gotten the covid and my doctor explained that my bad reaction - I was close to going to the ER - was a result of my previously being infected. I bring this up only because Dawkins should ave cleared the protocol by now.
  23. Since Allen declared for the NFL draft there has been an undercurrent of NFL folks who seem to hate his guts. It's really weird because he seems like a good guy and his story is compelling. My suspicion is that Allen's path to being an elite QB in the NFL is an in your face example of how the so called "experts" don't really know all that much. From his zero star status as a HS recruit to the fact that virtually EVERY college in the nation turned him down, Allen is a reminder of how blind these people can be. And as someone who watches a lot of college football there is a real shortage of decent QB's out there. I've watched Allen's HS video and for the life of me his arm talent and athleticism are easy to see. And even as a HS senior he was tall and you would expect that he would fill out. To me Allen is an in your face example of just how lazy a lot of these college recruiters are. If the kid isn't at the elite camps he must not be any good. Then you have the NFL "experts" who trashed Allen in what can only be described as in the most unprofessional way possible. Really, Allen succeeding would invalidate mathematics? Allen's success is a living reminder of how mediocre these "experts" are. Their credibility rests on Allen failing. How else can you explain the FOX NFL studio featuring Allen's first two passes of the game against Carolina as evidence that he's struggling? That was bizarre on the face of it. How many times do QB's start off missing heir first two throws in a game. Yet here was FOX featuring that in their halftime show.
  24. Agree. The drop off from Knox to Sweeney is immense. This was another head scratching move by McD & Beane.
  25. And Allen only has 14 turnovers to go along with his 35 TD's while Jackson has 16 turnovers to go along with his 18 TD's.
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