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Everything posted by PayDaBill$

  1. Thats a fumble but I don’t think they revere the call.
  2. Bills MASH unit D just can’t stop KC. This will come down to which team ends up not finishing a drive.
  3. Didn’t Kincaid bat that laterally?
  4. You need to stop the run, and you NEED to keep LJ in the pocket. If he gets out a runs it’s as bad as the backs pounding it.
  5. They should, we resemble an ER room. If and it’s a big if that we get past KC, Balt @ home is damn scary.
  6. Especially when he was engaged up top. That needs to be a penalty.
  7. Absolutely correct. I had a good laugh at this guys post. There’s multiple feet on the ground in certain locations. You’re not going to melt that much snow with a radiant heat system. This build should be for a covered structure. End of story. All you have to do is look at the inconveniences and all the work for these two games, it’s ridiculous.
  8. That’s a sliver this is predominantly funded and maintained by taxpayer $$$ stop the BS. He’s worth $7 BILLION……
  9. I saw the thread title and thought he found a quicker route to the bank.🥴
  10. Unfortunately Patty is 100x better than that stiff qb from Pitt.
  11. Yeah with the conditions we often see it’ll melt as it falls ….. gotcha That’s some funny stuff right there…..
  12. Melt 2’ feet of snow with radiant heat, that’s funny stuff. Running on electricity no doubt too…🥴
  13. Well look at the stadium rendering, that’s going to prevent ZIP. Heavy blowing lake effect snow = same problem. Again building an open air stadium is utterly ridiculous. It’s complete nonsense to have to depend on the public to show up to clear snow for $20 hr and a pat on the back. We have an owner with $7B and the stadium is already being heavily subsidized by the tax payers as is….
  14. And we’re building a new stadium that will have ALL the same problems. Not putting a roof on this new project was asinine to say the least, especially given it’s location in the Southtowns which is prone to heavy LE snow bands and winds.
  15. This is embarrassing $7B owner wants locals to show up for $20 (lol bring your own shovel) & no ticket to boot. 1. Put a roof on the new stadium 2. Hire a snow removal / contractor company and have them under contract. This repeated call for help is ridiculous!
  16. Injuries are a colossal concern, & as is playing mistake free football. Patty and Mr Swift are always dangerous and will definitely take advantage of any mistakes we make. We always seem to play the Chefs close and we’re home. So I expect a good game but tightly contested.
  17. Jerry likes maintaining control more than winning when it counts.
  18. By all means feel free to bet the house if you’re that sure. 😉 Sounds like alot of whining in advance to me. I think the Lions Bills would be highly viewed.
  19. You dudes need to put away your tin foil hats. The league isn’t scripting outcomes (this isn’t the WWF) & isn’t instructing refs to impact the outcome of a playoff game so 1 favorite son can move on. SMH! Now if you want to argue incompetence exists & is more prevalent than need be, I’m all ears but otherwise you guys are embarrassing yourselves.
  20. The drama of it all, reading all this I feel like im in HS. Refs will be fine, the leagues not rigged, lmao.
  21. There you go again with that silly word “investment”.
  22. Still doesn’t have much playing time under his belt. Some of the weaknesses we see were clearly mentioned in his draft report. He may still develop. It’s just hard to tell when his NFL body of work is almost non existent. I’m still hopeful in his development. https://www.nfl.com/prospects/kaiir-elam/3200454c-4155-0002-a198-92eda6859fa9
  23. All I can say is with a taxpayer contribution of $850 million, & $650 million due from the state, and the remainder from Erie County I think Pegula who’s worth is about $7B could have sprung for a design build with a roof. A stadium is not an investment, how much revenue is the taxpayer realizing from their investment?😉 Oh and for NYS and Erie County part - where’s the money actually coming from?
  24. Only going by a post above on the 70%. Youre the mathematician, the entire stadium project is $1.7b and you told me a $1b to cover. i call BS.
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