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Posts posted by Tsaikotic

  1. Does anybody know Buffalo's won lost record coming off of bye weeks. I want to believe that it is not good. :devil:


    2007 Bills(7-9) vs Ravens(5-11) - Bills win 19 - 14

    2006 Bills(7-9) vs GreenBay(8-8) - Bills win 24 - 10

    2005 Bills(5-11) vs Kansas City(10-6) - Bills win 14 - 3

    2004 Bills(9-7) vs NE(14-2) - Bills lose 17 - 31

    2003 Bills(6-10) vs Cowboys(10-6) - Bills lose 6 - 10

    2002 Bills(8-8) vs Kansas City(8-8) - Bills lose 16 - 17

    2001 Bills(3-13) vs Jaguars(6-10) - Bills win 13 - 10

    2000 Bills(8-8) vs Colts(10-6) - Bills lose 16 - 18


    so last 8 years thats 4 - 4 with a 3 win streak in the last 3 years...last 4 games at home

  2. I dont think Garcia would look at Buffalo as a team he would want to join....most likely he would want to go to team he has a shot at starting for....most likely next season Hamdam gets bumped to #2 and Buffalo drafts a #3 QB in late rounds or FA

  3. I also have no point, but the Bills should give Marv a title, an office, and a scooter to roam the sidelines. He needs to be a part of all this, and we need to see him at every game. He is, after all, largely responsible for what we're seeing this season...


    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    19 and 0 baby!!!!! :wallbash:



    lol..yea 2 scooters one for marv and one for wilson..both equipt with I-V bag and O2...they can both ride arround the stadium and smack cheerleaders ass's as they scoot by

  4. I'd actually like to see more of Ellis and what he can do..Schobel is a little disheartening right now...I wish Bowen wasnt hurt...we really need to see what he can do so Buffalo can decide what to do next offseason..Ellison is not a starter caliber player and Crowell is most likely gone even tho for some reason hes still with the team on IR...so next offseason Buffalo either gets a FA LB to fill Crowells spot, lets Bowen take over or drafts a 1st round LB....has Fine played yet?...hes been hurt since game 1 right?...if we dont see what Fine can do either, Buffalo will need to think about TE next offseason also...to be honest, and this is just my opinion, the way Youboty is playing and Greer and McGee..I really think Buffalo could have gotten away with drafting Corner and right now McKelvin looks like a wasted #11 pick...not saying hes bad just saying we could have gone with McGee, Greer, Youboty, Corner, James and used pick #11 on OL or DL..but Bills didnt know what they had in youboty in April yet...I like they kept Bell, Omon and Johnson...they have a future I think...and to whomever runs www.billsdaily.com - Fred Jackson and Terrence McGee are not rookie punt and kick returners...lol

  5. I wouldnt say overpaid right now yet but if he continues to play like this not only will he never get a new contract, he might need a new team next year....I doubt it comes to that,but Buffalo is not gonna be happy how he handled himself this preseason and came in not playing well..something is gonna happen...they could wait and see how he handles next offseason and what he looks like next year before deciding what to do with him....so basically what Im saying is: 1- he needs to up his play now, 2 - he needs to be here for all ota's and training camp next year and 3 - if he keeps struggling this year he needs to show hes back to 100% next year or its his last....if he comes out after the bye week back to where he was last year then maybe they might talk to him about a new contract...if not then theyll wait and see what he dose next year before talking new contract.

  6. good article...Evans should have gone to the probowl in 2006, but because he was on a crappy Bills team no-none looked at him...not sure how good the AFC WR's were that year that went either...most WR's didnt get to probowl or have good seasons till year 4 anyways...this is Evans 5th year...he should have a probowl year this year and hopefully if Bills keep winning Evans gets the call to Hawaii

  7. so explain why he has to compete for starter jobs and was considered to be #2 on most teams..the only reason hes playing now is because Leinhart isnt playing good...if Warner is a top 10 QB he shouldnt have to worry about competition and he should know hes the starter untill somebody beats him out not the other way arround...and no im not asking in a smart-ass way...why would teams not use him like if he was favre or something with those #'s..there has to be something wrong with him thats makes teams not go 100% with him

  8. I'm not saying anybody is, but please don't lump me in the "I dont like JP" group either....I support whoever this team puts on the field...do I like TE better than JP?..yes but if JP had to go out and play Id support him just as much...and if you look at what I wrote I didn't criticize JP or say that hes a lump of sh--(not that anybody said I did )...I also did not say JP is sulking..all I said was JP and Trent don't seem to be seen around each-other very much and that respect is totally different than likeing...and that according to the article, TE and Hamdan seem to be more of a #1 & #2 qb group than TE and JP are..outside that article and what we as fans can see durring air time we'll never know how TE and JP interact.

  9. All right. Well how about the fact that between every series last Sunday it was Edwards and JP tossing a football between them to keep Edwards loose? Does that help you in any way?


    Strangely absent from the game of toss was Hamdan. I think he was pissed that Edwards was spending time with JP.


    I didnt say they hated eachother or that they didnt like eachother at all...I missed that game of catch sry...I was only referring to the article and the way it sounded...I was also refering to the fact that respect dosent = feiendship....If a girl you really liked said she respected you..how would you feel?..to me that says..."i like you but not really all that much"

  10. Loften could be on the team now with Hardy...Bruce I think is going to be very difficult to find...Ive been waiting for Buffalo to get its next Metzellars for years now...some reason all the coaches weve had seem to hate tight ends and never go for a good one...we might be searching for a few of those this next draft..watching this team sofar id say we need to draft DE, LB, TE, C

  11. This make you mooks feel any better?




    Edward Losman apparently coexist


    being really respectful of one another dosent mean anything except theyr not fighting with eachother...it dosent mean that Jp is prepareing with TE and Hamdan...like I said above, JP could just be prepareing by himself..he could prepare better that way I dont know...what I do think is that a team most likely would like all the qb's to be on the same page and even tho they might prepare different , they should atleast all know the same "code names" for plays and be on the same page in that way...most likely anything TE and Hamdan come up with is shared in the QB meetings so all the coaches and qb's are on the same page


    the main thing ppl are talking about here is that, even tho JP and TE are being respectfull of eachother, TE and JP are not acting as much like #1 and #2 together as TE and Hamdan seem to be....if someone who didnt know the team read this article they would walk away feeling that Hamdan must be the #2 qb on the team...fallow this with the sightings on the sidelines and youll see TE and Hamdan sitting together and Jp is walking arround somewhere else by himself...only 1 time did I see all 3 qbs together and that was the rams game when all 3 where huddled with van pelt or maybe it was schonert..Im not saying anything bad about JP here just saying what I saw..plus its not like you can see the sidelines the hole game just tidbits here and there

  12. the main thing I get from the article, and this is from not being able to tell what JP is doing, is that Hamdan seems to be as prepared for the games as TE....Maybe more prepared than JP is....as a coach, if TE was to get hurt, I might be promted to insert Hamden in as #2 QB knowing that hes well prepared...we cant tell from this article wether JP is prepareing just as hard on his own or just going home at the end of the meeting...it deffinatly dosent sound like JP is there in the room with them tho...


    another thing i get from the article is that Hamdan and TE are coming up with there own acronyms for plays and if JP isnt in that room JP cant help TE from the sidelines....Im glad these 2 are really cliking with eachother cuz I think were going to see these 2 as #1 and #2 for atleast the next 5 years on Buffalos sidelines.

  13. Of the Undefeateds When and where will they lose?


    Week 5

    Tennessee at Baltimore

    Buffalo at Arizona

    Seattle at NY Giants


    both Tenn and Balt have great D's...this game will come down to who has the better O...I think Tenn wins this one....Bills game will come down to how much pressure they get on warner...Arizona lost the ball 7 times last weekend...if Bills can get 2 or 3 they win....I also think Bills O is better than Arizonas D ....they wont allow 56 points like last weekend but maybe 30 - 40....Seattles no match for Giants or maybe they are...I still feel Giants win...so basically i think they all stay undefeated this weekend..if I had to chose one to fall Id say Tie between Bills and Tenn


    Week 6

    NY Giants at Cleveland

    -------------------- Bye: Buffalo, Tennessee


    Giants win this one


    Week 7

    San Diego at Buffalo

    San Francisco at NY Giants

    Tennessee at Kansas City


    Bills get 2 weeks to prepare for SD....SD isnt looking like a top team this year...Bills could win this one but it'll be tough....Giants should beat SF easily....KC upset a , what I thought was a pretty good team in Denver....I dont think they pull it off this week against a Tenn team with 2 weaks to prepare...so this week I would choose BIlls to fall out of the 3


    Week 8

    Buffalo at Miami

    NY Giants at Pittsburgh

    Indianapolis at Tennessee


    Bills should be able to beat Miami...Giants could have a tough time against Pitt, but I beleive pitt lost there two best RB's...so if thats true I see Giants winning...if Indy finally starts to klik they could beat Tenn but if Tenn is still undefeated by this game I say Indy goes down...so this week i see all 3 winning


    Week 9

    NY Jets at Buffalo

    Green Bay at Tennessee

    Dallas at NY Giants


    wow..three good games this week...any of the 3 could possably lose this week


    so honestly I see a tie between Tenn and Buffalo in this weekends game to be the first to fall...if they both win then I see Bills being first to fall in week 6 and giants being last and posably going 8-0 till week 9and falling to Dallas

  14. so far in 3 weeks of the NFL, 2 of Broncos games have had a bad call by the refs...the media seems to be fixated on those bad calls and yet no mention of the bad call in Buffalo game...everyone, even the analysts said that when a defensive player and offensive player come down with a ball at the same time, it always goes to the offense....the refs gave the ball to the Raiders...why isn't this bad call being as media-ized as the Broncos 2 give-me calls?...is it because its the Bills and not the Broncos?..or was that play different from what I recall?

  15. well to answer that question all you need to do is look at Lynch's TD...his hole body was out of bounds but in the air, but the ball was inside the pylon...as far as I know aslong as the ball crosses or touches the goalline and its inside the pylon, its a TD....but if your catching a ball in the endzone both feet have to be down and possession of the ball is needed...so different rules really on wether u run it or catch it in the endzone...

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