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Posts posted by Tsaikotic

  1. dont think it will happen:


    From Bob McGinn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “A source familiar with negotiations told the Journal Sentinel that Chiefs President Carl Peterson ultimately decided to retain Gonzalez after turning down the best offer from Green Bay, which was a third-round selection. The source said Peterson wanted a second-rounder to make the deal…During a day of talks between Green Bay and Kansas City, the Packers increased their compensation offer several times. A source said Gonzalez had told the Chiefs that he would accept a trade to the Packers, and planned to play three more seasons…Adam Schefter of the NFL Network reported that Philadelphia, the New York Giants and Buffalo also were negotiating with the Chiefs. He reported that one team offered a third-round pick, another team offered a fourth-round pick and another team offered an unidentified choice plus a player…An NFL source told the Journal Sentinel that the Bills weren’t a factor because Gonzalez didn’t want to play for them…According to the source, Gonzalez was livid that the rebuilding Chiefs (1-4), for whom he has caught tight-end record totals of 841 passes for 10,075 yards and 68 touchdowns, refused to let him go for a third-round pick.”


    I have a feeling this was the Bills...I think they might have offered McCargo and a 3rd/4th


    another team offered an unidentified choice plus a player
  2. According to PFT, he failed a phyiscal and the trade was voided.





    ouch!!....just read that on PFT.com....they mentioned how McCargo has to come back and play for a coach that just publicly outted him


    “It’s like we’ve said from Day One, you’ve got to really want to play,” Bill Kollar told the Buffalo News. “It’s real easy to go and talk about it. But what you have to do is work and get better on the practice field and take it into the game.


    “He’s got the ability. But deep inside yourself you’ve got to want to end up getting it done. You’ve got to end up doing it on the field.”

  3. 'ans4e64' date='Oct 15 2008, 06:46 PM'
    You're right. Lets keep players that aren't producing on the roster because they have "big" salaries. We don't need an upgrade.


    I didnt mean keep them because of the big salaries...I am who dosent give a crap about how much players make...I was refering to the fact that the Bills FO must see them as being here for a while, so hence the huge contracts..does this mean they wont dump them tomarrow..nope..but to me it shows it's a spot they must not be to worried about.


    How would you know? Have you seen him play in the NFL somewhere?


    ok maybe a bad choice of words, but have you seen him play somewhere to say hes not?



    Do you really think that NFL teams base playing time according to a descending rank order of salaries? Step away from your Xbox 360...


    dont own a xbox 360 sorry...but yes in a way...IMO, teams are more hesitant to sit a 40 million dollar player over a 1 million dollar player, unless that 1 million dollar player plays extremely well, then he becomes a 40 million dollar player.

  4. My thoughts are that the draft is a long way away. We have 14 more football games to worry about before we even think about who we are going to draft in April.


    I don't agree...we know what the team looks like right now and its not really hard to make guesses at what would make the team better right now...mix that with the fact that last draft we knew what would have been needed and what the Bills actually got and whats left now to get...the only thing that is different is we don't know what the Bills will pick up and lose during FA next offseason...so basically building a rough draft so to say of next years draft really isn't that hard right now.


    my sig is just that..a rough draft of what I would like to see next april...course it will change quite a few times as we find out how well Fine plays and how well the O-line works out for the remanding games...If Fine proves to be a good recieving TE I possably could take TE off my sig or move it down to the 4th/5th...


    When we traded up, I actually though we were going to draft Winston Justice.


    I think DE is priority #1.


    We'll have to wait and see what free angency yields, of course, but right now I would go:

    1: DE

    2: C

    3: OLB

    4: TE

    4: QB

    5: RB

    6: OT

    7: DT


    I agree most those are needed..minus RB, OT and QB... but I think DT should be closer to 1st - 4th round..with McCargo gone and Stroud being older that is.


    not in any order - DE, C, OLB, DT, OG, SS, TE

  5. I think the blocking can and will be better come mid season when the line finally gets back from that bullsh!t Peters put them thru...do I think we need upgrades?..yes at both C and RG...so I'm not saying the line is going to be dominant just better...heres the running so far this season.. and don't forget that Bills have 2 RB' not just Lynch..:


    week 1 - Bills vs. Seattle : Lynch 18/76(4.2), Jackson 10/31(3.1) > 28/107(3.8)

    week 2 - Bills vs Jax: Lynch 19/59(3.1), Jackson 6/17(2.8) > 25/76(3.04)

    week 3 - Bills vs Raiders: Lynch 23/83(3.6), Jackson 5/24(4.8) > 28/107(3.8)

    week 4 - Bills vs Rams: Lynch 19/57(3.0), Jackson 7/46(6.5) > 26/103(3.9)

    week 5 - Bills vs Cardinals: Lynch 13/55(4.2), Jackson 1/5(5.0) > 14/60(4.2)


    thats 3 games with over 100 yards rushing, 1 game against a good run stopping D for 76 yards and 1 game in which JP had to throw all day to catch up against Cardinals...would I like to see Lynch with 90+ yards and Jackson with 50+ every game..yea sure, but its not going to happen until we get a new C and maybe a new RG as well...but I think(hope) after the bye the yards go up with the O-Line have a little time to get back on track

  6. we need pass rushers more then anything. That just might be what this team needs to win a Super Bowl


    I think Buffalo screwed themselves in this area tho..they extended both Schobel and Kelsay to huge contracts...if they grabbed a 1st or 2nd round DE now theyd have to pay him good cash and then what do you do?...you have to get rid of one the 4 DE you allready have on the team...Ellis is a good DE just sitting right now...Denney, not being the recent draft pick and not haveing a huge impact on Buffalos salary cap hit, would be the odd man out and hed be dumped..then what?...keep sitting Ellis because a new guy took over for Denney?...I think Buffalo's FO thinks its fine where they are at DE....if Bills didnt extend Schobel and Kelsay the way they did, they might be up to looking into a new DE.

  7. i think de should be our #1 priority


    why do you think that?....Buffalo would have to pick a DE in the first or its a waste...they already have a pass rushing DE sitting in street clothes every game because he dosent fit into the ST as well as C.Bryan...Buffalo needs a C, TE, and now DT before they can go DE imo...anyone know the depth at DE in 2009 draft class?...if theres only 1-3 DE worth a 1st, they might be gone before Buffalo picks in the 20's...my thought on this might change if Bills tank and we pick in the top 15.

  8. I seem to remember a few days ago starting a thread saying that McCargo could go to Indy Mr.Fancy Pants and Bigg Bad Boone. Well, I at least got the team got the team right. I was hoping we would have gotten Pollack from them in addition to some draft picks, obviously that part didn't happen. The pick(s) we got was undisclosed but we had better at least have gotten a three since we didn't get any player in exchange. Like I said before this will probably work well for both sides. One mans's trash is another man's treasure. Although McCargo didn't live up to his first round selection he showed flashes. His problem was not being consistent. Enter the colts, they recently released one of their starting d.t.s for off the field issues (when the two previous colt dt starters were both there they were not particularly dominant anyway). They needed a d.t. might be an upgrade over the substitute they have in their now. Clearly McCargo wasn't great here but perhaps he is better than what the lowly Colts defense has now. It also doesn't hurt that McCargo is coming from a team that runs the same scheme that the Colts do and is young. McCargo might just need a change of scenary to start producing. He probably will never be a probowler but maybe they can turn him into a serviceable d.t. and we got a pick that hopefully will pay off.


    its allready been said that the Bills recieved a 4th for McCargo..I would have liked to have seen a 3rd also, but I guess Buffalos lucky to have have gotten what they did for a guy that dosent even play

  9. I would take two weeks off of school and then quit. I am an attorney and couldn't write them for you. That's why I would quit, you won't make it!


    in all seriousness...you might want to take a breath and step back for a moment and just forget about what happened...not everyone on this forum is trashing you and most are just haveing fun...youll find in due time a lot of ppl here are very sarcastic and its done in a fun way....otherwise you might make to many "enemies" and never be able to have a seriuose discussion on TBD...

  10. And another drinking game is invented!

    It is amazing how he immediately became an icon of the Buffalo Bills. The Bills can never let this guy go or there will be real hell to pay from the fans. It's amazing he lasted as long as he did in the draft. Very glad Buffalo got him! :thumbsup:


    lol..I dont think it takes much for ppl to make a drinking game...you try this for a drinking game...every time someone take a drink you all have to drink...

  11. Tony Gonzales would look damn good in the Bills throwbacks!


    Just sayin...


    Oh, and I can honestly say the Bills could go from a potential playoff contender to a potential Super Bowl contender in a matter of 24 hours if the trade goes through! Just my opinion!


    I know you stated its just your opinion..but I wouldnt go that far...potential playoffs to definate playoffs Id go tho

  12. lets say the Bills were to make the playoffs...whats the worst they would pick in the draft?..22 - 26 right?...KC is basically in the top 5 worst teams right..so there pick most likely would be pick 1 - 5...would it be worth it to give KC our 1st for TG and there 4th?..there 4th would be almost a 3rd really...this way we could this:


    2009 draft:


    1 - traded to KC for TG

    2 - C - Jonathan Luigs, Arkansas. 6-4 314

    3 - OLB - Clint Sintim, Virginia, 6-3 254

    4 - OG - Andy Levitre, Oregon State, 6-3 317

    4 - ???

  13. Would anyone be upset if the Bills used a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick on TE in next year's draft? Well how about just getting arguably the best TE in football and getting two or three more good seasons out of him? Isn't it worth it? This team has a chance to be good this year and Gonzalez would be a difference maker on this offense.


    Well lets look at the facts then:


    TG- if Bills get TG he'd be a starter from day 1.. hes already seasoned and knows whats hes doing and how the NFL works...Hes one of the best TE's in the game...hes got anywheres from 3 - 5 years left in him


    first day TE in 2009 draft - if bills draft a TE in round 1 or 2 most likely he'd be starter from day 1 also...rookie TE would take half a season up to 2 seasons maybe even 3 seasons to get acclimated to the NFL...highly doubt any TE in this draft has the potential to be as good as TG, not saying we couldnt find a stud TE just not another TG


    so basicaly the Bills could waste anywhere up to 3 years on a draft TE to get what they can have from day 1 with TG..any TE the Bills pick in the draft would be a 50/50 on potential...It just seems smarter to spend a #2 or #3 on a known commadity then take a chance on a draft pick that cpould end up flopping..or worse take 2-3 years to become great and then leave for better $ after only 1 or 2 good seasons in Buffalo

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