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Everything posted by Tsaikotic

  1. Vilma per rotoworld.com
  2. yea...for all we know Buffalo isnt even interested in him...I cant see why tho...with no good center and getting rid of our overpriced guard, they should be going after him....only thing I can think of is that Bills might be counting on signing hangnail or whatever his name is and going C early in the draft...but if it was me, I'd make sure I had more than just 1 option on my plate to chose from from FA
  3. Washington post hmm looks like its getting even better...with the Skins being reported as wanting to acquire C/G Brown...this move could passably take them out of the loop...leaving Rams and maybe Buffalo as only teams seeking him...but then again I think i read the Vikings wanting him also if Birk doesn't re-sign...course then again they might be seeking Brown as a C which makes this mean nothing
  4. miami herald "Center Jason Brown, the Baltimore Ravens starting center, will not be one of them. Brown is scheduled to visit the St. Louis Rams and NFL sources expect the player to be offered a contract that could average $7-$8 million per year. The Dolphins showed serious interest in Brown but backed away when they learned Brown's asking price." not great news but at least it makes sure no teams in the AFC East are going after him except for maybe the Bills...thats if this site is credible
  5. hmmm..I swear I saw it somewhere..my bad if I'm wrong...I could have mistaken what he said also hmm on a side note...why does my new avatar make me feel so funny on the inside
  6. Brown is visiting the Rams tomarrow aswell...so hoepfully he makes it to Buffalo
  7. well the reason I wouldnt flip em is because Brown has stated that hes looking for a team that needs a guard...he prefers the guard position over center..so if Buffalo can guarentee him a guard posiotion it would give them a step ahead of a team only wanting him for center
  8. anybody know wich position hes best at or best suited for in Buffalo?...I wouldnt mind if he took C and the Bills still went after Brown for OG
  9. this could mean that Buffalo will be pushing hard for Jason Brown....Brown has stated that he wants to be put back in his guard position and that he will be searching for a team that needs a guard...by Buffalo cutting Dockerey they might be trying to show Brown that theres a big hole at the position that he wants and could fill it by just signing on the dotted line.
  10. oh comon...like you actually think Rob Johnson is better than 1997's quarterback of the year Billy Joe Hobert..PFFT
  11. because if youd bother to even go and look at the site youd understand why these picks are being made instead of makeing urself look ignorant
  12. ok heres my Bills 50th ann offense/ST: 12 - Jim Kelly - Quarterback 2 - Steve Christie - Kicker 8 - Brian Moorman - Punter 34 - Thurman Thomas - Running Back 83 - Andre Reed - Wide Receiver 80 - Eric Moulds - Wide Receiver 80 - James Lofton - Wide Receiver 88 - Pete Metzelaars - Tight End 66 - Billy Shaw - Offensive Line - LG 68 - Joe DeLamielleure - Offensive Line - RG 71 - Jason Peters - Offensive Line - RT 64/77 - Stew Barber - Offensive Line - LT 67 - Kent Hull - Offensive Line - C 89 - Steve Tasker - Special Teams defense wont be available to pick till March 15 or something like that....to be honest, I wasnt sure where some of the guys lined up for the O-Line..they have them all listed as G...I really got lucky with my picks as that they were all different pos except for Peters so I moved him to RT..a couple I knew like Hull and Peters but the rest I had no idea..lol
  13. hmm interesting....from the way things sound from everything Ive read, Bills first pick could go anywhere...it defiantly sounds like Defense will be the pick, but that could be a smokescreen...this article points out that the Bills could either go with Brian Orakpo, DE, Texas / Everette Brown, DE/OLB, Florida State or they could go with Rey Maualuga, ILB, USC ...but they didn't necessarily say that the Bills were looking at these positions in round 1...they could go with Brandon Pettigrew, TE, Oklahoma State or even Alex Mack, C, California ...obviously the article didn't mention the names I just threw up..just the positions really...this draft is defiantly going to be interesting. as for the free agents...I would love to see Owen Daniels, TE in Buffalo...but he would cost to much...if the cost is only a 1st or a 2nd then maybe its worth it, but Ive read that he might cost both a 1st and a 3rd..to me thats just to much..I mean seriously, most ppl feel that Buffalo will pick a TE in the top 3 rounds anyways, so why not grab a proven TE.
  14. thats stupid...hes never done anything to show he'd mess up durring the actual season...its the offseasons where he has time to do other stuff besides play thats getting him into trouble...will I say he wont..no..but theres a risk that every player on the team will do something stupid on any day..should the bills house another 53 players somewhere just in case any of them do something stupid..I guess its just me, but aslong as hes not killing ppl, beating women or dealing drugs I have no problem with keeping his talent on the team..I guess if he sucked as a RB I might cut him lose and say good luck, but he doesnt suck .
  15. could be..but if thats the reason it has to be they think Jackson will want more money than what Taylor would want...Theres nothing to fix in our RB situation as it is...these 2 together are one of the best combos in the AFC...I could be wrong , but I just dont see any reason to mess with the RB situation...why get rid of Jackson for an older Taylor just to have to look for Taylors replacement in like 2 or 3 years...I dont know..could just be me, but I just dont see any reason for Taylor on the team unless he'll be happy in a FB roll..blocking for Jackson and Lynch and being able to catch the ball as a FB..hmm maybe
  16. real question is what does Taylor comeing to Buffalo actualy mean...I cant see Lynch being suspended for more than 2 games if at all...Are the Bills really willing to cut Lynch for whats happened in the past 2 offseasons?...I might get flamed for this but here goes...a percentage of these players in the nfl are going to get into this kind of trouble...I dont mean gun trouble, just trouble in general...some of these guys just dont know how to stay out of trouble, but aslong as they arent killing ppl I dont see any reason to cut them for misdemeanors and such...anyways, theres no room on the rostor for another RB of starting calliber...if they were bringing in RB's to replace Omon I could see that, but thats a huge slap in the face to Taylor to be a 3rd RB I dont see what Washington will bring to the Bills...we saw that Reed is a needed on the feild last season...Johnson looked as to be taking the 3rd WR spot and seems to have some talent...Hardy was a bit dissapointing but he could be better next season..I cant see Washington replacing any of our WR's at all...Maybe Jenkins, guess it comes down to wich is the better ST player and Jenkins was a very good ST player for the Bills.
  17. well I wouldnt go that far....he does have the "best center" comeing out of college (so they say) in round 1...pick #2 im not sure who he is..Im assuming he meant to say Conner Barwin from cincinnati...picks 3a and 3b arent that bad actually...Casey is slotted as one of the top 4 or 5 TE's in this draft and Mcgrath is actually said to be the best WSLB this year...Ive seen 1 or 2 mocks where they have Buffalo taking Mcgrath in the 4th as a steal..pick #4 is a good pick if your team is actually looking for a FB...well not a good 4th round pick but maybe a good 6th...Buffalobills.com is telling us that the Bills are leaning towards not haveing a FB this year at all...after round 4 they get fuzzy and I'm not sure who they are so for me the only problem is his thinking they will only get a 3rd for any kind of trade down..maybe if he explained who he wanted the Bills to trade with it might make more sense.
  18. well ..i wouldnt pick any of them, but if thats who you like thats all good for you...why would think the Bills would only get a 3rd rounder for trading the #11...with that math theyd have to change the #11 for the #12...wow big move..lol..if the Bills were to trade it would be to picks #20 - 25..this would give Buffalo a second rounder and maybe even a 4th or 5th if the team trading with Buffalo really wanted the trade.
  19. add in the fact they just hired a talent evaluator/scout for the team that they desperatly needed...cant remember his name and kind find any links so dont ask...
  20. thats not what I was implying...but 90% of posters feel that everything they read in the news is 100% correct and that if a women says it happened its 100% correct...do rich people get away with more than us poor folks...yes in some cases they do...but like me, you dont know all the facts of what happened and most posters feel they jknew everything as soon as the news reported it...barely any facts are out about the gun incident and ppl have him allready being kicked off team or suspended for half the year...the news today is not what the news was 20 years ago...you could trully have faith in the news back then, now its all propaganda and theory and hearsay passes for news...one channel is far left next is far right...as posted elswhere, the only facts we know or are being told is : 1- 3 blackmen were in a car in southern Cali..2- one of them was Lynch...3- weapon was found in trunk of said car...4- no one knows why police even questioned them let alone what gave them right to search car...4- Lynch was arrested for illegal possesion of a loaded weapon
  21. what do they mean by "maxed out" ?...are they implying that hes only good cuz hes "kinda taking drugs"?...obviously I dont know the facts but could it be hes just trying to take care of his body?...not all suplements are bad for you...If you take vitamins thats a suplement...just wondering what they mean by "maxed out"
  22. lol..yea I edited it b4 I saw this post..lol
  23. profootbaltalk link BILLS SPEAK ON LYNCH ARREST Posted by Mike Florio on February 15, 2009, 4:57 p.m. With police in Culver City, California announcing that police there busted Bills running back Marshawn Lynch for felony possession of a concealed firearm, the Bills have admitted that, indeed, Lynch took a ride in the back of a cruiser. “We can confirm that Marshawn was arrested in California and has retained an attorney,” Bills V.P. of communications Scott Berchtold told WIVB-TV. “We are in the process of trying to gather the facts and will not offer a comment while that process is ongoing.” Lynch is the second high-profile NFL player to face charged of illegal possession of a firearm. Last November, Giants receiver Plaxico Burress was slapped with felony charges after accidentally blowing a hole through his leg. I know this shows as hearsay from the Bills, but everything right now is hearsay till the true facts come out...only true facts rights now is that he was arrested. edited: DOH. ..nevermind...im stupid..I read that wrong...DUHHH back of the cruiser refers to the police car..lol..ill be ok I swear...just a few more drugs and Ill be fine....anyways I apologize for stateing that he was in the back of the car, but I wont apologize for the rest of my post
  24. how is he an idiot regardless what happened?....are you an idiot if you get into a friends car and something illegal is in the car that u cant even see and dont even know is there?....all the facts are not out yet...I read in one article he was in the back of the car...Im not saying he is innocent and Im not saying he is guilty...I guess your entitled to your opinion but I see no facts to base your opinion on...if your baseing it on last summers events, just think a bit about the fine and the fact it was called a minor incedent...I know I cant say 100% what happened last summer but comon...looks to me as it wasnt anything like reported by the girl...$100 fine and minor ticket says to me that maybe she was leaning on his car trying to get a millionare to take her home for the night and he drove off and she fell to the ground when there was no more car to lean on (just a made up theory but probaly more true)
  25. I agree... heres my draft for this scenario: 1a - Brian Cushing OLB 1b - Alex Mack C 2 - Robert Ayers DE 3 - Chase Coffman TE 4 - Alex Magee DT 5 - Troy Nolan SS/FS 6 - Travis McCall FB 7 - Drew Willy QB
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