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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Well they have dead voters voting why not a dead representative too?
  2. With the economy in the state it's in the R's should have curb stomped the D's last night but it just didn't happen. It kinda feels like the Bills getting beat by the Jets or something.
  3. Are you saying they let elderly people set up the voting machines there? Or are the elderly election workers just checking registrations and directing people where to go? Seems a bit stupid to let anyone, let alone elderly people, tinker with a voting machine on election day, doesn't it?
  4. Smart move by the Dems. Just make the machines not work and hope voters decide it's too much hassle and turn away.
  5. When they counted all those early or mailed in ballots a ton of them only had a vote for the Presidency and left the other options blank. Nothing fishy about that.
  6. Sadly I think you might be right. The Dems did such a great job of rigging the last election I don't see them doing anything differently. I sure hope I'm wrong.
  7. Why? Do they constantly bring up Trump too?
  8. BSTime, what will you do when Trump becomes irrelevant ? I think you will have a lot of free time on your hands then, maybe pick up a hobby or something.
  9. I guess that idiot BillsTime missed this, otherwise I'm sure he would have let us all know.
  10. You forgot to mention these guys being in their underwear.
  11. It's like here's a rock and here's a hard place ....
  12. If you're new to this forum let me just say about BillStime, you ain't seen nothing yet.
  13. I just thought it was 2 guys in their underwears fighting over a hammer, nothing we haven't seen before.
  14. "They took my thumb, Charlie."
  15. Face it Goose, the election was a fraud and you know it.
  16. Pull the other one. Fraud and deception ran rampant in that election and deep down you know it.
  17. If we learned anything from the last Presidential election it is the fact that no lead, even at 2 a.m. on election night means anything. Sure it looks like a red wave is coming but these guys know how to, you know, ***** victory from the jaws of defeat.
  18. Absolutely one of my favorite players on this team. He's a playmaker.
  19. Yes, yes he does equate the two, but you gotta remember, Billsy is a complete buffoon.
  20. I think it's great that somebody opened their eyes. looked around, and decided this is not who they want to be associated with anymore. She has some courage to do the right thing and hopefully more Dem politicians will see this and follow suit.
  21. Tibs you are really becoming a sad joke. Just like Billstime you add nothing here.
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