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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. You know I was thinking that the Founding Fathers made a simple typo while writing the Constitution. When they wrote "the right to bear arms" they really meant "the right to bare arms" that would give everyone the right to wear tank tops, which was highly frowned upon by British Empire at that time, as we all know.
  2. You may think that he sounds stupid and incoherent but I think he sounds downright Presidential.
  3. I would term it "your marriage".
  4. I can see how you might feel that way about the Sundowners posts but there is no way his/hers/their posts are the lamest post in PPP history, I only need to direct you to any, and I mean any, posts made by BillStime. The only point he has ever had is on the top of his head.
  5. Tap water? Oh we used to dream of tap water, I remember there was 13 of us living in a small shoe box in the middle of the road. We had to get up a half an hour before we went to bed and work 18 hours at the mill.
  6. It's like arguing with a 4 year old with that guy (or girl).
  7. Why do you find so much joy in these tragedies? You are one sick person.
  8. Sadly some posters here, like BillStime, Tibs and yes, even ChiGoose will look at this and believe it to be true when it is anything but.
  9. I bet you would if it was Don Jr.s laptop and it proved Trump was getting kickbacks from Jr.s "businesses".
  10. So you don't have children then.
  11. Milano was an Animol yesterday for sure.
  12. All I know is what I see. Voting machines "malfunctioning", people being told to leave their voting locations and sent elsewhere, ballots being counted in the dark, improper validation of ballots being counted, it's 2020 all over again.
  13. Surprise, surprise. Looks like the delay to count all those votes worked. again. What a country.
  14. Face it, your side cheats. You may as well be a Patriots fan.
  15. Well with the war they got going on now who has the time?
  16. Please, please, we have already swept that little story under the rug.
  17. By gosh you might be onto something here. And what if Paul Pelosi knew about this and all three of them hired DePape to take him out?
  18. Well you know they showered together since she was a little girl. Oh wait, that was Biden who showered with the young girls, never mind.
  19. The problem with the voting system now is simple, there are too many people voting the wrong way. Fix that and problem solved.
  20. Oh I'm sure there will be enough, and then some.
  21. Don't worry Billsy, no one will infringe on your right to wear a bra and panties. You be you.
  22. After the 2020 elections I thought there was no way there were 81 million people stupid enough to vote for Biden, the election had to have been rigged. After last night I now believe that yes, there really is that many stupid people.
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