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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. I agree with both things.
  2. You forgot to add something about Trump. Please edit. You freakin moron
  3. I didn't find any sound from the video but I am not bad at lip reading. Heres what I can decipher from the video- As McGinest leans over the table of the victim he seems to say - Excuse me good sir, do you by any chance have any Grey Poupon at this table? Victim seems to say - What? You mean mustard? Willy - Must...? Why you! Take that and that..... Hmmmph Victim - ooof....uhhh...oww Entourage - Get 'em........ Uhhh....... hmmmph...... show you Willy - My pants...... my pants After altercation Victim seems to yell - Hah, the jokes on you, I did , in fact, have Grey Poupon all along !!!! Or words to that effect.
  4. I do know they stoled "Who Dey?" from the Saints "Who Dat?".
  5. Speaking of Bidens mental health did anyone see where he told a group of veterans that upon being elected Vice President he awarded his uncle the Purple Heart at his fathers request? A totally fabricated story made for no known reason. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/12/16/biden-says-he-awarded-uncle-a-purple-heart-but-his-story-isnt-possible/?sh=45d1f8296a55
  6. You know you are right. Anyone engaging BillSlime in any way means he won. Shunning his posts is the best way to deal with the moron.
  7. If you make a cake in the shape of a cross it's gonna be upside down to somebody depending where your standing while viewing the cake.
  8. Go back and watch some of his games and tell me how many times you say "Throw the ball, throw the ball."
  9. Since Tyrod refused to throw the ball we will never know.
  10. But at least Peterman threw the dang ball
  11. Your assessment is wrong and invalid, Trump saved many lives and much money with that negotiation. Also .... You're a freakin moron.
  12. His only mistake was trying to have a serious discourse with you.
  13. I think America is the greatest country in the Nation.
  14. I've come to the conclusion that, for that crew, nothing is to dumb.
  15. Maybe, just maybe, Trump did not want to free Viktor Bout, maybe he thought the risk was too high. You freakin moron
  16. Ummm Ummm let's see, was it Trump? You freakin moron
  17. You forgot to mention Trump in the post above, please edit.
  18. I think all your side has left are the nuts.
  19. All Trump, every day, all day. You're like a machine. If machines were idiots.
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