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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. I know we are all supposed to be in love with Cinci right now but the Bengals are a group of cheap shot, dirty players and will not be given any respect by me.
  2. One thing for sure, when he got into character he was all into character.
  3. Gol'dang, that "independently gazing eyes" phrase is pure gold. I busted out laughing. Thank you for that.
  4. Not sure what the Bills can do differently? I mean to intentionally go out to injure an opponent doesn't seem like the way the Bills play. I've seen them get physical and deliver hard clean hits on the field and I've seen them stand up and get in skirmishes on the sidelines when they thought something dirty happened. Cheap shotting an opponent can lead to bad things, concussions, broken limbs, paralysis, death. As Marv would say,":Don't be dumb and don't be dirty."
  5. At THAT video you are correct, we don't see him rolling into Allens ankle, BUT we know he did AND we know Allen got treatment on the sideline because of it.
  6. Even if they are a bunch of cheap shot, dirty , scumbags.
  7. His momentum which was almost non existent was carrying him forward, instead he tucked and rolled towards Allen to initiate contact. And the more I see of that Hurst play the dirtier it looks.
  8. He totally rolls into Allen on purpose, he could have easily fell forward thereby not even coming close to Allen, Instead he tucks and rolls in Allens direction catching Allens foot underneath him. He knew what he was doing and it was a cheap, dirty play.
  9. Who? Hutchison?
  10. Makes perfect sense to me. Well not me as in Me me but me as in me you.
  11. He is an albatross. Josh Allen on skates. I cannot believe his puck handling skills in such small spaces and that back hand pass he made to Tuch last night was poetry.
  12. I understand how you feel but I gotta tell you, you are missing watching a legitimate superstar in Tage Thompson. The kid is incredible.
  13. Hurst celebrating injuring Johnson should tell you all you need to know about that play, it was an intent to injure. I will not root for this Bengals team ever.
  14. I only read what you posted, which had the following statement by the guy who was banned -" Murdering murderer Kyle Rittenhouse is trending because he murdered 2 people" - What don't you understand about this Tim Hannan endorsing a murder? You freakin moron
  15. I think calling for someone to be murdered should only be a 2 week suspension, don't you? You freakin moron
  16. That's only because that election was a fraud.
  17. If he lied and said he was a girl you'd all be okay with it, you hypocrites.
  18. So you think that government agencies should mandate censorship in the media then. I take it you're a liberal.
  19. Who's to say Santos doesn't identify as a college graduate? I mean if he said he was a girl no one should have a problem with that, amirite?
  20. I would go along with that and lets apply the same standard to every candidate be it Rep or Dem.
  21. Seems it's you who made it a black/white issue, I'm sure there are plenty of fine people on both sides.
  22. You think Oz was the better candidate then?
  23. While there were many wonderful stories of good hearted people helping and even saving lives throughout Western New York there are also the stories of good people being victimized by low life creatures. Billsy and Roundy want us to think that looting and vandalism and robbing is no big deal. How can you live with that set of values and morality? Did their parents not teach them right from wrong?
  24. Justify it all you can. A nurse who was stuck at Oshei Childrens Hospital due to the storm over the Christmas weekend returned to her home yesterday morning and found looters had broken in and stolen all her electronics and the presents she had under her Christmas tree for her children. But hey, the burglars probably thought that stuff was essentials, amirite?
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