I gotta agree with you, should have been done case by case and those who acted violently should deal with the punishment they received. But they will get theirs.
The most brutal play was having Josh in shotgun on 3rd and goal from the 2. You have a guy that is gonna go up the gut and score 6 just about every time. I was most upset with that play.
Anyone know if there is a constitutional and legal way to void these pardons? I want those that did nothing but harm this Country to be held accountable.
I really like Shakir, I call him the human pinball but I gotta say I was worried when we lost Morse. Right now this O line is playing lights out and McGovern is a key part of that.
If you believe this insanity, you also believed Biden was “sharp as a tack” and that Kamala was a good candidate
It's like he was speaking directly to Frankish
Now wait just a minute, 4th&wrong is a self admitted troll only here to stir the pot, he gets off on it, but worse than Billstime? I just don't know if that's true, Billsy was a legit looney toon.