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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. You surely can see that by making the perverted normal it will lead to the destruction of this nation. We have learned nothing from history it would seem.
  2. And what if some members of the team voiced the opinion that inviting nazis and white supremacists to their event was wrong and should not happen? Would the liberals shout them down and cancel them because we " live in a free country and stuff".
  3. House of cards it is then. What a sad world this has become.
  4. Here's the thing, we see all those on the left as pro child maiming groomers that have no problem with transvestites shaking their nether regions in the face of school children and they see those of us on the right as racist homophobic bigots. If you claim to be a democrat does that mean you have to support those issues? And if you claim to be a republican does it mean you support those issues? I would hope that the majority on both sides of the aisle are closer in their values than what is being portrayed in the main stream media. But I could be wrong and this country may be so far divided that it will collapse like a house of cards.
  5. Yes sir. I live in the area, what do you want to do?
  6. Whoa, man, whoa. You impress no one with your internet tough guy routine. You only confirm what we all think of you.
  7. Like I said before, there was no "insurrection" no attempt to overthrow our government, just ticked off trespassers who were sometimes let into the building by the Capitol Police themselves. And when asked to leave they did so. What kind of coup attempt is that?
  8. I don't know about All Pro, but I am saying it.
  9. It's almost like they're trying to rig an election, but we know that would never happen.
  10. This is, perhaps, the funniest post I have ever read. To think that a bunch of unarmed trespassers could usurp this republic is ludicrous. ridiculous, laughable, illogical and downright preposterous.
  11. Thanks for clarifying that really there is not much that can be done on a federal level in regards to abortion. Not sure what Trump would be able to do about it but he does make the left panic so he's got that going for him.
  12. It appears that SUNY is swimming in Billstime waters to me. No one to take seriously.
  13. I thought the abortion issue was now a state issue and not a federal one?
  14. He wasn't running against Trump for Governor of Florida when he sought Trumps endorsement. You understand that don't you? Or not.
  15. I'm pretty sure they will all be pardoned as soon as we get a real President in office.
  16. Who did he terrorize?
  17. Who is that 13 Davis guy? He looks like he's catching everything.
  18. Making this guy out as some sort of martyr is insulting and disgusting. These public figures should be ashamed of themselves.
  19. Good question, let's ask BillStime.
  20. I do have billsy on ignore, a poster who contributes nothing on this forum, and I hate it when people quote him/her/them/it.
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