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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. He may very well be a shyster but the platforms he is promoting are pretty much in line with many conservative ideas.
  2. I am actually Lutheran, which is as close to Catholic you can get without being Catholic. LOL My belief and faith in God is a personal one between Him and me and not dependent on a manmade doctrine. I do believe that my God is a God of love and forgiveness and also one of inclusion, I won't pretend to judge who will be saved and who won't.
  3. Judge not, lest you be judged. It is not us who determines who enters eternal paradise.
  4. And Come Again.
  5. Well, to be fair, the FBI has a lot on their plate what with all those Trump indictments and what not.
  6. All this talk about how many people have died horrific deaths and how many may have been children yet no one talks about the conditions of classic cars that may have been affected by this disaster. What are they hiding?
  7. Yes it does, almost as bad as losing a child or a spouse or a parent or almost losing a Corvette.
  8. Truly a Buffalo icon and a staple to so many Sabres fans. From "WOWEE HOUSLEY" and "OOH LA LA PIERRE" there were so many calls that will live in the hearts of those who are fans forever. Godspeed Rick.
  9. Wouldn't have mattered being that the fix was in regarding the 2020 election.
  10. The funny part is how true it usually is. Wouldn't you agree?
  11. Fair point and that is as it should be, however you would agree that the FBI had a less confrontational option available to them then a pre dawn raid on an elderly, somewhat disabled guy. Amirite?
  12. I think BillsFanNC makes a solid point that you swiftly sidestepped, the only difference between the elderly man who was gunned down and Madonna/Kathy Griffin is that the FBI showed up at the elderly mans house in an armed predawn raid. You can see that, right John?
  13. Aww shucks partner, I reckon y'all is pretty edumacated and yer highfalutin post made me see how I mighta jest ran down the wrong lane regardin that Trump feller. Y'all has opened my peepers and I can see clearer than a chickenhawk on a sunny day now, why that Trump is worse than a polecat in a henhouse.
  14. Well it got you the White House in 2020 so you are pretty crafty.
  15. Man, I hope you're right. But I imagine the court will rule that no evidence pointing toward election fraud will be allowed, for the good of our proud Democracy.
  16. Aaah thanks for explaining their position. To me it is a cut and dried incident of Joe Biden getting involved in his sons business but I guess that's just me.
  17. So can anyone please explain the firing of Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, the company that was paying Hunter Biden, by the Ukranian government after Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollar loan to Ukraine? Please someone explain that to me, I'm a little confused as to how that does not tie the Bidens to corruption and illegal actions. Frankish? Redtail? John from Riverside? Anyone? (I'd ask Billsy too but I got him on ignore)
  18. Wait a second, Frankish Reich assured me that our economy was booming? I can not trust this poll.
  19. Indoctrination of the abducted Ukrainian children? Sounds a lot like the quote - "He alone who owns the youth, gains the future."
  20. Now just keep them out of the Womens locker rooms and bathrooms.
  21. Of course she supported it because it points out what members of your party are trying to do, indoctrinate our youth. You can't be that thick headed not to see that.
  22. Oh the Hitler quote was used, certainly, but used to point out how the establishment is attempting to control and influence our children to fit their agenda. So basically saying that the powers that be are using Hitler and Nazi tactics on our children. You get that, right? The Moms for Liberty are not aligning with Hitler nor the Nazi party.
  23. Is it always Republicans vs Democrats, left vs right, with you? Is it never what's best for the country? Seems like every criticism of the Democratic party policies is followed by "well the republicans did this or that". And yes I know the same things happen on the other side of it too. As far as inflation being tamed? Go to the gas station or grocery store and report back.
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