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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Aaah I see, so then you would agree that schools should also get their finances from the communities they are in and not rely on state funds. Got ya.
  2. Would you say books that contain explicit sexual content should be allowed in elementary and middle schools? Would you want your 4th grader coming home from school with one of these books in their backpack? No one is banning these books, they can still be written, published and distributed, just not available in a school library/ You get that, right?
  3. Oh gee that's a relief. I guess he should now be hailed a hero and a patriot.
  4. Why have pornographic books available to children in a school library? Can you and/or hawk answer that simple question?
  5. That sounds an awful lot like treason, no?
  6. I agree, Ralph is cheap.
  7. I tried it once but the pill got caught in my throat, all I got was a stiff neck.
  8. And I believe that Biden had his hand in the Teletubbies as well.
  9. I mostly just pity them. To not see what is right in front of their eyes is a concerted effort of ignorance.
  10. Of course they're going to cheat. It's what they do. 81 million votes for Biden last time tells you all you need to know.
  11. K Gary Anderson purposely missed every kick in his pre season in Buffalo because he didn't want to play here.
  12. Thanks for the link. I guess we have to see what this document that Kemp is carrying on about actually was because it may be that the document was no longer Classified, or if it was a document that threatened national security then Trump should be held accountable.
  13. Okay, thanks for the info. What are the steps that have to be made?
  14. Doesn't Trump, as President, have the ability to declassify documents as he sees fit?
  15. Maybe next time you should try going inside the church ?
  16. It's a statement but one I can't confirm because I haven't seen it.
  17. It has good reviews ?
  18. Ballard has denied these 20 year old allegations, so is he innocent until proven guilty?
  19. Why isn't Epps being charged with more serious crimes than a misdemeanor? Seems like he was just as instrumental in this (cough cough) attempt to overthrow the government as anyone who is now serving significant jail time. And how come he wasn't placed in jail for 3 years awaiting trial like many were? You guys are really trying so hard not to see the truth in front of your faces it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Were they part of an armed insurrection too?
  20. No, no, what do YOU think of this? That Ballard is a scumbag and all the work he has done to shed light on child trafficking is suddenly null and void?
  21. It was a mostly peaceful protest, they learned it by watching your side.
  22. Come on Frankish, you're an intelligent guy, gas prices way up, food prices way up, cost of living is way up. And you are going to tell me that things are great? I live in this world and I can not agree.
  23. Right, we'll call it a draw.
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