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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Aaah, thanks Scrapheap, I assumed being a hypocrite makes one corrupt.
  2. You think we don't know that you don't have to be a Democrat to be a crook? Corruption runs wide and deep in our government on both sides.
  3. What if you don't want your kids indoctrinated by perverted drag queens? What's the solution for that? It's like a big middle finger to most people.
  4. But logic would tell us the virus leaked from the very lab that it was being engineered from, however the "science" is telling us it was naturally spawned in the same location as the lab that was engineering it. Hmmm, that is a tough one.
  5. So you're saying science is somehow illogical now?
  6. I wish it was altered. I wish the GOP would pull every lowdown, dirty, rotten, lying through their teeth tactic they can conceive to win this election just like the Dems do. Unfortunately these videos are not altered and show what a complete embarrassment America has become. Thank you to the "81 million" lame brains who "voted" for this.
  7. I would be in favor of tarred and feathered.
  8. That makes it even funnier. Fauci should be drawn and quartered IMO.
  9. You forgot-"What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
  10. I don't think I've read a funnier line on this forum ever. I tip my hat to you Frankish, the sarcasm, the delivery, both spot on. Very fine work.
  11. It's a building where you go sometimes when you're sick. Has nurses and doctors there.
  12. I am withholding my opinion on the Biden videos until I hear what BillStime has to say.
  13. He's been a crooked politician for 50 plus years which makes sympathy very hard.
  14. We should make them all get diktats, I heard they really hurt.
  15. I believe he was the sitting Vice President at the time these deals were being done.
  16. Here's what you meatheads either fail to understand or don't want to understand, it was not about Hunters crack smoking, pistol packing, hooker banging thing that concerned those of us with some intelligence. It was the things on that laptop, once claimed to be planted by the Russians but now deemed to be authentic enough to be used in a court of law, that indicated payoffs to the current President of the United States by foreign governments. That was and is our concern, as it should be with any American citizen.
  17. I heard he was eating chips too.
  18. Half the country is morons, or at least 81 million are if you believe the last election.
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