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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. I think we can refer to her now as "future Supreme Court Justice" Cannon, don't you?
  2. Not in cash you moron, in weapons, equipment and manpower. Why do I have to explain everything to you?
  3. You're saying Dorothy Day was a communists? She of Pillow Talk, The Ballad of Josie, The Glass Bottom Boat? Who sang Que Sera, Sera? You're saying she was a commie? I just don't believe................... Oh wait, that was Doris Day, never mind.
  4. Thanks, I hate grammatical errors too.
  5. You left out you're part moron too.
  6. I don't think that's true but what's your address, just in case.
  7. Oh no, the fix is in and whoever the Dems put forward will win. The corrupt politicians on both sides do not want Trump to win at any and all cost. Be ready for massive ballot harvesting, voting machines not counting votes correctly, suspicious water pipe breaks and observers told the counting has stopped only to continue after they have left. Believe me, these elites know how to win an election.
  8. Why you, MAGA will teach you.
  9. I worry for you L Ron, I really do.
  10. Look, to get this thread back on topic let me just say that all of those illegal border crossers that are here are hot and it's all our fault that they are so hot.
  11. I mean, if a polite knock doesn't work then yeah. Dammit. this thread is about climate hoaxes not hundreds of thousands of illegal trespassers.
  12. But of the 2 we have, you would agree that Trump is the better choice.
  13. You mean deporting those that are here illegally?
  14. You mean deporting those that are here illegally?
  15. LOL This reminds me of a scene in Pope of Greenwich Village
  16. Would those signs cover up the alleged cocaine or glock that may very well be baby powder and a BB gun?
  17. And yet the FBI has admitted to tampering with the evidence already.
  18. Once the President declassifies the documents they cease to be classified. No need for the coversheet stunts.
  19. You say the documents were classified because they had a coversheet proclaiming them to be so. We have no idea what was under the coversheet and if it was classified or not. You do know this was a set-up as well as I do. Hell, everyone in this room knows it was a set-up.
  20. C'mon man, it was a manufactured stunt by the Feds to make Trump look guilty. For once here admit that there is a witch hunt going on.
  21. No no you said he claimed that cutting DOE would be 25%, a claim he never made. Remember that?
  22. He never said it was 25% anywhere. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. You sir, are a charlatan.
  23. Even your quoting shows you're lying. Why is that? No where did he say the DOE was 25% and you know that.
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