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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Look, you can't steal an election as blatantly as what happened in 2020 and not expect some people to get upset about it.
  2. What color is the sky in that dream world you live in?
  3. The "family claims"? What in the heck would the family know about the whole thing? I mean realistically why would they even know about this. A diagnosis that was made over 60 years ago? Does that seem a little off to you? All of a sudden the "family" remembers this single diagnosis? Have they been asked about other patients and what the diagnosis for them were? It's crazy I tell ya, crazy.
  4. The family claims? Well there you have it, don't you. And Mr.Trump sounds like a good landlord to me. Fixing problems quickly and all that.
  5. He went to a doctor that knew his family, nothing strange about that. As to why he didn't mention his ailment I have no idea.
  6. You think you need a rocket scientist to diagnose bone spurs? He was examined by a legitimate podiatrist who found bone spurs.
  7. Yep, it's over folks. The Maine-iacs sunk us again. Hats off to Harris for running such a concise and informative campaign that allowed those being polled to form an educated opinion and respond accordingly.
  8. Trump could counteract this proposal by offering $5,000. to a first time trailer home buyer. Point. Set. Match.
  9. You ever done a 10 mile road march while packing a full ruck sack and carrying a rifle with bone spurs, you knucklehead?
  10. I think it's when he lies about being a combat vet without seeing combat,
  11. Yeah she can take that conspiracy a bit far, for sure. lol
  12. Or we could just rig it like the Dems and get Trump in that way.
  13. I'm working on it Scraps, wanna help?
  14. No, you're right, those 81 million are the ones who voted for Biden, or so we are told to believe.
  15. Well yeah, at least 81 million of 'em.
  16. I really think so.
  17. You mean Pizzagate? A lot of people think there may be something to that. I suggest you look up Liz Crokin, who has done some investigating in that regard.
  18. Seems like she kicked the addiction (which is very hard to do) and wanted to help others suffering from addiction. She wasn't a "victim of stupid, made up misinformation or Trumpism" she believed, like most of us, that the 2020 election was stolen.
  19. Disgusted? Are you saying you are disgusted by that picture of a happy, smiling woman? Please L. Ron, re-think that comment, I know you are better than that.
  20. See I think you are attempting to refer to the deceased as being "low class" or else why bring it up? To me she looks like she could be a happy, hard working woman who had the sense, as did most of us, to see that the 2020 election was a farce and a fraud.
  21. Poor woman, died while attempting to voice her displeasure over election fraud. A true Patriot.
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