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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Yeah but if you thought your kid was mentally unstable wouldn't you double check that your guns weren't easily available to him?
  2. That was my thought. The family knew the kid was talking about shooting his school mates they should have made damn sure he couldn't get access to any firearm. That blows my mind.
  3. So you are for drag queens and dirty books being allowed into the school room?
  4. What worked on me was the MSM reporting the Democrats agendas as facts. See Russiagate, the Covid vaccine, Hunter laptop, as just a few examples of the media earning my mistrust.
  5. So sorry for your loss, it is a very painful thing to go through.
  6. If the above is true then whoever reports the false narrative should be ashamed. But because of the state of the MSM these days it's not easy to determine what is true or what isn't.
  7. Why didn't he release it when he had the chance during his Presidency?
  8. If "commie" is a term youngsters don't understand wouldn't "nazi" and "fascist" fall into the same category?
  9. Why wait? They need you now man, just keep your head down.
  10. Sloth Fever? Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, man.
  11. Yes but I hear it is now being seasoned with West Nile, and mmmmmm doggie is that good.
  12. Try the bat, I hear it's great.
  13. Are the Dems gonna rig the election like they did in 2020? The truth is out there.
  14. She also added at the end- "Me love you long time"- I think.
  15. Like I know, right. All of a sudden MySpace isn't good enough anymore?
  16. Good, that comment was below the belt. He should be proud of his dad.
  17. Funny is funny.
  18. Oh I believe they will rig it again, you are correct. They have it in the bag already. Heck they threw away the 14 million votes that went for Biden in the primary in that undemocratic coup. Why? Because no one in their right mind would believe Biden could win again no matter how they tried to rig it.
  19. If you honestly believe Joe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes then you will believe anything.
  20. Keep telling yourself what you need to feel good about it even though you know the truth.
  21. No I don't believe it because it comes from Trump, I believe it because I saw it happen with my own eyes on election night, and so did millions of others. Like I said, you want to cheat and steal an election there may be some repercussions from that. You should be thankful that the mostly peaceful demonstration on J6 lasted only a few hours.
  22. I understand he's having a special guest today, none other than Kamala Harris!!! Oh wait, that's the DNC's special guest.
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