I believe Billsy finally saw the light, rejected the dems liberal stances, registered as a Republican, and is now actively campaigning for Trump.
Or. he died.
You guys (commie loving libs) can continue to live in your fantasy world but I will continue to see things as they really are. Making America Great Again.
Just listen to Roundy, Tibs, 4th and Wrong, Scrappy, L Ron, Joe Fergy, Nedboy, Billsy, Frankish, and they will give me the real scoop? Well that is a relief.
The state run media and the corrupt administration are throwing everything against the wall to see what they can get to stick. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Well thanks, I am a nice guy. And really never believed the corruption in our government was so bad, always believing that either side had, what they believed.. was in the best interest for the American citizen as their agenda. Sadly I now see that isn't true.