Maybe if your side hadn't perpetuated a fraudulent election in the first place there would be no J6 to cry about, you bunch of un American, mealy mouthed, sad sacks.
But the question remains why would Democrats block the appointment of an inspector general to make sure billions of dollars is going where it should go? What say you Tibs, Scraps, 4th, Fergie, Roundy, Bill Starr, L Ron?
Speaking of music, did you see where Bon Jovi, while shooting a music video, talked a woman down from jumping off a bridge ?
Good for her that it wasn't Van Halen, amirite?
Didn't you post a tweet with a Haitian carrying a goose? How is that proven false? And you would think that the amount of free government handouts these Haitians are getting they wouldn't have to butcher geese and cats. I guess you can take the man out of Haiti but you can't take the Haiti out of the man.