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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Maybe if your side hadn't perpetuated a fraudulent election in the first place there would be no J6 to cry about, you bunch of un American, mealy mouthed, sad sacks.
  2. I understand that Hezbollah will now communicate via sticky notes.
  3. Now that is funny.
  4. And makes it so much easier to identify the terrorists, just look for the ones who got blown up a bit.
  5. That Mossad knows what they are doing, what a brilliant technique.
  6. Mine's on backorder, bastards.
  7. Here's one close to home. https://q1057.com/ixp/81/p/family-in-upstate-new-york-gruesomely-slain-by-illegal-immigrant/
  8. There are people getting filthy rich off of this blood money we keep sending to "Ukraine".
  9. But the question remains why would Democrats block the appointment of an inspector general to make sure billions of dollars is going where it should go? What say you Tibs, Scraps, 4th, Fergie, Roundy, Bill Starr, L Ron?
  10. Now this is a fantastic idea. I wonder if Roundy has a Harris sign in his yard?
  11. Looks like they are gonna have a nice sit down lunch together. Cat sandwiches for everybody.
  12. Oh, my mistake then. For a liberal moron you're not that bad.
  13. Hey man, I thought you joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces? You get a 4F or something?
  14. You know it, brother. (said in a growling voice)
  15. Speaking of music, did you see where Bon Jovi, while shooting a music video, talked a woman down from jumping off a bridge ? Good for her that it wasn't Van Halen, amirite?
  16. Look it up, man. She was wearing them alright. Cheaters gotta cheat.
  17. Proof? I thought it was common knowledge she was cheating by wearing those audio earrings?
  18. That's the Giants? I thought it was the Montreal Canadiens?
  19. What about Harris wearing the Audio Earrings and being fed lines from behind the scenes? That seems like cheating to me.
  20. You mean the minister does Voodoo rituals?
  21. Oh he's Haitian alright, you racist.
  22. Didn't you post a tweet with a Haitian carrying a goose? How is that proven false? And you would think that the amount of free government handouts these Haitians are getting they wouldn't have to butcher geese and cats. I guess you can take the man out of Haiti but you can't take the Haiti out of the man.
  23. How about this-Kamala Harris is actually running foe President. Terrifying? You bet it is.
  24. Ask how much he pays them.
  25. Maybe we just got bad hips, you ever think of that?
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