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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Of course they didn't know but it would mean so much more if they had said, "Yeah we knew, and not only did we know, we fully supported it."
  2. I'm saying that you know and I know that the democrats will use any means necessary to win, do I believe they manufactured a hurricane? No, but we both know that they will stuff ballot boxes, allow non citizens to vote, tamper with voting machines, have dead people vote, have more ballots cast than there are registered voters. You know, stuff like that.
  3. Oh, I thought you're point was that the Democrats cheat so much why even bother with an election anymore. That made more sense.
  4. It's ok, you're young, you'll catch up with the rest of us someday.
  5. That's a good question, at this point why even bother? We both know the fix is in place.
  6. Roundy? You there?
  7. That is very disturbing as it should be to anyone who is not blinded by hate.
  8. Yeah, but heck, I'd go to a Harris rally for the bus ride and a free sandwich too.
  9. So you're saying that an audit exists on how this money is spent? Please provide a link, I'd love to see it. And you are saying it's all corrupt anyway so why bother?
  10. Just because some of us are wondering where the hell all this money is going does not mean we support Russia. Why is that so hard to understand? The money being sent, unfettered and unchecked, comes from my pocket, your pocket. If we were able to see if this money was actually being used to help the Ukrainian effort then there would be much less objection to it. Why wouldn't you want to know where the billions of dollars is being spent? I don't get it.
  11. It is known that the US has given Ukraine billions of dollars and have done so with no one overseeing how or where it is being spent. If you can show me a breakdown of how much money was spent and what it was specifically spent on then please do. You can't.
  12. You say this like it's bad thing.
  13. Aaah, you seen one picture of Georgia you seen them all.
  14. He does it so that the ones who have Tibs on ignore won't have to see his inane posts. It's a courtesy of sorts.
  15. Well, good luck. I mean somebody has to win, you want yours and I want mine. How was the golf game?
  16. Not one bit. I think the GOP is gonna win despite the massive cheating attempts by the Dems. They dug themselves too deep of a hole.
  17. No I don't mean Americans I mean your side who, despite the reality in front of your eyes, believe that the 2020 election was beyond reproach. You know, deep down in your near empty head, that that election was a fraud. And you can, once again, cite reports from those involved in the fraud who reports that there is no evidence of election tampering when anyone who has two brain cels to rub together know it happened.
  18. We wouldn't pick on them if they learned to drive and stopped eating cats.
  19. Yo, thought you were headed to the range? Keep your head down and loosen your grip.
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