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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Loved her. RIP
  2. I'm all for cheating like the Dems. Fair is fair.
  3. I get he did bad things but he's black, right? Surely you don't hate brown people?
  4. He's a brown person, no? We are supposed to ignore anything negative about someone based on the color of their skin. Isn't that what you preach?
  5. You're rooting for the white guy? Racist.
  6. Ok I have seen the errors of my ways. Thank you. I firmly believe that all elections are above board and 100 percent legitimate.
  7. I have an issue with mail in ballots with no postmarks being accepted, I can't explain it any better than that.
  8. You're asking the same question I'm asking. How is it possible? And yet it happened.
  9. Come on man. it's exactly what they did in 2020. Look we are never going to agree on this subject. I wish we could count on a fair election no matter who wins but I don't hold any kind of hope for it.
  10. Exactly what I said before. Ballots without a postmark stockpiled in the back of someones car, truck, garage, office, warehouse, anywhere, being counted as legitimate ballots. You get that, right? There would be no post office involved.
  11. Without a postmark. Let me say that again. Without a postmark.
  12. That's how it's done. How many votes do we need? That many? Let me take a look in the back. Yep, got 'em right here.
  13. That seems like it might be illegal?
  14. Just look at the post above yours right here on this thread. Go ahead take a look, read it, respond.
  15. There is a whole thread on this forum dedicated to pointing out the election fraud that shows how it happened. Take a look.
  16. I think it will take as long as the Dems need to figure out how many votes are needed for them to win.
  17. Can we even make an educated prediction? We know the Dems will cheat at every possible turn and again try to steal this election while anyone in their right mind knows Harris is not someone we want as President.
  18. Thanks for the response. I understand the frustration dealing with the pharmacy issues and understand the harm it would cause should that program be revoked.I am not sure these programs would go away because they didn't during his first term? As far as the trans stuff. it's only upsetting to me when the exposure becomes over the top towards children. Just let the kids be kids.
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