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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. they tape off the seats that cannot be used and close the upper deck , give out bills zubaz masks at the gate, close the concessions stands for sure and limit the number in the rest rooms.. If people do the right thing and aren't idiots it will work fine. cars for 20k people will spread out all over the lots.. I don't see an issue . put porta potties out in the lots so less use of the sinks in the Ralph . if concessions are closed, rest rooms will be fine by the second half
  2. CFL is a gate driven league, so the move makes sense. They need full stands, and even 30% full won't get it done. Is what it is. Its a minor league
  3. hmmm ... no hospitalizations, no deaths... I'm not hearing beans about covid so far, we'll see how it goes. vaccine will be out there soon
  4. i for one hope a few teams put fans safely in the stands and help the NFL lead us out of this MSNBC/CNN driven insanity
  5. yeah the moving of the goalposts for success from "flattening the curve" of hospitalizations to stopping the virus is what gets me the most. people need to be smart and make good safe choices, one by one. any i think people are doing that for the most part, so I am optimistic. Texas has totally flattened the hospitalization curve , whatever Abbott is doing is working and Jerruh is just moving with the positive trend there.
  6. if everyone wears a mask (give em out on the way in ) ,no concessions, people sit in every other row and social distance and the attendance is limited to that which the toilets can handle without them getting packed (with ushers to minimize the number of fans in them and in any section of the stadium at any time) I can see how it can work. It is working in Europe with pro tennis and other sports albeit at a much smaller scale. And the fatties and sickies and old people (like me) need to have brains enough to stay home. I can see 10,000+ people in the lower bowl of the Ralph under those conditions with little problem.
  7. the rebranding exercise is massive. will take months to get it all worked out, get merchandise produced, design , keep confidential and trademark all the logos and other visuals. really massive , 10s of milliions of $$ to get it done properly
  8. Tyler Bass has made the team for sure. Can't have just one kicker, thats for sure. Long snapper as well. 4th QB as well, and they all stay home all week and work out alone
  9. I would draw season ticket holders by lottery and offer 10,000 fans to come to the stadium. Every other row, 6 feet apart , masks , the whole bit. No concessions, etc etc. Other sports are doing it. Put em all in the lower bowl. Must waive legal rights. Tape off every other row. You have until Friday to decide. What do you think?
  10. lotta guys gonna go down to injury early this season. only a couple weeks of pads and then the season starts? this will be interesting
  11. ooof, the offseason is slow... funny episode is was , tho... can't make that stuff up
  12. nah, these kids won't even have symptoms, they'll be pissed they even have to quarantine for a period of time.. .. its the fattys/sickys who spent a lifetime trashing trashing their bodies that need to worry, but the vaccines will be there by Nov. this is non event; press on.
  13. pretty sure he's spent, but we'll see
  14. exactly. this is great. we'll be vaccinating 50yr old+ coaches, grandmas, fattys/sickys by November, so should be able to get through this. need to power through. there will always be edge cases that the media will make total hay on, but the vast majority of 20 year old college athletes have very little to fear from this thing.
  15. based on the Inquirer article, not convinced you can come to the conclusion he is a high character guy.... on field, OK, off field, not so much ?
  16. blm probably could be characterized by many as a political organization at this point,. NFL needs to be careful with all of this. Might need to throw out the uniform rules pretty soon. commercial advertising on game masquerading as personal statements won't be too far behind... yikes what a season this will be. maybe they should cancel it
  17. why not have the players wear some kind of thin , breathable mask? that would cut the risk quite a lot I would think. but I am not the expert
  18. so this means the blackout rules will be lifted everywhere... see, a silver lining
  19. these are the fittest people on the planet. If they test positive, the vast, vast majority won't be effected. Look at other sports.. big headlines when someone tests positive, then, crickets. The coaches, however, should be masked at all times. and hide the parents and grandma. And, Come on Pegs, give these away at the stadium gates to everyone. Would be cool to see 60,000 people with the 80's zubaz masks on.
  20. prob bc he still lives here in Northern Va. outside of DC ? I live in the Ashburn area but cannot place the location they were at, the video doesn't have enough background shots in it
  21. vulnerable folks (over 65 , obese or those with exisiting problems) must stay sheltered. everyone else go back to work bc this is just the flu for you. really pretty simple. we know the types of people this thing hurts; they need to stay hidden until the vaccine comes out
  22. did I not say adults must take responsibility? that means the "going out to party" part does not happen, or it happens with a mask or whatever on, i.e. take responsibility if you are a public figure and you go out.. no nanny state for me, don't need NYS telling me what to do or how to handle situations.. Cuomo already has demonstrated he has no clue on how to handle this thing, the nursing home debacle was his Katrina.
  23. screw the union. let adults take responsibility for themselves. and put people in the stands. old people (like me) and bad body people stay home. or go, but everyone know the risk and prepare. really not that hard to understand. life goes on. or not.
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