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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. Never lost sight of it. They said this was their plan 2 years ago. Love that they are getting quality guys while keeping cap space to sign T White and other of their own guys they like thank goodness. no blowing the cap chasing shiny objects. good.
  2. Trust the Process. McBeanes know what they are doing. all part of the plan
  3. gotta be able to throw it in today's NFL. LJ doesn't throw it well enough IMHO. that fact will come out in time.
  4. They're just some people that just happened to own a pile of land with Natural Gas in it just when NG became a big thing. They fell into a pile of $$$ but really never have run anything. Just be thankful they have showered their good $$ luck on WNY and let it go at that. Without them, both teams would probably be gone.
  5. AB would get so blown up by his peers if he downgraded all the way to Buffalo, that his ego (and his agent, whose business would also be damaged for sending his player to the "north pole") would prevent him from signing with the Bills at any price. For players and agents, this is business, nothing personal, and pro bowl players at skill positions making moves to the Bills is just plain bad for business. Potential clients would forever look sideways at the agent ("you couldn't do better than Buffalo, for crying out loud, for AB in his prime??? " ) , and commercial deals for the player would dry up ("you thought commercial deals were scarce in Pittsburgh, wait til you get to Buffalo") . Look at Shady's reaction when he was traded, look at Kelly's reaction when he was drafted, the list goes on... now we all know they warmed up to the place because it is not a awful as the world portrays it, but a FA (and his wife, importantly) with choices most times will not take the chance. Just sayin' . This movie has been played dozens of times with the Bills and coaches and top players at skill positions , so we know how it goes. Drafting talented , solid homeboy type players , plus taking your cap surplus and signing your own guys at the end of their rookie deal is the path for this franchise. Free agency is great, but let's not get our hopes up too high.
  6. ok then, FA starts in a couple months and we'll see who comes and who goes elsewhere... lets hope for the best, but don't hold your breath too too long. the draft is the answer for this franchise as you can trap those guys for at least 4 years and there's nothing they can do about it..
  7. very true. Bobby Ross' wife nixed his coming there as well. $$ being equal, no one is choosing B lo most of the time, coaching or player. Just the way it is. Mention buffalo, and people immediately say 'north pole'. I gave up defending the place 25 years ago. It is useless. Jimmy Griffin and the national media buried it 40 + years ago with the handling of the blizzard of 77. Rock Star NFL personalities are very image conscious these days and they would take a hit is they voluntarily went "to buffalo" when the same $$ was available elsewhere.
  8. Good NFL career. got paid. then body crapped out on him. time for him to fade out. The thing I don't like about this is he played hurt when he should have stayed out or the coaches should have seen he was hurt and benched him a couple years ago
  9. do teams ever draft the guys the mock drafts predict?
  10. another godless 20 or 30-something... add him to the list.. i look around church on Sunday and see nothing but 40+ ... I guess we're the crazy radical outliers now ?
  11. Agree. T White will be expensive. Remember McBeanes have a philosophy of paying their own. LBs , DBs all need to get locked up. Plus, No home town discounts in BLo. Will be very expensive to keep guys from listening to their agents and blowing out for LA or NY or FLA. Not sure who needs to get paid, but be assured a pile of $$ will be saved up for them. Having said that, I see several solid FAs getting paid to come to WNY this off season.
  12. Agree. Spend $$ on OL. OL stirs the drink in the NFL. No OL, no winning.
  13. New OL coach will watch all the tape , see him in mini camp , etc. and make a judgement. OL guys are hard to come by, so be careful b4 you start shooting everyone in the offseason
  14. you have to think Indy, KC, Cleve, Bills at least are in the ascendency (is that a word?). My guess Houston has or is about to have cap issues. Chargers and Steelers will be there bc you cant hit the QB and they can play forever.
  15. yeah good for him. such a good choice he made. same for Woods, Watkins, Goodwin, that whole receiving crew needed to get the h-ll out of B Lo and they did it and are so much better off for it.
  16. Patriots just please lose. Just lose. Simple as that.
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