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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. wow, amazing how high salaries are for WRs now.. both Brown and Beasley are over 10m? wow
  2. I like Jackson, he is the combination of RGIII's size and speed with Tyrod Taylor's arm. Plus he is with Greg Roman, and we all know what offense he ran with Tyrod. The same one he is running in Baltimore. It works, and although he doesn't have TT's arm talent, Jackson is an even better athlete than TT. So that's that. Defenses will figure out and pen in Jackson, just as they did RGIII and Tyrod . Or he will get blown up like RGIII did. Then,either way he will have to play from the pocket, which he doesn't have the arm talent to succeed, similar to Vick. I don't see Jackson lasting long, but he will be amazing and exciting to watch in the meantime, just as TT and RGIII were. Josh is more of the type of player who will have a long career in the NFL. Big, tall , strong , big arm, can play in the pocket all day if he has to. McBeanes made the right choice in the draft. again. Trust the Process.
  3. He's was drafted to be a big 3-4 defense edge setter in Rex's defunct defense. Ragland was drafted to be on 3-4 inside backer thumper-type. Neither position exists in the 4-3 played now. My guess is he is he'll be offered a fair contract, but will be let go as the 4-3 we play now needs twitching edge rushers. He is too big/slow to be a 4-3 end in the NFL. Its all good. Some 3-4 team will grab him and pay up to have him set their edge in a 3-4. And likely so will finally end all remaining legacy from the defunct Rex Ryan defense. Good riddance. Trust the Process.
  4. amazing how hard players will play when they don't know if they'll have a job next year or at least whether they will be anything more than a backup. they pushed him and he has responded. now they need to decide whether he was just playing for a contract or whether this is the real shaq. McBeanes will make the right choice
  5. Lets just go compete for #10. The process is working. They have a solid locker room full of guys working for each other, solid coaches and front office. What comes will come, but we are seeing the competitiveness and fight that the McBeane's process of sourcing the right kind of players brings. Eg. sitting Singletary for 3-4 weeks (may have cost them a game) was brilliant and is now paying off with 100% play. Sitting Oliver for a couple weeks as he hit the "rookie wall" was brilliant. Grabbing Jordan Phillips and Liguet to push Star was brilliant. Taking one game at a time, love how Josh had little to say other than "getting #9". No hoopla necessary. And they have $80m cap space to sign their own stars who will carry the culture to the next draft class. Love it. It's understated and quiet, but gotta love the process. Looking at 10-11 wins off a 6-10 last year.
  6. Cooper by all accounts is really weird. not sure I want that guy in my locker room. character matters. this isn't fantasy football.
  7. TLDR; but hey nice set of turnovers and nice throws by Josh to keep it close early. This is how the process manifests itself; no splashy shiny toy signings, just drafting extremely well, getting the right FA talent and personality types in the locker room and coaching them up. Eventually, and barring a rash of injuries (being very healthy this year is a big deal no one talks about) , the wins will come. Looks like they coming earlier than we thought. Good. Trust the Process. Its just win number 9, as Allen says. That's the process talking. go bills
  8. You wouldn't know it from the national media outlets. Wow. I realize we are talking the media's beloved Cowboys and WNY is the smallest market in the league, but geez, total crickets.
  9. Ravens. In-conference Home game against the darling of the league, after a 10 day break. That makes sense as a possibility. Winning a short week Road game against strong competition ain't happenin', not with this roster right now, maybe next year; beating the Pats there when they are playing for home field? Ain't happenin', maybe next year when we are stronger. Give me the Ravens, Steelers and Jets games and I am very very happy. Getting all the way to 11-5 would a massive accomplishment with this group at this stage of the process.
  10. We just beat a couple of bad, beat up teams. The Bills simply cannot score enough points at this point in the process to beat either Dallas, Ravens or Pats, IMO. It's coming, its just not this year.
  11. Its not funny, its the course they've set; draft well, draft quality people, coach em up and then re sign their own, the better ones. Fill in with quality people in FA. if you stick with it, it starts paying off eventually. It's all a process. takes time. eg. Cody Ford, Harrison Phillips could be pro bowlers in 2 years, not this year, not next year. Josh Allen could be a pro bowler, not this year, not next year.
  12. shiny object. pass. sign T White to a long term deal. sign your own guys you like to longer term deals . stay the course you've set out for yourself. this isn't fantasy football. improve the roster any way you can, but 31 year olds at DB or WR is probably not the way to do it trust the process. sign your own guys before they can escape in FA. Stay the course.
  13. Trust the Process. McBeanes know what they are doing. They've killed it since getting here, and really killed it last offseason. Just starting to show up now. We'll now see how they hold up under real pressure. Should be interesting to see if they have another level this year. We shall see.
  14. Not feeling that game at all. Road teams lose 2 out of 3 times on Thursday night and Bills are not at Dallas' level yet, and its turkey day game. Not Feeling it at all. We get shwacked on National TV yet again and head back to the corner of the NFL world. All part of the process. Getting used to the big stage. Not sure half our guys have ever been to a game with that many cameras covering it, much been on the field for one.
  15. So if winning against the Broncos, Jets and Steelers (games no one will see outside of WNY) gets them to 10 and a road wildcard game, but they are dominated by the Cowboys, Pats and Ravens (presumably all in front of national audiences against super popular teams), they are in no better position than they are in today. That is, Pretenders rather than contenders, right? Having said all this, I am ok with that outcome, bc IMO this wasn't the year to make a "run" of any kind anyway. You need a bigger offense than the Bills have this season to make any kind of a run in the playoffs.
  16. true, guys playing for a contract. an actor on a stage. see if you can extend him, of course, but don't make him the next Marcel Dareus.
  17. Home wild card game would be the goal. No more than that can be thought of.
  18. Lots of wins against bad teams. Great defense. Lots of hype around the young QB. Etc Etc. Big falloff the next season against better competition. 1) Is this what we have to look forward to or 2) are the Bills being built to last? I believe in #2 (obviously). Bills get AFC and NFC West next season/lots of west coast travel/prime games etc. What say you?
  19. Yeah if you go no huddle with the headset, the defense doesn't have the ability to change the defense just before the snap. That must be it. Belichick would call two defenses for the same play. Not sure that is possible if the offense is in hurry up mode?
  20. yeah they'll get one in the offseason. I think they'll improve the roster in several positions during the offseason, just as McBeanes have done since day 1. its all a process. keep improving the roster, keep the coaching and the schemes intact, build continuity with high calibre, solid character players, and wins will follow. pretty simple process, i would imagine most teams not coached by Rex Ryan or managed by Buddy Nix at least say they try to do this.
  21. Cowboys will pound the rock against this D Line. I don't see that win at all. short week, on the road against a team that runs it really well? I don't see it. Shame, as that will completely cement this year's team, on national TV with zillions watching, as pretenders. Its as if the networks were basically serving up the Bills to the Cowboys for t giving . Networks want the Cowboys to win that game every year. So put the weakest team in the out of conference line up on (based on last year). We shall see... but I just don't see it. Zeke should have a big day.
  22. Trust the process. If this is how he is playing after a couple dozen starts, things are progressing nicely.
  23. Once defenses see he can be accurate, the whole offense opens up. Phins pretty short handed today, but he made some nice throws for sure. W.
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