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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. I should revive my old "8&8 Forever" handle. Was so appropriate for so many years. 000's of posts under that name. What was the name of that board that became incredibly political perhaps 10 or so years ago? Can't recall it...
  2. all of 'em
  3. yeah I say keep him.. they kind of need to be going for it the next couple years b4 the roster starts falling apart due to the salary cap
  4. Benford started as a true freshman in college, Elam became a starter later. Elam is a press corner, Benford is a zone coverage guy, taller, rangier, better tackler (like the guy we let go) perhaps a better initial fit in the McD zone coverage. Elam's higher ceiling will make likely make him the longer term starter, but yeah, maybe Benford just fits better right now. Is what it is. Love how McBeanes just go with the better fit at the time, don't let the media distract them. And we'll end up with two starting calibre DBs instead of just one. Works for me.
  5. yeah, looks like Poyer will be on the way out.. Beane waited too long on this one (but no sure he had to cap room to spare in any event).
  6. That second team o Line was more like the 3rd team o Line, so I take nothing from the run but that he was running for his life, like all the RBs were all night behind the BobbyHarts crew
  7. boy this board gonna explode if the Bills lose a game... way, way too much hype. Let's go play the games and see how they do, shall we?
  8. wow, torn achilles? Yep, that'll do it. Hope he had a decent rookie contract, bc that might be the last one he gets .. this is why I generally don't begrudge the big contracts NFL players sometimes get. It can all be over in an instant
  9. that punt was 70 yds in the air from scrimmage (75+ from where he hit it-- do I have that right?) . I've been watching the NFL for a very long time, don't thing I've ever seen that before. Yeah he was going from left to right but no wind, right? Amazing. Screw the coffin kick ability. Think we found our punter?
  10. I am so trusting the process. Have been from the start. McBeanes absolutely killing it. Did you see those rookies today? Go bills.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Game yikes it was actually 1968. man... I am pretty old. pretty rockin year tho
  12. ah was hoping the "Heidi" reference would flush out the under 50's ..... well, ok the under 60's. worked. In the 70's NBC cut away from what turned out to be an amazing Raiders late comeback to a movie (?) called "Heidi" , creating the NFL legend called the "Heidi" game. big sh_t show at the time
  13. Bills driving for the win and NFL network cuts to Steelers!
  14. boy this board will explode like never before with each loss this year. so much pre season hype.
  15. and then it all went to crap in 84 and 85
  16. Good football player. Class act. Got everything out of his abilities. Period.
  17. Edmunds is there for pass defense. He is a zone cover guy. Allows Bills to play two deep safeties the whole game. He has a gap to cover on run defense, but that's about it. Bills D is all about denying the play down the field and they do it very well. Fans go nuts when teams run the ball, but Bills LBs have never been about stuffing the run. That's the DTs job, and they have better DTs this year than ever. Edmunds will get a mid level contract and he will take it. He'll have another shot at another extension in 3-4 years. He's that young. He'd be stupid to leave this franchise anytime in the next 3 seasons.
  18. he f'd himself years ago. move on
  19. correct. that has to be the answer. He sh-t the bed and got sh-t canned the polite way. Someone go ask Bass what he was told to do. Damn shame. Team knocks itself out and the ST coach throws it all away. Good riddance
  20. Plus the players love it bc they get $10,20,30 million checks at the start of the restructured deal, so they're set for life no matter what happens. The "Albert Haynesworth effect" (get the $$, then go to sleep and get cut) or serious injury are the only two risks, and an increasing cap covers some of those as well.
  21. ESPN+ rocks for 6.99 per month, great hockey, soccer, golf
  22. Punt God. Can't wait for him to nail one thru the wind.
  23. The draft is bad. I tune in for a hour or so every to see a Bills pick and to confirm that fact
  24. We'll know by year end. How's that? Go Bills!
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