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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. They sh-t canned the guy responsible, Heath Farwell. There you go. McD tells him to skwib kick and Farwell fails to tell Bass. Gets fired. Pretty simple. Unless you believe McD is supposed to do Farwell's job too.
  2. In a single elimination tournament, all you need is one bad day and you are out. The NFL is the only pro league in the world that does it this way.
  3. Yes. He had it won last year, but Heath Farwell choked and blew the season.
  4. once they have to pay him, the thing will start to crumble
  5. by the comments so far, not sure you guys know how a double elimination tournament works. whatever. it was just a thought. go bills
  6. The way the NFL does the playoffs - Going later and later into the winter - One and done format and with injuries mounting due to the season getting longer and longer, I'm not sure that determining the Super Bowl Champion is becoming slightly more and more random. Von made the point that In other sports a team can come back in the playoffs and advance. In the NFL you get one shot, lose and you're out. Have a few key guys out at exactly the right time or some other one-off condition, and you're out. Fini Why not have a double elimination playoff tournament? Put 8 teams in from each conference. Two byes each. If you lose, you get a second game the next week. The NFL gets more playoff games, more revenue, blah blah, so can eliminate another preseason game or two (which no one watches and generate little rev for the league and are unnecessary/generate injuries). Move the start of the regular season up a couple weeks. Play playoff games with good teams instead of preseason games that are meaningless. This takes some of the randomness out of the playoffs and keeps fans engaged longer. I want teams playing with as full rosters as they can, so we can see who is the best, not just the best on a particular day. Plus you lose twice in a row in the playoffs and now you really know you have work to do.
  7. my understanding is he does not need to be fired as his contract has expired. just don't offer him a new one.
  8. Since he only became available mid season, I will guess McBeanes go get Frank Reich to be OC once all the HC jobs are filled. Such a great personality fit..l he can cure sugar high Josh. If he can get Josh and the O to play like Wentz / Eagles did in their SB year, that would be perfect. Frazier probably not offered a new contract, assuming they can find a replacement quickly. Since his contract is expiring, it would be a clean break without all the chatter/media drama over a " firing ", etc. He did some good work, but with Elam, et al, perhaps time to move to a more aggressive D.
  9. O Line is getting their asses kicked.
  10. we should not lower ourselves to this kind of stuff... stay above it.
  11. Jags O Line getting destroyed
  12. I'll put Allen against Purdy any day. Would prefer to beat the Cowboys in a SB revenge game for sure, but SF a good second choice. Philly is meh, and Giants would be a fun reunion.
  13. Will be a very competitive game, back and forth on offense. I don't see either team stopping the other teams offense much. Turnovers and the short fields that come with them will decide it for sure. So who knows,, will be a battle unless turnovers turn it into a joke.
  14. Or maybe 4/5. Hard to keep track. Well, we'll see if my theory that injuries matter and "next man up" is largely garbage (ie: backups are way worse than starters in today's NFL, esp on the OLine). Although they went to the SB with a crap O Line last year, this wave of injuries is big and should make a difference in the game, Hope Frazier has some stuff ready to go .
  15. "Release the Kraken" (ie. designed JA runs). Dorsey held off on this tactic on the early downs this week, but it is coming. Get yer popcorn
  16. Von Miller is the only answer that makes a real difference. And he is gone. Pass rush is no better than it was last playoff season. 97 was the only possible addition to push the middle on Burrow, but he is out out as well. Kind of sucks.
  17. Jackson is out of there, and I don't blame him. They won't franchise him, they are too cheap. Ravens should trade him for a boatload of picks and bring Trent Dilfer back for QB, their team is so boring. Ever watch a Ravens game? Like watching paint dry.
  18. Ok so weather decent.... now... Given the Phins propensity to blitz and their excellent D line, plus their banged up and now weak secondary, time to go empty and light 'em up! get yer popcorn.
  19. If they don't win, then they didn't deserve to be there in the first place. If they do, I just want it to be injury free, so that we can really see what they can do against the Bengals. I don't want to be like the Ravens and Phins, forced to play backup QBs. We already solved the 13 seconds problem by firing the cause. Hopefully the Bills win it all this year; but still think last year was "the year" if Heath Farwell doesn't completely choke.
  20. who the heck flies between B Lo and Atlanta enough to justify a pile of direct flights? come on man..
  21. Well, no. Saffold is on a one year deal , so he won't be back in all likelihood. Bates, Shnow, Morse signed long term, Brown on rookie deal....Doyle will come back from injury and Boettger is already back now , so next year its Bates/Boettger at guard, Schnow/Brown at tackles. I am good with that, but yeah need a guard in the draft in the 2nd or 3rd round for sure to build depth and replace Saffold/Quess... Guys like Hart and VanRoten are playing bc Doyle and Ike have been hurt.
  22. I remember when I played (oh about a hundred years ago) once you found a helmet brand/fit you really liked, you wanted to hang on to it out of fear you would not be able to find that fit again. NFL teams are contracturally stuck with helmet vendors today and his next team may not use the same vendor. Just a thought
  23. If the Chiefs stop the Bills again this year, Von's absence will be the primary reason. Josh will need to have the Superman cape on this year to get past Cinci and KC and Philly/SF , all of whom have big time pass rush specialists.
  24. Lets just get this guy his super bowl t-shirt so he can wear it next time he's out trying to find out what happened to the Two Guys store on Walden Avenue. that ought to be enough. just tell him they won the SB a couple years ago.
  25. yep, sure why not interview him? why interview him: ... let me think, QB coach and OC of a top 3 NFL offense.....was QB coach on our SB team under Riviera so is familiar with organization.....Dan Morgan (who walks on water in Charlotte) vouches for him. .... yeah I think I'll talk to that guy Makes perfect sense to me. In fact he may be a better organizer than the typical play-caller-only OC, who knows?. Which may make him a better HC than a guy who is just an Xs and Os guy. eg. You don't make your best sales guy your VP of Sales. Skill sets are completely different. Just some thoughts.
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