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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. It is the brutal nature of professional sports, and there is always a chance that an injury could show a player the exit door too. Was at a football development camp 4-5 years ago (maybe 6 years...old guy memory issues) for kids in South Chicago where Lavar Arrington spoke to them about how it felt when he ruptured his achilles tendon in his last game with the Giants and knew it was over, how he remembered the smells and sounds, remembered Terrell Owens telling him he would be fine and wanting him to just shut up (real ring of truth there). His point to the kids was that there is life after football, to stay in school, learn about business and investing, etc... He spoke about enjoying his career working in broadcasting, and his startup ventures - I thought he was a great speaker who left those kids with a great message. He didn't crush their hopes, but kept it real. The odds are really slim that you will get into a D1 school and play, or from there make it to the NFL, and even if you beat the odds and make it, most professional athletes do not have long careers. His point was there is more to life than playing the game, that they should have a plan for life (hopefully one they can be content living) after their time playing the sport is over as it ends for every player and could happen at any time.
  2. Fair enough - we are probably splitting hairs on this topic. The thing that stood out for me with Vick (other than the illegal dog fight affair) was how quick his release was on those long throws (often on the run) - it seemed like it was just a snap of the wrist. I have seen Josh rifle it on a rope on some of his mid-range throws and if anything the coaches probably want him to take some of the heat off those throws and throw "catchable" balls to a spot where the receiver will be open against certain coverages vs bullets to where the receiver is at the moment. Some of that is more his maturity and growth, understanding where his open guy will be based on the coverage he is seeing, and then getting the ball there on time. The game just needs to slow down a bit for him and that will only happen with playing time. That being said, they need to keep him upright and out of the emergency room or concussion protocol while he learns the ropes.
  3. So.... how many highlights were you actually expecting from your rookie QB out of Wyoming behind that o-line of misfit castoffs throwing to practice squad receivers and Kelvin?
  4. Yeah - the way he locks on and sticks with his block I could see that.......sans all the "off with his dad's head" business, and being completely bat-***** crazy.
  5. That helmet shot to the head looked pretty deliberate...if it was a QB taking that shot it would make the evening news. Luckily it seemed Teller had a split second to see it coming and was able to roll with the hit a bit. Not feeling too sorry for Jet's Bashum when Teller landed with his knee in his ribs. Miller did get rolled from behind. It is tough for O-Linemen when those bodies start flying around behind your legs.
  6. Ah...man, perfect. I needed a good laugh tonight.
  7. Josh has also shown a lot of hesitation in his throws and that factors into those passes not connecting either. I am hoping that he gets the comfort level to pull the trigger right when he needs to vs that bit of uncertainty that I think throws off the timing and results in the receiver running the route deeper than the throw. Only time will tell, but the front office has to make the o-line a priority - could use 2-3 upgrades. I am still not quite sold on either of our center(s), but I thought that Wood struggled his first few years so maybe just a normal learning curve. I am not big on either starters on the right side in pass pro, or opening running lanes. I have seen too many promising rookie QBs damaged beyond repair behind poor lines so hope this is a priority next year. Wouldn't mind them picking up a good TE too, Clay is hurt as often as he plays and a young QB needs a good TE.
  8. There will be some growing pains with Wallace (that over pursuit and bad angle on the rushing TD), but I think he did a great job extending and breaking up that pass over the middle. Best of all we did not hear his number called for any DPI's. I like his size, and he did not seem to be lost out there - hopefully he turns into a rookie FA steal and one less piece needed.
  9. Good point, and someone else mentioned letting him play elsewhere may be exactly what he wants - so we put up with his lame attitude and we keep him, but I would sit him the rest of the way and play any PS kid we have that shows some heart and hands.
  10. Balls tend to be under-thrown when a QB is back peddling and throwing off his back feet. Not saying there are not accuracy issues, as there have been, but the kid has a cannon and I would like to see what his deep passes look like when he can actually step into some of those throws. I have also seen plenty of Allen's deep passes go right through or off the hands of our elite receiving core. The kid has a high ceiling - maybe he reaches it, maybe he doesn't, but he needs the right support and it is waaaaay too early to tell.
  11. No offense, but up to today Barkley had more in common with Nathan Peterman than any successful NFL QB. His pro stats since being drafted in 2013 were 18 Ints to 8 TDs. I appreciate the steel ones he dangled out there coming off a high school practice field and stepping into an NFL game and playing well, but one game does not a franchise QB make.
  12. Truth. Just trying to temper my optimism. Daboll called a good game and Matt did great executing it. I think Teller at OG is an upgrade in pass protection too...all good things and not going to be a downer. Just keeping it real.
  13. Finally found someone who can fill in when needed and pull out a win and maybe be a good mentor to Josh...hard to imagine Josh listening too closely on the sideline to the pick-6 machine. Tempering this feeling with the fact that the Jets are horrible, but I have seen my Bills play down to the level or get spanked by horrible teams before, so I'll take it. Matt ran the offense, moved the chains, and protected the ball - can't ask for much more than that.
  14. He has made some typically poor moves that defensive-minded coaches make. The question is whether he learns from those mistakes. I think you give this front office time to clear the dead wood and cap, and see if the foundation they lay with draft picks and FA signings starts trending in the right direction.
  15. I like this kid. Strong, and he plays hard to the whistle and finishes blocks. Has to bend his knees a bit more and move his feet, but that is a common thing from guys who have great upper body strength; They tend to try to over power opponents a bit high. He supposedly is not too shabby pulling, if our center play gets close to Dawkins level Daboll may want to leverage that skill a bit more. A lot of talk about FA and if the right guy is there then yeah, but this coming draft is deep with o-line and receiver talent...stars could finally be lining up the right way to infuse some young talent to surround Josh. And we may have just found our veteran backup QB today.
  16. It's not whether he has one bad season or not, it is whether he is right for a young team and QB who are going to go through some growing pains. A young developing QB will need to know his receivers have his back, will fight for balls, or work to bat down or play DB if one is poorly thrown. A prima donna that is going to pout at every poor pass, not fight for any of them, and check out for most of a game because he is not the center of attention is a liability. And when your rookie QB asks to practice and warm up throwing routes to you, you can't be bothered... indefensible. Sorry Kelvin we do not have a ready-made all-star QB and O-line... don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  17. Did you see the pass that was popped up - the Jets db's were diving and trying to pull it out of the turf while Benjamin stood there and did not even make an effort to knock it down or anything. I have seen this behavior before and shocked that McDermott would bring a player like that on this team. Runs counter to the culture he claims he is trying to foster. I agree - needs to be cut... all the skill potential in the world does not make up for coaching staff turning a blind eye to that kind of attitude/effort.
  18. Definitely missing Wood, Incognito, and depth at LT with Glenn trade. I know Richie was bat$hit crazy, but the experience was there. I don't know how many times I see our guards turn inside to help our center, even when he is holding his own, only to let a defender blow by them up the middle on a delayed blitz, twist, or just someone on the outside getting beat on an inside move. They need to be coached up a lot on maintaining good positioning and awareness - if they even have NFL talent. Mills flat out looks and plays soft, saw and completely ignored Matthews coming off the outside for a sack, when both the TE and the running back on his side release off the line on that play. Mills has got to know he has no help, so he looks at a charging Matthews, ignores him and turns inside and look for phantom players to block and lets Josh get rocked...I was steamed from that play on. Matthews didn't resort to any trickery, the Bills just have O-Linemen who apparently feel a player like Matthews does not have to be blocked. Daboll was trying to get our RBs involved in the passing game, but what choice does he have as these trench guys currently suck - he has to design plays that get the ball out of Josh's hands early, stick with the screens as defenses are being over aggressive right now, move the pocket - designed rollouts that cut the field in half for Josh and give him the sideline to run out or toss it away. And yeah, there were more than a few coverage sacks, and GB had their edge guys spying Josh to take away any scrambling opportunities. I agree with Sal... unless those boys up front show some kind of quantum improvement, McDermott needs to load up on OL and WR talent this next draft.
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