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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. Don't get hung up on completion percentage, it is a truly misleading stat. Does not take into account dropped passes, or times when the best play is to throw it away. On the flip side, there are guys with ridiculous completion percentages and QB ratings who will without fail take the easy dump off pass 4-6 yards short of the sticks on every 3 and long play. Sure they completed the pass - meaningless in the grand scheme of the game as you have to trot out your punting unit. Rather have someone with the stones to try to get the first down or more. Best thing you can do is see if Allen is making passes he missed the week before, is he throwing it away when he should, is he getting it into his WRs hands, is he pushing it down the field to move the chains... work in progress folks, but I am more stoked by this kid's play than I have been for a Bills QB in a long time and I am going to allow myself to have a bit of hope for this team. And sure, I may end up crying in my beer - been there done that enough, but why not enjoy the ride a bit.
  2. I agree with you there - there are a few that keep NFL stats on drops, but college ranks I got nothing. I really wanted to look at the top-end WR prospects in the draft and see who had the most drops... particularly the top-end TE's like Fant. I don't really want Josh to take a lot off his throws, I want to see the ball on a rope for the comeback routes, quick outs and slants. And folks act like a 60 yard pass needs to have more of a rainbow.... there is certainly room to grow, but I would like them to find tools that could work with Josh's strong arm rather than Josh trying to soften those throws. Yes, there needs to be touch on those screens and bubble plays, but I have seen a lot of growth in that area from Josh - enough to give me some confidence that he is getting good coaching and that he is coachable.
  3. Not too hard to find. They are the guys that are strangely silent every time he does something amazing under pressure, and who fall all over themselves posting at every poor decision or executed play.
  4. Just having a bit of an off season... he will learn from it. Early success can sometimes make someone think they are better than they are, but I think Tre is driven to get better - he will be fine.
  5. So predictable...so when is a QB definitively there... Canton?
  6. Most teams know that Tre is usually singled up on receivers - he is 5' 11" and has been struggling locating the ball at the "high point" going against a receiver who is 6' 4".... not a huge gamble and one worth taking for opposing teams.
  7. OK Mr. Negativity... but seriously, can't argue with you on the ugly in this game. But we have a rookie at QB, 3-4 string WR's, 4th string RB, scrubs and rookies on o-line, whereas Detroit.... I'll take a win.
  8. should have guessed the Allen-keeper... hard to blame the coaches, the kid makes a high percentage of those
  9. c'mon Ford get the ball over the line before you wander out of bounds... awareness kid.
  10. I feel bad for Rosen... Allen has a bad supporting cast too, but Rosen is getting killed and if Josh had the ints Rosen has it would be pitchforks and torches in B-Lo
  11. I would never call that play near the end of a meaningless game.
  12. needs a quick out route... Josh can get it there in a hurry, but can our WR catch them.
  13. The difference is bad play by Josh most of us say "bad play, he will learn from that". The haters take it too far in the other direction, "he will never be good".
  14. Allen sucks... get rid of him. Hate what he does with time.... bad play call.... blah blah blah.
  15. No. Pro's catch those balls not just fly balls they can run under. Hits you in the hands - catch. Period.
  16. found a site that listed teams with most passes dropped... Arizona was the worst, and the Bills were hot on their tails... probably passed them today
  17. Our secondary is not the same one we had last year... how do you have 4-5 defenders playing off the one guy running down seam.
  18. relax, they have most of the practice squad out there starting... no way is that causing any confusion or poor play. Is what it is at this point... draft and FA and some turnover on the roster. Should have shopped Shady when they had the chance though.
  19. hate to say it folks... just get out of this ***t- show with no more injuries.
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