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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. Granted I would like to see more push, but when the opposing team is doubling Star and Phillips or whoever we have as our interior DT's on a run, then the Mike is supposed to fill that gap while they occupy the blockers. That is where some of us old-timers would like to see a linebacker with instincts to shed blocks, and fill the gap, or at least hit the right gap with enough leverage and strength to drive back a lead blocker. If he fills that gap rather than missing it, waiting, or getting blown up by lead blocking because of poor technique and leverage, then the runner often has to try to bounce it outside, runs more East-West, loses momentum, and can be more easily taken down by your safeties and corners. Although I have to say that Wallace has not impressed me coming up in run support - kid needs to be shown some tackling 101 film staring a Bills tackling legend at corner Antoine Winfield. Unlike their spotty and downright awful scouting of WR's, the Bills have usually been a solid organization finding good-to-excellent linebackers. The sky is not falling, but that history of having really solid active linebackers who could play the run only makes this kid's lack of ability in that area stand out more to us. I have seen the cracks in this team's run "D" all year and felt our defensive ranking was more than a bit misleading. I was wondering when a coach would just decide to run the ball down our throats - that is just what Belichick did. Once we were ridiculously over-committed to trying to stop the run, that allowed the outlet passes to Edelman to get behind the defense with no one near to prevent the long gainers or TD's. We sucked pretty bad yesterday - McDermott has a lot of soul-searching to do this off season - they need to jettison some good team players that lack the talent to execute at this level and I think perhaps a few position coaches. Unfortunately when your job is to produce wins, sentimentality has to take a back seat. This team (with the exception of Colton Schmidt) seems ridiculously attached to some players where the team just needs to be smart and move on.
  2. Yeah, there was one poster blaming the coaching staff for that... and I could not let it slide. Sure McD and Daboll call some head-scratchers, but I can just about guarantee there was not a coach on the Bills sideline that was not yelling, "Get the "F" down!" to Croom. Absolutely no reason to not take what the defense already gave you, give the ball to your team on the 5, and allow someone else to punch it in. The hero stuff is for idiots, especially when anyone playing the game should have been aware that NE had been trying to strip/punch the ball out all game long - like they are coached to do. Get your damn knee, or elbow down and take the yards. Not that it would have changed the end of the game, but it would have made it more bearable to watch to see that long completion turn into something meaningful instead of Croom finding a Billsy way to sna*ch defeat from the jaws of victory on a play - all of us are sick of watching Bills teams that beat themselves. (the bad word filter does not take into account legit context)
  3. He is rangy and fast enough to play OLB, worth a shot...with his length and obvious speed he could perhaps be a decent edge rusher My issues with him this year playing the middle has been his inability to attack the right gaps in run support and the poor arm tackles. Seems much more comfortable playing in space defending the check-down passes (which he does well) than shedding blockers and getting a bit dirty at the LOS. Tends to play a bit too much on his heels, waiting for runs to come to him. Other times he just seems lost when it come to recognizing his "fits" against the run, so when he does attack the LOS, it is like he randomly picks a gap and it isn't anywhere near where he needs to be to make the play. Some of his struggles are due to a hesitation or lack of aggressiveness needed at the Mike position. A lot of teams were high on this kid so it is too early to be saying bust, but teams are going to continue to attack him and this line with runs till he can step up that area of his game that requires him to attack the LOS - it isn't even close to where it needs to be.
  4. There is no good reason to keep an expensive Shady who cannot stay healthy and has been getting worse at staying healthy each year. And he keeps getting the bad hammy just in practice. The good football decision is for the Bills to cut ties and save the money and invest in the O-Line along with some young RB's. This is true too. As there are times when our DT's tie up the blockers and the Bills defensive staff is looking for the linebackers to cleanly fill the right gaps, but on many of those plays Edmunds is either guessing the wrong gap, or playing back on his heels which is an automatic 5+ yards given up.
  5. It was funny how he was wandering around looking for someone to talk to about how his hands don't work... everyone was like, get away from me you freaking loser. That is saying something from our sideline today - someone whose play was worse than the rest of the team.
  6. I want to see the INS deport him to the CFL... he can play in Canada.
  7. No that is the positives.... and the ST's and Darr again getting it done.
  8. Deep breath folks. Smells like dead fish, but we knew we were not going anywhere this season, the "D" did not get the Pats to rely on Brady's noodle-arm, and we all knew the Bills are the walking dead and need to re-tool this off season. It sucks though - I know, I get it, but the sky is not falling and Belichick is making a rookie look like one.
  9. No. Totally on Josh... there are folks that do see both the good and the bad.
  10. he did not have the best game. If the Bills had not given up over 200 yards of rushing... his coach knows his arm ain't what it was and knew he could beat the Bills running it. Smart move. I hate the Bills D getting that great ranking... thought they sucked against the run all year. Just shows you what a pass-happy league it is.
  11. Another penalty.. but its the Patriots we just give them a do-over
  12. He's made some mistakes, but he also made enough plays that with some help could have been game-changers... and no push or running game to speak of really. He needs to learn to hit those underneath routes, but that will come. Weird that we have a QB that you have to "teach" to check it down.
  13. I know, but this guy is shanking 30 yarders... how is that better. How long is that guy with the Spanish name going to be on IR, wonder why he hasn't been activated. Not very knowledgeable about those rules as many on the wall, but he could boot it.
  14. I would've run Ford at least twice when we were backed up. Not a fan of the play-calling there.
  15. Yeah, I don't see this guy as an upgrade.. what is their deal with Schmidt? He is not great, but he is better than this.
  16. Interesting that the announcers said that the Bills wanted to get Brady one-dimensional "throwing" and they planned on stopping the run. One it shows that teams are no longer scared of Brady's arm, but also shows how badly the Bills suck at run D. Has to be corrected in the off season.
  17. Edelman is eating our lunch on the dump off passes - folks really know where it is going ... execute already.
  18. Not the brightest players.. I can almost guarantee you that the coaches were yelling at Croom to get down. When coaching you see this from pop warner all the way thru college, you always have players who carry the ball in one hand like a handle or who always struggle for more yards when they have the 1st down and don't need to fight for extra yardage. And yes, you are yelling at them to get the "F" down and take what the defense gave you.
  19. Literally the sole bright spot other than ST's found their coverage skills
  20. This is what bad teams and rookies do... they try to do too much and then come the injuries and the turnovers.
  21. As many have noted in this defense you count on the "Edmunds role" for a lot of stops. He is not getting it done this year and is lacking a lot of fundamentals. He is either late attacking his gap, attacking the wrong gap, or he is in position but misses tackles. He has a lot of the raw tools, but he is very raw and I hope he makes a jump because this "D" does not work without that position being more than solid.
  22. Edmunds still playing too much on his heels... needs to hit those gaps before the blockers get to him. Growing pains.
  23. Truth, but if those were our corners the flags would be a' flying.
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