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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. Please let it be over soon. He can live out of a trailer while the Raiders look for a home.
  2. Fair enough, as he was a recruit of Polian's. I did not think that Buddy was terrible, but he was better when working with Butler and A J Smith than as a solo GM. Better suited to keeping the wheels from falling off an organization than rebuilding one...probably hung around a bit longer than he should have. He knew the South Eastern College circuit really well and was a good head scout in his day. Found some good players, but also brought in an over-hyped, over-priced Mario Williams.
  3. Butler was no slouch as a GM...got on the wrong side of Ralph. He and A J Smith built a competitive Chargers team out of the ashes.
  4. I was kind of pissed he swung at this pitch to begin with, because there is a bit to much diva in AB for my taste. I get the idea of kicking the tires on a proven commodity. Still, I am glad he walked away from the deal. And you are right, when the Bills do find that receiver who does fit our team needs (without creating a host of other issues), maybe then AB will be able to watch the highlights of that guy catching 60 yard bombs from Allen.
  5. So just complaining about our last 2 decades? Been there myself. Not sold that Gronk would have made the same impact as a Bill, but that is just my opinion considering our GMs, coaching, and QB capabilities. Moving on.
  6. Yep, the next role guy steps up. And when Gronk goes down...the same thing. The point is you do not need prima donnas and stat-padding players, you just need role players who can get it done and good coaching. Not sure if you are just listing NE players you have heard of, or defending some point that top tier (stat-wise) receivers are needed for success. Are you saying AB is going to bring a championship to his next team?
  7. Who is the #1 receiver for NE? They certainly have players who can step up, but they win because if the game plan calls for a lot of running the ball, the players play their roll sans bitching. If there is a mismatch, that is what they are going to exploit and egos take a back seat. Players like AB can cycle thru teams over their career padding their personal stats, but when they are near the end of their career and want a ring, they will step into Belichick's office and say, "I'll be anything your team needs me to be". One if the reasons NE can attract solid vets that still have a few miles left in the tank. You don't need prima donna all stars to field a dominant team, just talented players who are well coached, who can execute their roles.
  8. Usually in pretty good lock-step on your takes, but I did not like this move by Beane at all. Felt too much like a page out of the Dan Snyder book of team building. Sign big name, generate buzz, sell seats, team sucks, rinse and repeat.
  9. Nixed because AB did not want to go to Buffalo...huh? Why would Beans go after this me-first clown to begin with? I thought McDermott said he was looking for team guys and role players on offense, not prima donnas; From what I have read AB is like the anti-role player. That deal had the stink of marketing deal to gen buzz and fill seats, rather than bring in the right guys that can help the team move forward and win more games sans drama. Disappointed with that kind of product marketing thinking, the same kind that brought Wrecks and his name recognition and ego to the Bills.
  10. I lot of folks talking about that move and I see zero chance that McDermott moves him this year. They went out and grabbed a new o-line coach with a good track record, and they will no doubt give him the opportunity to get Dawkins back on track at LT. IMO
  11. Trying to think a bit longer term on the o-line development front grooming your future starters, not the patch & pray many teams employ today. Also, the kid is a stud who could step in early if/when the injury bug hits your veteran FA. With o-line demand teams should plan ahead for when the contracts expire as you will likely not be able to out-bid teams desperate to fill holes with proven vets....much like the Bills this year. I think the Bills just got caught with their pants down with Incognito going completely off the rails and retiring over Twitter, and Wood's forced injury retirement. I give them a bit of a pass for what looked on the surface like really bad continuity planning.
  12. Like a lot of professional sports, the simple purpose of an event can be overtaken by the marketing hype. Not that unusual. Teams have already narrowed down their short list, sent scouts to their schools and games, and as someone indicated this is just their chance to verify their assessment and interview the guys they like. They can always do more follow-ups on pro days too. I wonder how short the combine would be if it was just measurements and interviews and they eliminated all the mandatory media events. Probably less time to sit around, drink booze, and get introspective.
  13. Needs someone to work on his technique. Particularly hand placement and footwork. That, and probably more lower body strength. Too often he let defenders get into his chest and steer him. The good news is even with bad technique he often had the raw upper body strength to wrestle defenders down. It wasn't pretty, but there is something to build upon.
  14. I think next year is the year you draft our center... Biadasz Wisconsin. Pretty sure he would have been a late 1st round pick this year if he declared. He didn't.
  15. Kind of the way it works as GMs are the ones signing the checks. Polite and Murray aren't interviewing GMs for GM roles. They are being interviewed and owe it to themselves to be prepared. The better a player interviews and can demonstrate and diagnose plays on the board, the better their chances of being drafted or being drafted earlier, unless they are doing poorly in the drills too. Being drafted earlier means more money, so it is smart to come physically and mentally prepared. Feedback about how players interview and their board work aren't confidential and are talked about every year... If they go over film with a player and he is asked why did you screw up this play and he gets defensive and upset, they are picturing what their coaches and team will be dealing with when trying to correct mistakes during film, practice, and games. Same thing when asking players to draw up plays on a board and detail assignments. How well did the player understand the scheme he was in and everyone's role. They basically are looking for how coachable is this prospect, and do we think he is a good fit for our team.
  16. That lack of ability or stiffness to make cuts may have more to do with the lack of route variety coaches had Mecalf run at Ol Miss than anything else. Maybe why they leaned more on those go, slat, and post routes I have seen on his highlight plays where he could leverage his straight-line speed. Also with the number of plays where defenses probably had a safety over the top, that could explain the lower number of opportunities he had over the course of his college season. I did not follow Ol' Miss games so I could not say for sure, so perhaps someone that followed more closely could weigh in. Was just thinking about the Ol' Miss QB and most college QBs will go somewhere other than where they see safety help over top. Unless they really trust their arm to thread a pass into double coverage... Before the Metcalf fans freak out, I am not saying he is not a good prospect, just that a dose of sanity may have been needed to offset the strength and 40 hype - all prospects come with some things they need to work on... depends if teams feel those areas are big concerns or little ones that can be coached up.
  17. The McBeane certainly are not sentimental about keeping the prior regime picks. Went through the Bills roster like a pipe cleaner.
  18. Most of mine are injury related. A few bad accidents, and some bone-headed injuries from the weight room back in the old days when strength coaches did not have degrees from colleges. No pain no gain...right.
  19. That was just a play on Rosen's own words that "over the next decade" teams would regret not taking him. If the Cards do draft QB after just one year with Rosen and with a new regime, you have to wonder.
  20. It's not like Allen had a clean pocket to throw from... I believe most stat sites had the Cards and the Bills o-lines rated as worst and next worst.
  21. No one cares... it is humorous in its irony. Like a pro player pointing over the fence with his bat and then grounding out and tripping over his own feet on his way to 1st base. Why do you care so much - Rosen fan?
  22. Attitude yes, but there is such a thing as using your "inside words" What I really like is all the crow those NFL talking heads will have to eat who kept saying "clearly more NFL-ready" about Rosen over Allen.
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