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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. Sorry to hear about that. The rules for high school leagues are already different and should be. There are already pretty strict contact rules in place. It can be a dangerous situation. A lot of kids are new to the game, and are not sure what they should be doing. Even with the stricter rules. Plenty of guys coaching HS shouldn't be too, parents should feel right about a program and ask around first. It's a tough as a coach, but the NFL has been putting a lot of money into supporting HS football, drilling proper technique, money towards better equipment, and you will still have that kid that leads with the crown, gets his head bent and leaves your heart in your throat. Our league did not have any rules against cut blocks, but i would not let the boys use them...yeah, lets mangle some high school kids knees in front of his mom. Some other schools however, had the Neanderthal coaches who would cut our linemen constantly. Usually ended up with some kind of exchange if I could not get the refs to step in - usually they would if pointed out. Once in college and pros most of the athletes not named Alonzo should have a clue about what constitutes fast, hard play vs dangerous career-ending plays.
  2. Of course those ass-hats would pick that play and not the one where our freaking kicker got destroyed. That group is so bent. All I see is one more thing to slow the game down to a crawl, and the blind side is apparently the front side with the numbers, but only blind when someone does not see it coming...do all blocks have to be directly in front of a player while he is paying attention. What a hot mess. But on the bright side more long drawn out penalties, more commercials.
  3. The Forest Gump of QBs? Even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and then? Seriously, Baltimore is about the only place he would be that successful and kudos to them for putting him in the right kind of offense to maximize his skills. Roman is the right OC for him too. Never knew that about Kelly and Marino...WTF. Were they up all night doing shots before taking the test? - would not have surprised me.
  4. No worries...didn't see enough to know for sure and never followed the kid before, but we could prob upgrade that position. Interesting approach with all the older RBs the McBeane wants to stock the roster with. Those guys know their business, but they also get dinged fairly easily too.
  5. Not sure if that is very fair to a kid that injuries forced into the lineup and he did a good job toting the rock when his number came up. Little harsh and that is coming from someone not known for going easy on our players.
  6. That was my take since it is a bit rare that you pick up an OL prospect that can put his hand on the ground and play at an NFL level. Since most take a few seasons to coach up you may as well look for those later round prospects if there is no elite talent that has separated themselves as a consensus 1st rd talent. There's a guard from Oklahoma that has come up on the Wall, and I lean toward Badger OL prospects...they have a good guard in this draft that has played all across their line. I like the versatility.
  7. I think they lack that DT that can be disruptive and play on the other side of the LOS, but I agree with your draft take. I think quality EDGE players are less deep than DT this draft so if they stay at 9, I think that is where they will go. If they trade down I am less sure as the BPA then could be some offensive prospects too. If they pick a DB in the 1st, I will probably throw something at the tv.
  8. Lot of ways to take it...think he just wants to be in a position in the draft where he can truly focus on BPA that can contribute pretty quickly. The comment about depth in the draft just sounds like common sense. If a position is deep they can afford to address it in later rounds or be pretty confident about the type of player they can get, if there is a significant drop off after the first few, then you might bump that up on your board, or make it a Free Agency priority instead. Free Agency around the o-line acquisitions could be that the tackles and guards projected to go early were just not the right value proposition, poor quality depth in the draft, or it could be they wanted to surround Josh with some veterans to help slow the game down for him a bit and provide stability.
  9. Likely they scouted him and just decided not to cover the slow guy with a T-Rex catching radius.
  10. Good point. The so-called "pocket" behind the Bills line was the least safe place for a QB to hang around last year. For a QB used to doing it all, it will be an interesting growth year for Josh if things gel and he has the support tools around him he has rarely had.
  11. Usually keeps his eyes downfield as long as he can while escaping from pressure so it is not a panic thing, but if he sees a seam the defense is giving up he does not hesitate. Have to admit I breathed a sigh of relief when he started to slide more later in the season...and was furious when Kiko still came in with the flying elbow and knee.
  12. Thought they would be, this seals it IMO.
  13. Yep - my money is on DL or Edge early. I do think there are some intriguing depth WR prospects later this draft, they don't have to reach for anyone.
  14. I thought that too, when he talked about WRs need to catch the ball first, but WRs also have to be football players - that means sometimes you knock a ball away from a defender, or tackle someone on a turnover, or block. Remembering that KB body language if there was a contested pass...back off let the defenders have a shot at it, avoid any contact, then nonchalantly stroll back to the huddle.
  15. I saw more touch on those shorter swing and wheel routes as the season progressed, unless he was avoiding a sack and had to rush the throw just to get it near the receiver. Those 30 yard posts and digs in tighter coverage were often on a rope, so our guys should think about wearing good gloves:) With Foster and Brown on the outside teams are just going to have to pick their poison, should see our share of cover 2 and 3 with plenty of underneath options for good yardage...throw in Beasley who is great at exploiting those matchups, a running game that demands some respect...Daboll has got to be chomping at the bit with all these new toys.
  16. Teller flashed moments, but could use more time and coaching up so I think you are on to something and he may well sit. Hard to tell what we had in Teller with the jail breaks going on all around him, but on another thread we discussed this in depth. General consensus was he needs to work on recognizing stunts, his lower body stregth, lateral speed\movement\staying square, hand placement and leverage, and toss in his kick slides. So....it was a bit early to throw him to the wolves and he needs a lot of work, but I think the raw talent is there, drive, and upper body strength. If uncovered he had a tendency to turn his shoulders to help on double-teams giving up a soft edge for delayed blitzes, twists, or stunts. This was not limited to Teller - seemed like a problem across the line whenever defenses attacked the gaps to try to create those opportunities. Just not fully baked yet, but solid coaching, NFL level strength training, and having proven vets around him will speed the development along, if the Bills decide to give him some more time.
  17. Gotta love these Cover 1 breakdowns. Very well done.
  18. I just think there are a lot of maturity issues with Polite, although I will not deny his productivity and hustle. I read an article where he was given advice at Florida to stay another year. They wanted him to consider the defensive depth in this year's draft, and they felt another year could help him better develop his game. He would not listen. They also tried to prep him for what he would face in the combine, but that did not seem to stick either. He just did not do himself any favors and came off as a bit of a slow-blinker. Some team will pick him up as he has flashed the raw potential, but he is a project in regards to his coachability and poor habits. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/03/jachai-polite-combine-40-time-interviews
  19. Allen was pressured on nearly 40% of his drop backs. That was close to, if not the worst in the league. It's a bit of a waste of time to talk accuracy at this stage. There is a reason why the staff at OBD retooled both the line and coaching there. QBs forced to throw while under pressure generally do pretty poorly - we all know this right? Rookies and castoffs at WR did not help, although Foster worked to get better. KB went to KC and did what he did best - drop catchable balls from Mahomes. Beans stressed in his presser when talking about Beasley and Brown that they wanted to get some veteran WRs this off-season so that they would have guys that will run the right route to the right depth. He could be shifting blame, or Josh could have legit been throwing to where his receivers were supposed to be on enough occasions to warrant the upgrades. It's fine to argue these points...made me look up things I would not otherwise, but did not change my perception when watching games that the kid is trending in the right direction.
  20. Oh man....had kind of blocked that out of my memory. Buzz kill much?
  21. And not to make excuses, but even last year I thought there were games where Allen put the team in position to win just to have our "D" go limp, or Special Teams crap the bed and pave the way for another loss. This line of thinking seems a bit myopic. There is more to a winning season than Allen playing lights out.
  22. Can't dismiss the 2 game handicap. We play Belichick twice each year. The guy who regularly makes "great" offenses look pedestrian and outclassed. Going to be tough for the young guns in our division. Trial by fire.
  23. https://www.usatoday.com/sports/nfl/arrests/ Build a draft out of this list and weed out the "weed" guys and just focus on the assault and domestic violence guys. The player with the "insider trading" rap sheet has Mr Irrelevant written all over him.
  24. Totally agree. Almost, if not as important as the infusion of veteran talent on the o-line, was OBD's quick grab of Bobby Johnson, who was working under Dave Deguglielmo in Indy, and under D'Alessandris for the Bills during the Gailey era. He has been a part of some really successful programs and worked under solid o-line coaches. Those lines could pass protect and open holes in the run game. I am hopeful that the apple does not fall very far from the tree as he drops the assistant title. We will see how these guys gel, but they could become dominant. A lot of new parts that will need some time to come together, but there is reason to be optimistic.
  25. There seemed to be quite a lot of critique of Allen not settling in the pocket and taking the easy throws underneath. The Bills took a QB who mostly had to run for his life and carry his team in Wyoming, to our Bills squad where he mostly had to run for his life and carry the offense. Get that protection fixed, then the kid can maybe approach the game a different way than he is used to. With better protection and a supportive run game, he can grow into the QB we all want to see him become.
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