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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. I had forgotten that Miami pillaged Marvin Allen for their assistant GM leaving that Senior National Scout position vacant. Miami had a better draft than expected and the Rosen pickup was not too shabby with their current needs and depth at QB.
  2. Safeties up or playing cover 1 then take your deep shots. If 2 deep zone, run or work the middle with Beasley, RBs releasing, or your TEs. Throw in a few Daboll "fun" plays to take advantage of any defensive tendencies. And overall less offensive miscues leading to penalties and bad field position.
  3. There have been a lot of similar comments about Wrecks way of running the team and lack of discipline and that the staff did not seem like they were on the same page. I think a team can get lucky and have things just come together, but to be consistently competitive you have to have a solid foundation and good leadership from top to bottom with everyone on the same page. When Crossman's kickoffs against the Jets were line drives to their dangerous return guy and the Bills paid the price you could tell McDermott in his post-game presser was livid. He kept a lid on it mostly, but it was clear he expected the kickoffs to go anywhere, but near Andre Roberts. I know players have to execute, but coaches are ultimately responsible for being on the same page with their game plan and coaching up their units to do that. Crossman did not get it done, they replaced him... jury is out on the new guy getting his unit better prepared. I don't see a lot of cronyism in the McBeane management of this team's staff, you either are getting the job done and have a passing grade, or they are going to shop the staff position around to see if they can upgrade it.
  4. I think we talked about "prescriptive BPA" here before. You don't just pick the best athlete at a random position, you take the best player available on your board who aligns as a good (non-reach) value for that round and pick that also fits either a current or future team need. Beans also evaluates draft depth at certain positions of team need to see if free agency is a better option prior to creating their board. I think that is in part why they wanted Morse...not very many quality centers in this draft AND I think they were looking for a proven commodity.
  5. Hopefully not mine. After we did not addess TE or Recever at the top of the 3rd I was pissed. Should have stayed up long enough to see them trade back into the 3rd for Knox.
  6. That was awesome to see, Beane runs a tight ship. He did say that they had high grades on a few guys at 9, but Ed was the highest grade on their board. With all the time they spent scouting and interviewing Oliver you know he was the guy they wanted from the opening bell, and they got their guy and did not have to trade away a dime to do it. I thought Oliver was a top 3 or 4 pick, and when the draft went QB first the chips started to fall our way. I don't think Hockenson was ever on their radar as I think their plan going in was to address TE in round 4 because it was such a deep class. I still like the kid, but glad we got our guy. The reason I think they were originally thinking a TE would fall to them in the 4th was how he responded to the run on TE's in the 3rd (Josh Oliver, Jace Sternberger, Kahale Warring) if they were going to get a TE that still had a decent grade on their board they were going to have to move back into the 3rd to do it. Hard for me to believe that the Bills have such a well-prepared and decisive group running its draft.
  7. We watch this team, they don't. We know the kind of QB we saw in Allen the first game, and the kind of QB we had in the final game that stepped on Miami's throat and did not let up. There are more reputable places that do deeper dives, and it "ain't" that hard to tell them apart. Sure Allen has work to put in, but we have already seen that his game is trending in the right direction. Gotta win games now to shut'em up, but I don't want them fawning all over us either when we turn the corner. I am not conditioned to handle that.
  8. Both he and Milano had growing pains in their ability to hit the right gaps (fits) against the run. Was either caught flat-footed behind the line getting rolled, or guessing completely wrong and taking himself out of the play. I think it is just a learning curve thing as Edmunds did get better later in the year. Slowly developing players is a dated concept as teams often throw rookies into starting roles to sink or swim, we should expect there to be some transition and learning - especially at LB.
  9. And Miami and the Jets are so much farther along? And I have mentioned before the toll playing QB takes on a body. I count each year a dude plays QB in the NFL like dog years. That makes Brady something like 300 years old. Not very scientific I know, but the Pats are vulnerable this year. I would avoid firm prognostication when it comes to the AFC East this year.
  10. I wonder where he pulled that young QBs do poorly with defensive-minded head coaches. I think it may be just the opposite. Defensive-minded head coaches ask less from their QBs and often look for run-heavy ball control efforts, long drives that eat clock, and no turnovers. Whereas the so-called offensive gurus can ruin a young QB with a foot thick playbook and asking too much too soon. Subjective at best based on the coordinators and position coaches for each team. Matt Patricia seemed to do pretty well with Mahomes... He has Rosen flourishing under Miami's new defensive-minded head coach, yet has Allen doomed to fail because we have a head coach with a defensive coaching background. More holes than Swiss cheese in this bent assessment. I'm going with classic Bills hater here.
  11. Beane talked a lot about wanting receivers who ran the correct routes to the right depth too. Beasley graded out very high on being exactly where he is supposed to be, when he is supposed to be there. It can't hurt for a young QB trying to learn to trust his quick reads to have this kind of receiver. I forget what video it was, but they were talking to Foster about the long TD he caught that Allen threw from under a pile of bodies. Foster said that Allen told him he would throw the ball right to the bottom of the 40 and that is exactly where the ball met Foster. It is uncanny how accurate his deep ball can be.
  12. This actually cracks me up. I hope Allen does so well this year that the rest of the pundits start tripping over themselves trying to revise their doom to luke-warm predictions. Say what you want about Kiper, but he does not always follow the herd and takes some chances and heat for his opinions. I can respect that, even if he is waay off some times. Then you have McShay of the play it safe herd-mentality trying to backtrack...ahhhh the sweet aroma of crow for dinner.
  13. You could be right... I think he has reversed course on past retirement comments. We will see.
  14. Not sure if Rudolph has lived up to his draft status. When drafted thought he was more that limited flex receiving option TE and less an inline blocker. That was the case and he was even a bit slow to pickup the passing game at an NFL level. Over the years I think he has become a more complete TE, but perhaps the ceiling is not where the Vikings want it to be and 7 years in they should have a good idea on that. Probably the right idea to shop him to see what they can get...he works as a role player. A team like NE could pick him up on the cheap and figure out how to squeeze more production out of him I am sure with the Gronk-sized vacuum they have currently.
  15. Not sure if that is completely fair. I think a many of us were just surprised that the Bills went RB at the top of the 3rd when they brought in the RB free agents they did and had as many on the roster that they had. As it stands they likely will have to make some roster moves. I was thinking maybe a RB in the 4th or later rounds that they could stash on the PS, but nothing more. Also hard to nail down a type when it comes to their draft board. Which also has less to do with the kid's talent and more to do with trying to get a handle on how this FO evaluates prospects. Singletary, unimpressive combine and measurables, roll the tape and you see amazing production and he ends up high on Beane's board. Knox, great measurables and combine showing, roll the tape and little to no production yet high enough on Beane's board to trade up into the 3rd to get him. What it shows you is that other than work ethic and character, there is not an easily predictable "type". The Bills really do a deep dive on these guys to project how successful they can be in the program the Bills want to run. It is not a narrow evaluation process of limited variables.
  16. Not to borrow worry, but if the refs were calling "roughing the Brady" on just his shoulder pad getting tickled last season just wait till Oliver plants him going 90 miles an hour. Even if it is text book, the laundry is going to fly - Hughes will have to console his new line mate and explain the "unspoken rules" of playing in the AFC East. Not to wish injury on anyone, but I think after facing Oliver, Wilkins, and Williams 6X this coming season, odds are good that Brady decides to hang up those cleats and leave on top of his game rather than a gurney. He's 41 years old - it's time for AFC East teams to convince him to move on.
  17. Not sure where I sit with the Star signing. Good player, but does not seem to be a fit for their 3T defensive tackle philosophy in a 4 man front who are normally expected to get up field rather than collect and absorb blockers. When you hear Frazier talk about him your brain thinks space eating NT... the guy is not slacking, on some All 22 reviews it is clear that he did occupy a lot of double-teams. It's a curious thing and I have to take a closer look at how they use him this year, where he lines up and with what personnel packages.
  18. Trade for picks, and try to do whatever NE does to work the comp system to get 9+ picks a year Beane. I think you are spot on. Don't just let players still under deals to walk for nada. They may not be a fit for the Bills, but injuries and such always leave a few teams with desperate holes to fill early.
  19. Fort Knox....you know he's money, he's gold. A bit early, but he could grow into his nickname potential
  20. Oliver is explosive. The only knock on him was when Houston lined him up in a 0 technique at nose where it allowed him to get tangled up with a center and then blown off his base with the late double team from either guard. He's a gap-shooting 3T all the way, McDermott and every defensive coordinator that runs the 4-3 as their base knows it. In space over a gap, with his power, and how low his pad level is when he fires out of his stance, he will be very difficult for offensive linemen to get any kind of meaningful position or leverage against to block him. I am expecting a backfield wrecking ball, that will disrupt timing, force RB's to change direction into pursuit. There is always the "if" factor with any drafted prospect, but none can fault this staff for not going after exactly what the defensive line needed. Pressure off the edge opposite Hughes may still be an issue, but we will see .
  21. Maybe Darryl Johnson edge guy we took in the 7th? Small school, but the kid has the size, frame, and bend off the edge. He dominated against inferior competition, but that is what you are looking for at small schools, guys that other teams had to focus on quite a bit that still won their matchups. They will hit the NFL nutrition and strength regimen with him and it will be interesting to see if they found another diamond in the rough.
  22. Thanks for the assist hemma was getting the business from the wife to get off my phone and in a rush. Fixed.
  23. Pretty objective piece. I like the kid and he's young and has room to grow into his game. Interesting to see how much Daboll works him into the offense. With Kroft on board the Bills can ease this kid's into his development and not overwhelm him out of the gate.
  24. Saw another Dallas article where they were comparing him to Witten...not too shabby for any TE. Poor QB play, and too little involvement in the offense could explain the poor catch ratio. I like how he catches the ball on his clips where he is catching the ball. Away from his body with pretty good form. Kid seems pretty fearless too, no KB-esk alligator-arming passes because he sees the safety coming into view. I think we may have a keeper, and trying to stay cautiously optimistic. Been years since I looked forward this much for a season to get rolling.
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